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Swedish Smorgasbord Co-op sale & bundle live now

GTFO is first and foremost a cooperative game, made to test your teams communication and endurance. But did you know that some of the best co-op games the last decade also are made by Swedish developers? This is something we want to highlight and celebrate, joining forces with renowned studios Fatshark, Stunlock & Starbreeze for a sale & bundle packed with experiences that will give your crew those core memories together.

The participating studios are all shaving of a good chunk of the game prices and if you want to grab them all you'll get an extra 20 % - bringing GTFO down to its absolute lowest price to date. And if you already own GTFO or another game in the bundle you can still complete the set and enjoy the discount on the other games.


We also want to give back to our communities with a big giveaway, with a Steamdeck OLED as the main price and a lot of merchendise from the different games. There is even some exclusive stuff in there. Head over here to participate.

Get GTFO with 56 % off during Steam Winter Sale

Like a deranged Santa Claus, the prisoners in GTFO continues to plummet down into the depths. Not to eat cookies and deliver gifts but to follow vague and dangerous instructions, just because there is a sliver of hope to survive. And maybe even escape.

To do this you need a team and what better gift during Steam Winter Sale than the one of suffering. Buy it for yourself, your friends or even your frenemies. But don't take our word for it, watch this selection of videos to see if you are ready for GTFO. And if you think you are ready, get 56 % off, our deepest sale ever of the game.




Celebrate Halloween with 50 % on GTFO

Terror builds with every security door scan, every terminal hack, and every resource-gathering escapade. The Complex's security systems forcing you to defend while waves of nightmarish creatures pour through the doorways. Your team's carefully rationed ammunition drops to single digits. Medpacks become more precious than gold. That's when you realize – you're only halfway to the extraction point.

The real horror isn't in the monsters themselves. It's in the moments between firefights, when your team creeps through fog-filled corridors, communication reduced to whispers. It's in the agonizing decision to leave a fallen teammate behind because you lack the resources to reach them. It's in the growing dread as you realize the already scarce resources has changed since your last attempt, and your carefully planned route is now a dead end filled with sleeping aberrations.

Only a few expeditions ends in extraction. The rest? They become part of the Complex's ever-growing collection of failed escapes, their resources now scattered among the shadows for the next team to desperately scavenge.

If your team can muster the courage to drop into The Complex you can grab GTFO for 50 % off for a limited time.

Check out this fanmade GTFO diorama

We recently had the pleasure of welcoming a fan to our studio, who brought a diorama based on GTFO and the horrors that await us all down in the Complex. The amount of detail astonished us, with sleepers lit up from the inside and more.

"I have been working on it off and on for about five months. I wanted to make it as good as possible so that the studio would be satisfied", says the creator Christoffer. "I used PETG filament for the 3D prints. The scene is built on foam board, and the walls are also made of foam. I used real stones and gravel, as well as regular hobby paints for painting."

Does this make you want to dive into the Complex with your friends? GTFO is currently on sale with 50 % off. Sale ends the 22th September.

Free Weekend starts now!

The time has come to grab friends (or frenemies) and drag them into The Complex. GTFO is free to play all weekend! And if you like it, we are also running the deepest sale ever — get 50 % off the game.

We also know that many players have eagerly awaited all expeditions to be released, which happened with the thrilling release of Rundown 8.0 in December. GTFO offers 80+ levels for your team to bravely endure (spoiler: you are not going to clear them all in a weekend).

Send this GTFO leaflet to your hesitant friends so that you can suffer together.

And if you still need people to play with our Discord server has over 200 000 members, ready to drop into The Complex with you.