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  3. Higher Starting Level and Specialist Balancing Improvements!

Higher Starting Level and Specialist Balancing Improvements!

It’s not long to go until we release our next update with lots of exciting improvements. From 19th March, it will be possible to start playing the game from a higher level! The update also brings balancing changes for a number of specialists, a raft of quality-of-life improvements, and more.

[h3]Specialist Balancing[/h3]

We’ve overhauled numerous specialists to make playing the game with them more fun and give them a sprucing up. Three specialists have had a major overhaul, while a further seven have seen a number of tweaks.

There are major changes to:
  • Mystic Arts
  • Sunchaser
  • Warrior

Plus smaller tweaks for:
  • Assassin
  • Scout
  • Fire Storm
  • Thunderer
  • Tide Lord
  • Archmage
  • Voodoo Priest

[h3]Start at Level 56[/h3]

As with every rookie hero in NosVille, you’ve taken your first steps into the world as an Adventurer, holding that wooden sword awkwardly in your hand, swinging it clumsily at your enemies. But those days are long behind you. As an experienced defender of NosVille, you know the ins and outs of adventuring, and have experienced all the challenges which new Adventurers need to face and could complete them with your eyes closed.
That’s why with the new update you will now be able to start out in the world of NosTale at level 56! In future you’ll have new options when creating a character, though of course you’ll still be able to start out fresh as a level-1 Adventurer if you prefer.

When creating your character you’ll find the following options in future:
  • Adventurer (Level 1, just as before)
  • Martial Artist (Level 81, only available if you already have another level-80 character)
  • NEW – Archer (Level 56)
  • NEW – Swordsman (Level 56)
  • NEW – Mage (Level 56)

If you choose to start at level 56, you’ll of course get some suitable gear so you can start playing straight away. You’ll have 4 fairies with the different elements, each with 30% energy, weapons (plus ammunition) and armour suitable to your class, plus your first specialist cards with resistances. And naturally you’ll have an array of skills already unlocked. Everything you need to dive straight into the adventure!

[h3]Quality-of-Life Improvements[/h3]

We’ve also made several changes to improve the gaming experience in the following areas:
  • Some monster stats in the main quest line have been changed.
  • Requirements for completing certain quests have been reduced.
  • Party Time-Spaces can now be completed up to level 99.
  • The minimum level for participating in SP10 Time-Spaces has been reduced to 84.
  • The minimum level for climbing the Celestial Spire has been reduced to 84.

We hope you have fun exploring the changes!
The NosTale Team