Update 1.12 is LIVE
Hello Onward Community,
As mentioned earlier this month, you didn’t have to wait long for this update to become available to you. We felt your excitement and couldn't wait to get you access to the new game mode, Fire Fire. The team pushed hard to get all the features wrapped up and also did some important additional bug fixing.
Let’s go over the new additions, major features, and quality of life improvements included in this update. For the detailed list of all changes, including bug fixes, make sure to read through the Change Log located at the end of the patch notes.
[h2]Unity Update[/h2]
We updated the version of our game engine, Unity. This update gives us more opportunities going forward to improve the quality of the game. An example of this is we are now able to use Vulkan, which improves performance considerably over the rendering API we were using. It also gives us access to a working version of the SRP batcher, which will help us with optimizing draw calls. The short version of all of that means that in this version performance will be better, and we have a lot of performance headroom that we will be using in the future to improve things like graphical fidelity.
[h2]New Main Menu Environment[/h2]
With the major focus of the development team being on the Unity update, we also wanted to find a way to showcase the graphics improvements that are now possible for the game. The new Main Menu environment should give you a fresh new level of immersion when you log into the game. The level of details and graphic quality is something Quest users have never seen before. This is our first environment that is exactly the same on both PC and Quest. Make sure to do a full 360 view of the area when you log in to get the full experience of the new location. We are not going to be providing photos here because we think it will be more impactful for you to see it in the headset.
[h2]New Gloves Models[/h2]
Everyone has at least once needed to remind themselves what faction they were on when on the battlefield. The easiest way to do that was to quickly look at your gloves. The gloves have always been a signature piece of identifying equipment that is important to the gameplay. It’s one of the reasons we chose them as an additional piece to demonstrate the quality upgrade we are striving to roll out. It might take some getting used to, since some people have been relying on those glove visuals for over 7 years. However, we think they will be a welcomed visual upgrade during gameplay.

[h2]New Game Mode - Fire Fight [/h2]
This new game mode introduces a completely different dynamic playstyle for PVP. Your team is split into two fire teams (player distribution can vary 4 & 2, 5 & 1, 3 & 3). Each fire team will be deployed to different parts of the map. One player on each fire team will be assigned as the Corpsman. The Corpsman is the only team member who can help bring back critically injured players back to the battlefield using the new equipment item, defibrillators.
Note from the Devs: We understand in real military ranks, Corpsmen don’t carry defibrillators, defibrillators cannot actually bring dead people back to life. This was a design choice we know may feel like a gamified option, same as the syringes. We did this in order to provide a better quality experience when playing. While testing this mode we tried a few different, more realistic healing mechanics and found that with the scale and pacing of Onward, slow healing mechanics were just not fun. It’s the same reason we have a syringe to stop bleeding and pick up downed players. It’s fast and fun.
There are two objectives that must be completed to claim victory. This mode requires strong teamwork and communication as the strategy can change at any given moment. The first is to locate and secure the hard drive. The second is to escape with the hard drive.
The tablet has been updated to scan and locate the hard drive position and it will also indicate where the extraction point is. Scanning for the hard drive will start once the team is deployed. You hear the beep, indicating the scans complete, showing an icon of where the hard drive is located. Once the hard drive is located you can track it in real time.
Note from the Devs: We have made some adjustments to the tablet specifically for this game mode, including additional functionality and some icon changes. Because this game mode requires you to change your tactics at any given moment, it was important to us that we equip you with tools to help your team be able to make informative decisions.
With the added ability for Corpsman to bring players back from the tent, we needed to find a way for players to identify if their teammate is down or back in the tent.
Downed players have a new icon that is a player laying down and reaching up.
Players that have returned to the tent are not shown on the map but they now have a red skull.
This is for Fire Fight only. The new downed icon is used in all game modes to make room for the medic icon. So we're changing some symbols that have been used for almost 6 years.
After about 5 minutes a helicopter will come to pick up the player with the hard drive. Only the player with the drive needs to board the helicopter to win.
If you are downed or bleeding, syringes will work just like in other game modes. If you end up back in the tent, the corpsman can still bring you back. In the tent you can spectate and see which Corpsman is closest to where you went down and use the tent radio to let your team know what happened and where you are.
Note from the Devs: We’ve had a ton of fun playing this mode. Whether we’re playing with a full 12 player lobby or with just 2 players on each team the number of options in terms of strategies really opens up the game. Using smoke grenades to cover teammates as the Corpsman moves into revive people. Faking out players by running off with the hard drive while our team goes the other way, and just fighting in parts of the maps where we ourselves have never had a fire fight before just added to the fun. One particular developer liked to stake out where the evacuation site was to pick off anyone trying to escape. No one game ever felt the same. We’re really looking forward to getting this mode out to you and seeing what strategies you can come up with and hearing your feedback on the mode!
You can create a server for Fire Fight from the multiplayer menu or search for Fire Fight lobbies using the Fire Fight game mode filter option in the lobby browser.
[h2]Redesigned Gunstock Calibration[/h2]
The Gunstock Calibration feature has been completely redesigned. The Gunstock Calibration process is now made in the same environments as the battles. This change alone drastically improves the accuracy of the settings when used during gameplay. We also made additional updates to the feature. You can now calibrate your weapon positionally up and down, in and out, and rotate around your gripping hand. This will help ensure your weapon is aligned exactly where you need it.
We also added the option to set a Universal Calibration. If a calibration has been set for a particular weapon, the “Set As Universal” button will be selectable. After, if clicked the Universal Calibration will be utilized for all un-calibrated weapons.
Once a calibration is saved, when the user equips that weapon with both hands, the weapon should automatically move to that calibrated position & rotation.
Video Instructions for how to use the redesigned Gunstock Calibration can be found HERE
[h2]Loadout Expansion & Cloud Saving (Quest & SteamVR*)[/h2]
Loadouts have been updated to now allow up to 24 different loadouts to be saved per role, per faction. You will also be able to edit the name of the loadouts. Simply click on the pencil in the upper left corner of the loadout and use the keyboard to make a custom name. With all those loadouts made, it was important to also be able to save them.
Your Loadouts, Gunstock Calibrations, and game settings will now automatically save and reapply in the case of something like an application uninstall/reinstall. The data is saved to your account via Cloud Saving. This means if you share your headset and game library, each account will have their own Loudouts and settings automatically applied when the accounts are switched. Whenever settings are changed and saved during gameplay, the Cloud Save will be updated. Please note, Quest App and SteamVR are different platforms and different accounts. Any Loadouts and Settings made on Quest are not transferable to a SteamVR account.
*This option is not available on Oculus PCVR software due to Cloud Saving not being offered on the platform.
[h2]Global Killhouse & Range Leaderboards[/h2]
You can now see how your scores stack up against other players, not just in the lobby, but throughout the whole game. The current week's Global Scores for Killhouse runs and Marksman targets will now be displayed on both scoreboards throughout Shooting Range lobbies. Scores will reset every Wednesday at 12AM PT.

[h2]Connecting to Friends[/h2]
Some changes to the Quest OS system when Update 1.11 launched caused some of the features people used to connect to their friends to no longer function correctly. In order to get these features working correctly again we needed to rework some of the code and have it go through the full development process.
While we were reviewing some of the Quest OS changes and working on getting these functions working again, we made some changes to how some of the direct OS inviting works.
One of the major changes that happened on the OS side was people on your friendslist are now able to directly join your game sessions without requiring a direct invite. We reviewed the implications this might have for players who use private lobbies and overall game functions.
We made the decision, in an effort to protect the intention of private lobbies, to disable the ability for people to be able to join private lobbies via the join on friends option from the OS friendslist. In order to do this, we had to additionally disable the ability to send direct invites to OS friends while in a private lobby. The best way to connect to your friends when in a private lobby is to send them the lobby code and password.
For Public Lobbies, direct invites and the newly added join on friends from the OS friendslist feature is available.
The “Show Friends Only” filter should work the same as before for friends who are on the same platform.
[h2]Player Reporting Updates[/h2]
Now that the full implementation of the updated reporting system has been rolled out and we have had some time to review the reports and feedback. Upon review, we have made some adjustments to the system. The system was already designed to protect players from spam reporters and others making reports with malicious intent, however, we have heard your concerns and have additionally added a max number of reports that can be made per 24 hour period by a person. This setting will work in conjunction with the already included settings to keep false reports, spamming, and retaliation reports to a minimum.
As with the other details about the design of this feature, we will not disclose what the max is set to, in order to protect players from others that would try to manipulate the system. Users will not be notified that they have reached their max, they will simply stop counting against other players. We suggest people use their allotted number of reports per day to report players that are breaking the community guidelines. Players found continuing to try and abuse or manipulate the system against other players will have actions taken against them, such as temp bans or as far as permanent banning from the game.
This is not the only adjustments we are looking into for the system, simply what we were able to implement during the ongoing development of this update. We are continuing to look into other additional methods and options to continue to advance this system.
If you are concerned about a report not counting or simply want to make sure evidence is provided for a player's behavior, you are encouraged to continue to use the method of emailing the evidence that shows the player’s in-game name and the behavior that breaks the community guidelines. Our customer Service team will be happy to help you and process the reports.
This image shows the effect of the reporting system on the player base over time as it rolled out.
[h2]UI/UX [/h2]
[h2]Core Modes[/h2]
[h3]Bazaar [/h3]
[h2]Workshop & Custom Maps[/h2]
[h2]Weapons and Utilities[/h2]
[h2]Known Issues:[/h2]
Hello Onward Community,
As mentioned earlier this month, you didn’t have to wait long for this update to become available to you. We felt your excitement and couldn't wait to get you access to the new game mode, Fire Fire. The team pushed hard to get all the features wrapped up and also did some important additional bug fixing.
Let’s go over the new additions, major features, and quality of life improvements included in this update. For the detailed list of all changes, including bug fixes, make sure to read through the Change Log located at the end of the patch notes.
New & Updated Features
[h2]Unity Update[/h2]
We updated the version of our game engine, Unity. This update gives us more opportunities going forward to improve the quality of the game. An example of this is we are now able to use Vulkan, which improves performance considerably over the rendering API we were using. It also gives us access to a working version of the SRP batcher, which will help us with optimizing draw calls. The short version of all of that means that in this version performance will be better, and we have a lot of performance headroom that we will be using in the future to improve things like graphical fidelity.
[h2]New Main Menu Environment[/h2]
With the major focus of the development team being on the Unity update, we also wanted to find a way to showcase the graphics improvements that are now possible for the game. The new Main Menu environment should give you a fresh new level of immersion when you log into the game. The level of details and graphic quality is something Quest users have never seen before. This is our first environment that is exactly the same on both PC and Quest. Make sure to do a full 360 view of the area when you log in to get the full experience of the new location. We are not going to be providing photos here because we think it will be more impactful for you to see it in the headset.
[h2]New Gloves Models[/h2]
Everyone has at least once needed to remind themselves what faction they were on when on the battlefield. The easiest way to do that was to quickly look at your gloves. The gloves have always been a signature piece of identifying equipment that is important to the gameplay. It’s one of the reasons we chose them as an additional piece to demonstrate the quality upgrade we are striving to roll out. It might take some getting used to, since some people have been relying on those glove visuals for over 7 years. However, we think they will be a welcomed visual upgrade during gameplay.

[h2]New Game Mode - Fire Fight [/h2]
This new game mode introduces a completely different dynamic playstyle for PVP. Your team is split into two fire teams (player distribution can vary 4 & 2, 5 & 1, 3 & 3). Each fire team will be deployed to different parts of the map. One player on each fire team will be assigned as the Corpsman. The Corpsman is the only team member who can help bring back critically injured players back to the battlefield using the new equipment item, defibrillators.
Note from the Devs: We understand in real military ranks, Corpsmen don’t carry defibrillators, defibrillators cannot actually bring dead people back to life. This was a design choice we know may feel like a gamified option, same as the syringes. We did this in order to provide a better quality experience when playing. While testing this mode we tried a few different, more realistic healing mechanics and found that with the scale and pacing of Onward, slow healing mechanics were just not fun. It’s the same reason we have a syringe to stop bleeding and pick up downed players. It’s fast and fun.
There are two objectives that must be completed to claim victory. This mode requires strong teamwork and communication as the strategy can change at any given moment. The first is to locate and secure the hard drive. The second is to escape with the hard drive.
The tablet has been updated to scan and locate the hard drive position and it will also indicate where the extraction point is. Scanning for the hard drive will start once the team is deployed. You hear the beep, indicating the scans complete, showing an icon of where the hard drive is located. Once the hard drive is located you can track it in real time.
Note from the Devs: We have made some adjustments to the tablet specifically for this game mode, including additional functionality and some icon changes. Because this game mode requires you to change your tactics at any given moment, it was important to us that we equip you with tools to help your team be able to make informative decisions.
With the added ability for Corpsman to bring players back from the tent, we needed to find a way for players to identify if their teammate is down or back in the tent.
Downed players have a new icon that is a player laying down and reaching up.
Players that have returned to the tent are not shown on the map but they now have a red skull.
This is for Fire Fight only. The new downed icon is used in all game modes to make room for the medic icon. So we're changing some symbols that have been used for almost 6 years.
After about 5 minutes a helicopter will come to pick up the player with the hard drive. Only the player with the drive needs to board the helicopter to win.
If you are downed or bleeding, syringes will work just like in other game modes. If you end up back in the tent, the corpsman can still bring you back. In the tent you can spectate and see which Corpsman is closest to where you went down and use the tent radio to let your team know what happened and where you are.
Note from the Devs: We’ve had a ton of fun playing this mode. Whether we’re playing with a full 12 player lobby or with just 2 players on each team the number of options in terms of strategies really opens up the game. Using smoke grenades to cover teammates as the Corpsman moves into revive people. Faking out players by running off with the hard drive while our team goes the other way, and just fighting in parts of the maps where we ourselves have never had a fire fight before just added to the fun. One particular developer liked to stake out where the evacuation site was to pick off anyone trying to escape. No one game ever felt the same. We’re really looking forward to getting this mode out to you and seeing what strategies you can come up with and hearing your feedback on the mode!
You can create a server for Fire Fight from the multiplayer menu or search for Fire Fight lobbies using the Fire Fight game mode filter option in the lobby browser.
[h2]Redesigned Gunstock Calibration[/h2]
The Gunstock Calibration feature has been completely redesigned. The Gunstock Calibration process is now made in the same environments as the battles. This change alone drastically improves the accuracy of the settings when used during gameplay. We also made additional updates to the feature. You can now calibrate your weapon positionally up and down, in and out, and rotate around your gripping hand. This will help ensure your weapon is aligned exactly where you need it.
We also added the option to set a Universal Calibration. If a calibration has been set for a particular weapon, the “Set As Universal” button will be selectable. After, if clicked the Universal Calibration will be utilized for all un-calibrated weapons.
Once a calibration is saved, when the user equips that weapon with both hands, the weapon should automatically move to that calibrated position & rotation.
Video Instructions for how to use the redesigned Gunstock Calibration can be found HERE
[h2]Loadout Expansion & Cloud Saving (Quest & SteamVR*)[/h2]
Loadouts have been updated to now allow up to 24 different loadouts to be saved per role, per faction. You will also be able to edit the name of the loadouts. Simply click on the pencil in the upper left corner of the loadout and use the keyboard to make a custom name. With all those loadouts made, it was important to also be able to save them.
Your Loadouts, Gunstock Calibrations, and game settings will now automatically save and reapply in the case of something like an application uninstall/reinstall. The data is saved to your account via Cloud Saving. This means if you share your headset and game library, each account will have their own Loudouts and settings automatically applied when the accounts are switched. Whenever settings are changed and saved during gameplay, the Cloud Save will be updated. Please note, Quest App and SteamVR are different platforms and different accounts. Any Loadouts and Settings made on Quest are not transferable to a SteamVR account.
*This option is not available on Oculus PCVR software due to Cloud Saving not being offered on the platform.
Quality of Life Improvements
[h2]Global Killhouse & Range Leaderboards[/h2]
You can now see how your scores stack up against other players, not just in the lobby, but throughout the whole game. The current week's Global Scores for Killhouse runs and Marksman targets will now be displayed on both scoreboards throughout Shooting Range lobbies. Scores will reset every Wednesday at 12AM PT.

[h2]Connecting to Friends[/h2]
Some changes to the Quest OS system when Update 1.11 launched caused some of the features people used to connect to their friends to no longer function correctly. In order to get these features working correctly again we needed to rework some of the code and have it go through the full development process.
While we were reviewing some of the Quest OS changes and working on getting these functions working again, we made some changes to how some of the direct OS inviting works.
One of the major changes that happened on the OS side was people on your friendslist are now able to directly join your game sessions without requiring a direct invite. We reviewed the implications this might have for players who use private lobbies and overall game functions.
We made the decision, in an effort to protect the intention of private lobbies, to disable the ability for people to be able to join private lobbies via the join on friends option from the OS friendslist. In order to do this, we had to additionally disable the ability to send direct invites to OS friends while in a private lobby. The best way to connect to your friends when in a private lobby is to send them the lobby code and password.
For Public Lobbies, direct invites and the newly added join on friends from the OS friendslist feature is available.
The “Show Friends Only” filter should work the same as before for friends who are on the same platform.
[h2]Player Reporting Updates[/h2]
Now that the full implementation of the updated reporting system has been rolled out and we have had some time to review the reports and feedback. Upon review, we have made some adjustments to the system. The system was already designed to protect players from spam reporters and others making reports with malicious intent, however, we have heard your concerns and have additionally added a max number of reports that can be made per 24 hour period by a person. This setting will work in conjunction with the already included settings to keep false reports, spamming, and retaliation reports to a minimum.
As with the other details about the design of this feature, we will not disclose what the max is set to, in order to protect players from others that would try to manipulate the system. Users will not be notified that they have reached their max, they will simply stop counting against other players. We suggest people use their allotted number of reports per day to report players that are breaking the community guidelines. Players found continuing to try and abuse or manipulate the system against other players will have actions taken against them, such as temp bans or as far as permanent banning from the game.
This is not the only adjustments we are looking into for the system, simply what we were able to implement during the ongoing development of this update. We are continuing to look into other additional methods and options to continue to advance this system.
If you are concerned about a report not counting or simply want to make sure evidence is provided for a player's behavior, you are encouraged to continue to use the method of emailing the evidence that shows the player’s in-game name and the behavior that breaks the community guidelines. Our customer Service team will be happy to help you and process the reports.

Change Log:
- Performed an engine update
- Added the ability to save loadouts to the cloud, rename them and delete them, and increased the amount of unique loadouts a player can make
- Loadout save slots expanded to 24 slots per role, per faction
- Restricted a player's ability to join friends in private games to prevent people from joining private lobbies they were not invited to
- Updates made to Reporting System to set max number of reports per day per player
- Added a small delay to the radio cut-off to prevent a sudden cut in the middle of someone's sente…
- Improved the height scaling of player characters to prevent player characters from Appearing to stand on their Tip Toes
- Fixed footstep volume not changing based on the player's speed
- Fixed an issue with the dominant hand setting not being followed when using the spectator goggles
- Fixed dominant eye setting not affecting which eye is selected for taking photos and videos, and for casting on PCVR
- Fixed some server settings reverting to default when they had been changed and the host sets the lobby as private, then back to public
[h2]UI/UX [/h2]
- Global Scores added to Killhouse and Shooting Target scoreboards
- Redesigned the way Gunstock calibration is done
- Added new loading screen art for Shooting Range and Tanker
- Added support for higher quality visuals for the watch on PCVR
- Added the setting to have the game now automatically recenter a player upon entering the main menu and tent. It is ON by Default and can be disabled.
- Fixed the description of the Locomotion setting being inconsistent between the main menu and tent settings menus
- Fixed map votes appearing too quickly in private lobbies
- Fixed an edge case where the class selection buttons lost functionality if the player was spam-clicking the UI
- Fixed servers hosted by friends not showing up in the server browser when the Friends Only filter was enabled
- Fixed the red visual indicator on the controllers when going through the tutorial using Rift S controllers only appearing on the left eye
- Fixed an inconsistency in the description of the "thumbstick only" control mode for weapons
- Fixed inconsistencies in the description of several weapons' caliber type and updated weapon information displayed in the tent
- Fixed an issue where the UI would become offset in the tent when a player would resize the desktop game window on PCVR
- Fixed the red skull icon on players you down but not kill as a round ends
- Fixed the red skull icon on players that are killed as the last player in Uplink not appearing consistently
- Fixed an inconsistency in the description of the Free Roam game mode
- Fixed an inconsistency in the description of the Assault game mode
- Fixed tooltips not appearing correctly for the Gun Stock, Radio Position and Holster Side settings
- New player downed icon in all game modes
- Added an option to vote to stay on the current map during a map vote
- Added the ability to click the spectate goggle to use them
- Fixed players not being able to initiate a map vote after canceling the countdown in the tent
- Fixed players spawning out of bounds the first time they put on spectator goggles in the tent
- Fixed the audio beep and haptic feedback not playing when a player refreshed their loadout on Shooting Range and Free Roam
- Added a display that shows the number of bots remaining in Hunt for players in the tent
- Fixed bots not responding when being shot with a silenced weapon from long ranges
- Fixed the 30-second audio signal in Evac
[h2]Core Modes[/h2]
- New Game Mode Fire Fight added
- Added new tablet icon for Corpsman when in Fire Fight game mode
- Fixed the description of Escort which stated that respawns are enabled in this game mode
- Fixed team boundaries not being enforced in Assault after completing the first round
- Removed the word "suicided" from competitive Uplink lobbies
- Fixed users observing a black screen when attempting to spawn in as the match timer ends in Assault
- Fixed an issue in Escort where the match would not start if the host was both the VIP and had previously spawned in during another game mode
- Fixed players being able to change the game mode after a round of Assault in a private lobby
- Added & Updated various Assault Mode Objectives to Select Maps
- Fixed player's camera being rotated 45 degrees when putting on the spectator goggles on several maps
- Fixed scenery appearing too bright on night maps
- Fixed players being able to pass through various assets and reach out-of-bounds areas by recentering their playspace
- Fixed the flashlight effect bleeding through solid objects on several maps
- Fixed shell casings being inconsistent about interacting with certain types of colliders between Quest and PC
[h3]Bazaar [/h3]
- Fixed an issue on Bazaar where users were able to access unintended areas
- Fixed various assets appearing completely black in the tent
- Fixed players being able to exploit bugged colliders on Downfall allowing them to reach an unintended rooftop position
- Fixed an exploitable collider on Downfall
- Fixed flickering on the watch compass coordinates when the watch is on the right hand on Egress
- Fixed irregular shading on the Veresk and MP7A2 on Quarantine
- Fixed players being able to pass through glass windows on Tanker
- Fixed various assets appearing completely black in the tent
- Fixed players colliding with water objects in Turbine, causing areas to become inaccessible
[h2]Workshop & Custom Maps[/h2]
- Fixed loading screen art flickering when loading into custom maps
- Fixed an issue where players received a generic error when loading into a server running an older version of a custom map than the player had installed
[h2]Weapons and Utilities[/h2]
- Fixed players becoming invisible when revived by a syringe in specific circumstances
- Improved the drone's compass visuals
- Fixed player icons being reduced in size on the tablet when a player was downed and revived
- Fixed the fire selector on the 552 Commando not indicating the proper fire mode
- Fixed several issues with the timed explosion of the RPG-7 munitions
- Fixed an issue where if a player's height setting was incorrect, weapons would appear offset to other players compared to the height they were being held at
- Fixed the iron sights not being highlighted when a player unequips a previously selected optic
- Fixed the description of the M249 stating that belt-fed weapons have to be loaded manually at the start of a round
- Fixed the air drone propellers spinning after the drone had been destroyed
- Fixed the air drone audio sound effect lingering in the launch area
- Fixed the M203 grenade launcher not being subject to the same limitations as other grenades in spawn jail
[h2]Known Issues:[/h2]
- Rarely, some users are unable to pick a team after transitioning to a new custom map
- Rarely, private servers with an unknown server region appear and behave like public servers to non-host users
- Quest users can experience numerous issues when placing their headset to sleep before a map transition and waking it during or after the first round in the new map
- On Snowpeak (Night) Collision blocks movement when users attempt to ascend the stairs of watchtowers on PCVR