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  3. Demo patch + TurnBasedThursdayFest participation!

Demo patch + TurnBasedThursdayFest participation!

Noble ladies and lords,

We are happy to announce our participation in the #TurnBasedThursdayFest, which is bound to start in a couple hours!

To celebrate our participation, we have uploaded a small patch to the client. It should be auto-updated on Steam in a couple minutes. Please find the changelog at the bottom of this post.

As always, I invite you to play the early versions, join our discord to provide feedback and help to refine the game as we progress. Take advantage of our regularly updated demo as our transparent and interactive developer diary, provided for early collaboration with you to make Feudums the game we all want it to be!

If you can afford it, you can support Feudums (and unlock nice perks) on Patreon, allowing me to dedicate more time and resources to the project. If you cannot - don't worry about it.

[h3]UX/UI Changes[/h3]
  • Instead of opening the Guide if you haven't read it yet, you'll now encounter a summary (albeit with limited content for now). However, it'll brief you if you're at war, diplomatic decisions await, you have administrative reserves to spend, you haven't finished the Guide yet and in a couple other cases.

[h3]Bugfixes / Optimizations[/h3]
  • Fixed: Cursor visibility in diplomatic notes.
  • Fixed: Incorrect default stance for paging in the Game Rules / Victories interface.
  • Various minor client-side improvements and background work.
There's more coming soon, so make sure you subscribed to our newsletter, clicked Follow on Steam and joined our discord to stay in the loop! And again, if you can afford it, please consider supporting Feudums' development (and unlock nice perks) on Patreon - thank you! :)

Until the next update... Enjoy Feudums and feel free to say "hi!" on discord if you have a moment!