In-Development Demo Updated!
Dear ladies and lords,
Surprise! We know it's only been a week, but since we're ready with some important game-balance changes, we're updating our Transparent, In-Development Demo again! Enjoy!
We sincerely hope you will appreciate and enjoy the latest changes. Hop over to discord if you don't want to miss out on discussions about game features, priorities, new guides, playtesting and polls, and make sure you stay in the loop here by clicking Follow us (if you haven't already)! Any and all feedback is super welcome! :)
Have fun trying out the new build!
We should be back online in about 20 minutes.
[h3]Notable Gameplay Changes[/h3]
[h3]UX/UI Changes[/h3]
Feudums' development is meant to be fully transparent. Our demo is always updated when new milestone builds are completed or we have quality of life (QoL) improvements to add. We always invite you to play our early in-development demo and give us some feedback you have afterwards, but please remember, we are pre-early access: many features of the game is not yet available as we continue to plug away on development.
If pre-beta games are not your cup of tea, that is completely fine. Please follow and bear with us until we ship a more or less feature-complete public beta.
Surprise! We know it's only been a week, but since we're ready with some important game-balance changes, we're updating our Transparent, In-Development Demo again! Enjoy!
We sincerely hope you will appreciate and enjoy the latest changes. Hop over to discord if you don't want to miss out on discussions about game features, priorities, new guides, playtesting and polls, and make sure you stay in the loop here by clicking Follow us (if you haven't already)! Any and all feedback is super welcome! :)
Have fun trying out the new build!
We should be back online in about 20 minutes.
[h3]Notable Gameplay Changes[/h3]
- Economic Block: Military companies no longer fully blocks underlying tiles. Instead, there is now partial blocking, based on the total Power of the company occupying the tile.
- Garrisons Update: They now provide limited passive protection on the feudum tiles they belong to, against both raiding and blocking, based on their total Power. Garrisons also receive a defense bonus when defending against hostiles on their own tile.
- We have made significant changes to the default rulebook settings, including a boost to the labourer slots of terrain types without building options, a balancing pass on units, birth/death rules, wasteground rules, and so on.
[h3]UX/UI Changes[/h3]
- Max size of the garrison is now shown on the cards in the Construct Improvement command (and everywhere else where these cards are used).
- Added Approximate Raiding Power to the Company Card for clarity.
- Added AP costs from the rulebook to the AP tooltip on company for extra clarity.
- Overhauled and updated the units' tooltips with additional details and context-sensitive parts, including service/contract renewal dates and costs.
- Added wasteground max size to Feudums badge tooltip.
- Grouped morale/health regen of units in the same company. Now only differences are reported when needed.
- Ignore Auto-trade during economic grace period (as the feudum costs nothing there)
- Fix: Garrisons' Total Power didn't update when troops were rallied (regression bug)
- Fix: in some cases unit morale regenerated too much
- Fix: Create feudum cost was more expensive than it should be (was off by 1)
- Fix: Auto-trade settings are not sent to the client on subscribe (only a tick later)
- Fix: Updated pathfinder to walk around enemy company when behaviour check result is not "Engage" and other pathfinder QoL updates.
- Fix: Some visual glitches on "long" report items.
- Fix: Manage Units couldn't send all units to target company (shift+button) if the target company would be new.
- Fix: Manage Units command wasn't hidden on empty garrisons.
Feudums' development is meant to be fully transparent. Our demo is always updated when new milestone builds are completed or we have quality of life (QoL) improvements to add. We always invite you to play our early in-development demo and give us some feedback you have afterwards, but please remember, we are pre-early access: many features of the game is not yet available as we continue to plug away on development.
If pre-beta games are not your cup of tea, that is completely fine. Please follow and bear with us until we ship a more or less feature-complete public beta.
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