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  3. Demo updated! First look at the In-Game Guide

Demo updated! First look at the In-Game Guide

Noble ladies and lords,

The moment has finally arrived - with the recent update, the first version of the in-game guide has been added to the client, along with several UX and bugfixes. The changes are not game breaking, so there is no mandatory downtime for server updates this time - however, I hope that some of the changes will be "game changing" for many of you. :)

The update should be already available on Steam.

Thank you for your patience, and please find the changelog at the bottom of this post.

[h2]What else is on the horizon?[/h2]

November will be a busy month - there will be a community survey on the single player experience, and you can also vote on the next milestone feature set later this month.

In addition, we'll continue to patch the UX and guide content - any feedback on either is greatly appreciated - and I've got some exciting additional features and content planned for before Christmas.

As always, I invite you to play the early versions, join our discord and help to refine the game as we progress. Take advantage of this regularly updated demo, our transparent and interactive developer diary, provided for early collaboration with you to make Feudums the game you want it to be!

[h3]Notable Gameplay Changes[/h3]
  • In-Game Guide is a new per-game guide (progress will reset for each game). The content was created in close cooperation with the community - I would like to especially thank player Aggamemnon for his help. The guide keeps track of the topics you've already read in a game and, depending on the settings, continues with the next topic whenenever you enter the game or open it manually. Each entry also keeps track of "point of interests", which are shown in the UI (when they are currently visible - otherwise you'll get a note that they are hidden) when you hover over them in the text. This hopefully will help you to get familiar with the UI much easier. Note: For experienced players, the feature can be turned on and off under Settings/Preferences.

[h3]UX/UI Changes[/h3]
  • Feudum Reports: Labour resource decays are merged into a single report.
  • Added new client settings under preferences to (a) Disable Guide, and (b) Disable Weather effects (note: will add more granular settings later).
  • There is a new report in battles for events where a (severely damaged) unit inflicts 0 damage to the opponent.

  • Fixed: TerrainBuilder mountain generation. Sea and Desert generation logic have been also updated.
  • Fixed: The Last Seen value for a Company's composition is not set properly in the tick update sent to the client.
  • Fixed: Garrison labour safety output report was missing in the tick update sent to the client.
  • Fixed: Lance Origin was not set properly in subsequent Rally Troops.
  • Fixed: Don't calculate empty garrison LoS (and some other data)
  • Fixed: NRE in dashaboard listview (during tweening) in some edge cases
  • Fixed: (Regression Bug) Labour outputs are not shown in Indicator tooltips.
  • Fixed: Cannot resolve SwingAndAMiss report during battle
  • Fixed: Food Ration display doesn't show the appropriate icon on Feudum Card.
  • (Fixed/Updated various issues on the backend (admin) layout and logic).

I hope that you will appreciate and enjoy the changes. There's more coming soon, so make sure you clicked Follow on Steam and joined our discord to stay in the loop! :) If you can afford it, please also consider supporting the development on patreon, so I can devote more time and resources to the project and complete the remaining milestones in a timely manner.

Until the next update... Enjoy the games!