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Survive the Nights News

The Autumn Sale is On!

Grab a copy for yourself or a friend at a great price! If you have any questions before purchasing, please join our friendly community on discord.


Discord: https://discord.gg/survivethenights

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/a2zinteractive

Changelog: https://changelog.survivethenights.net

Twitter: https://twitter.com/STNgame

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/STNgame

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/a2zinteractive

Website: https://www.survivethenights.net

Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/a2zinteractive

Steam Scream Fest 3 - Halloween Sale

Survive the Nights is now on sale for Steam Scream Fest 3! You can also participate in our in-game Halloween event. If you have any questions before purchasing, please join our discord and speak with the developers or players within our friendly community.




Discord: https://discord.gg/survivethenights

Changelog: https://changelog.survivethenights.net

Twitter: https://twitter.com/STNgame

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/STNgame

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/a2zinteractive

Website: https://www.survivethenights.net

Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/a2zinteractive

Halloween Event 2024

[h3]Happy Halloween ːsteammockingː [/h3]
The Halloween event has begun so enjoy the tricks and treats!

[h3]Drive-In Night of the Living Dead[/h3]
Watch the full length movie right in the game. Find a film reel while trick or treating. You can take the reel to either of the drive-in theaters and play the movie via the projection room. Try and survive a couple of hordes while watching a classic film!


[h3]Trick or Treating[/h3]
You'll find most of the structures in the game will currently have decorations around the doorstep and a new door knocker. Use the door knocker once the sun sets for a trick-or-treat. Tricks aren't always fun but the treats should make killing them easier ;)


Hotfix - 1.35.1

We’re releasing a quick hotfix today to our default branch. Please check against the changelog below and report any issues directly to the team in game or via our official Discord.

[h3]Patch Notes - HOTFIX 1.35.1[/h3]

  • Fixed issue causing keybinds not to work.
  • Fixed issues causing storage containers that are stored in your base to move when leaving and returning to the area.
  • Fixed vehicle flatbeds not working correctly for containers.
  • Fixed server getting stuck running when closing the game.
  • Fixed issue which meant stags weren't always harvestable.
  • Water harvesting sound assigned.
  • Removed various unused achievements so that the game can be 100% completed.

Discord: https://discord.gg/survivethenights

Patreon: https://patreon.com/a2zinteractive

Changelog: https://changelog.survivethenights.net

Twitter: https://twitter.com/STNgame

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/STNgame

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/a2zinteractive

Website: https://www.survivethenights.net

Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/a2zinteractive

1.35 Update (Skill Books | Single Player Improvements | Quality of Life +)

Today we’ll be releasing our 1.35 build to default so everyone can jump on and help us test it out. There have been some really nice additions along with some well needed fixes. It’s been just under a month since our last default update but we feel like 1.35 provides some fantastic gameplay additions, including skill books, new structures and general quality of life improvements. The blog below highlights some of these changes but as always be sure to check out the full changelog at the end of the blog or here. Please test against the changelog and come join us on Discord, you can yell at us there about things that a broken, ideas you have or anything else really :)

[h3]Skill Books[/h3]
In 1.34 we introduced the knowledge system. Changing the gameplay style to a points based system, allowing players to progress how they see fit. This change really brought life to each and every life and every gameplay experience. Before today's update the only way to gain skill points was via leveling. Now, players can find skill books around the world. This includes finding them in two new structures, book stores and our new school building!

Skill Books can only be read when the player is rested. As long as your rested timer is above 0 you can learn from a book and gain a skill point. The higher your level the longer it will take to read “more complex” books.

Skill Books
In 1.34 we introduced the knowledge system. Changing the gameplay style to a points based system, allowing players to progress how they see fit. This change really brought life to each and every life and every gameplay experience. Before todays update the only way to gain skill points was via leveling. Now, players can find skill books around the world. This includes finding them in two new structures, book stores and our new school building!

Skill Books can only be read when the player is ‘comfortable’. The higher your level the longer it will take to read “more complex” books.

The Books

1. General Maintenance and Crafting:
  • Building Maintenance Handbook
  • Metalworking Handbook
  • Weapon Maintenance Handbook
  • Weapon Smithing Handbook
  • Wood Chopping Handbook
  • Woodworking Handbook

2. Survival and Resistance:
  • Carry Capacity Handbook
  • Damage Resistance Handbook
  • Disease Resistance Handbook
  • Hunger Resistance Handbook
  • Stamina Handbook
  • Stamina Regen Handbook
  • Thirst Resistance Handbook

3. Combat and Weapons:
  • Melee Handbook
  • Pistols Handbook
  • Rifles Handbook
  • [Shotguns Handbook

4. Special Skills and Techniques:
  • Harvesting Handbook
  • Mental Fortitude Handbook
  • Resting Handbook
  • Running Handbook
  • Sneaking Handbook
  • Trapping Handbook

Skill books

The more you know! (Reading GIF)

[h3]Last Chapter Books[/h3]
Players can find a new addition to the strip malls around the island. You might have noticed in the past that some of the strip malls on the island have empty shops, no sign and nothing much inside. We intentionally designed it this way so we could add future stores, like “Last Chapter Books”. I suppose it doesn’t take much imagination to figure out what loot can be found in the new shops, it’s skill books!

Last Chapter Books

[h3]New School[/h3]
We’re also introducing a new structure in 1.35 as we continue to fill out the map. The new school building is creepy, large and perfectly fitting for Survive the Nights. You can find two of them on the map, you’ll have to hunt them out yourselves. They’re also a great source of reading material to help you bump those skills up.

New School 1

New School 2

New School 3

New School Hallway

New School Classroom

Lunch and a book!

New School Gym

[h3]Single Player and Connection Issues[/h3]
We’re introducing a single player of sorts, to be honest the project really isn’t developed for single player and it’s something we never intended to include. We’ve had to some creative things to try and ease some of the troubles a few of you are having. The introduction of this single player option should help out those who are having firewall issues and connection troubles. It’s a simple tick on the world options. It should allow a smoother and easier connection, you could in theory run the project without an internet connection after the Steam verification step. You do still need initial net access but this will help with those that have poor internet connections and odd firewalls.

SP Setup

[h3]Losing Zombies (Line of Sight)[/h3]
We’ve added a new system to zombies that allows the player to get away from them. They no longer receive real time updates of the player position when the player isn’t visible to the zombie. They go the last position where they could still see the player, or to the most recent location where they heard the player (whichever is the closer position). Obviously this could make things a bit unbalanced so we’ve also increased the zombie annoyance value when the zombie is near the player and has line of sight.

This is a biggie, something many of you have requested as well. The ability to lose aggressive AI as it loses sight of you really brings the experience to life. Let us know how it feels and as always feel free to provide some feedback in game using the F1 menu or via our official Discord.

[h3]Patch Notes - 1.35[/h3]

Single Player
  • Improved single player support. This should improve compatibility and reduce the reliance on a constant internet connection.

  • Added learning system which allows you to read books while resting/rested. Books read provide 1 attribute point in that books specific skill.

Attribute Tweaks
  • Sneaking attribute adjusted to provide greater range.

  • Added the ability to lose zombies based on line of sight.
  • Zombies no longer float slightly above the ground when on roads.
  • Fix for AI floating while attacking some placed fortifications
  • Improvement to AI retargeting fortifications when placed near each other

  • Various strip malls now contain book store that can be looted to find attribute handbooks.

Quality of Life
  • Damage against other players is drastically reduced when the intent was to kill a zombie. This reduces the impact of accidental friendly fire.
  • Water tower ladders now work.
  • Containers can now be stacked on top of eachother
  • Containers have gravity once blueprints are built to allow the stacking

  • Fixed broken containers on prison bus.
  • Vehicles are now affected by explosion damage.

  • Sounds added when harvesting water.
  • Updated menu track.
  • Fix for missing bullet hit sounds and particles when shooting vehicles
  • Fix for missing bullet hit sound when shooting ground
  • Fix for delayed particle hit effects when hitting rocks

  • Improved new day UI design.
  • Added new 'learning' UI that displayer learning progress.
  • Interaction menus now have all their 'Interaction' buttons in the same place. For consistency.
  • Weight icon updated for clarity.

  • Added 26 new books that can be learnt. Learnt books give attribute points.

  • Fix for double arms when scrolling while harvesting stag.

  • Added more range in zombie quantities. So that full infestation can be achieved.
  • Set rank now works in the same session. Meaning reconnection is not required for the G menu to work.
  • God mode now gives infinite ammo on active weapon.

If you're enjoying the game and our recent updates, please consider leaving a review. Thanks for your support! :)

Discord: https://discord.gg/survivethenights

Patreon: https://patreon.com/a2zinteractive

Changelog: https://changelog.survivethenights.net

Twitter: https://twitter.com/STNgame

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/STNgame

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/a2zinteractive

Website: https://www.survivethenights.net

Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/a2zinteractive