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Free In-Development Demo updated!

Noble ladies and lords,

We have almost finished updating both the servers and the client. The latter should be auto-updated on Steam in a couple minutes now and a new game session will start shortly. Thank you for your patience!

As always, I invite you to play the early versions, join our discord to provide feedback and help to refine the game as we progress. Take advantage of our regularly updated demo as our transparent and interactive developer diary, provided for early collaboration with you to make Feudums the game we all want it to be!

Please find the changelog at the bottom of this post.

If you can afford it, you can support Feudums (and unlock nice perks) on Patreon, allowing me to dedicate more time and resources to the project. If you cannot - don't worry about it.

[h2]What else is on the horizon?[/h2]
In addition to the roadmap community poll, which is now active and is available both on our homepage and from the client, there are some smaller polls about fine-tuning and prioritizing player requested features and content planned for the next some updates. These polls happen on discord - everyone is hereby invited to participate!

[h3]Notable Gameplay Changes[/h3]
  • Alliances and Alliance Victory Conditions: Players who are in diplomatic alliance relation now automatically form an alliance. An alliance can have more than two members if each party is an ally of all others (and game rules allow for more than one ally to be accepted). We have introduced separate victory conditions for alliances; these victory conditions are all immediate win types and are displayed on a separate page on the Game Rules / Victory Conditions panel.
  • Diplomacy Treaty values are now tracked and accepting a proposal can fail because of exceeding the threshold. You can see the settings for the current game in the tooltip of the Diplomacy badge.
  • You can add to, or review a diplomatic note for any new diplomatic proposal, counter-proposal or statement. These can be shown by either opening the diplomatic entry or by hovering the appropriate icon on a diplomatic entry under the Diplomacy badge.
  • Command Refunds: depending on the rulebook settings, there may be partial refund for the command costs if those have already been initiated but subsequently repealed. The tooltip for the Repeal button has been updated accordingly, and a report is generated for the refund, which can be viewed in the Dominion Reports. This also applies to commands rejected by the server during execution with a Hard Fail, such as when the circumstances associated with the command have changed.
  • Administrative Reserves: depending on the rulebook settings (including both time interval and limit), players can accumulate "Administrative Reserve" during their offline time. If there is any, it is displayed in the bottom right corner of the screen after entering the game map. During the execution of player commands, these reserves directly reduce the execution time of the commands by 1 tick for each point. Note: This reserve cannot be used for certain commands, such as those already lasting for 1 tick or for company movements.

[h3]UX/UI Changes[/h3]
  • Companies now take a default stance to attack weaker opponents. Garrisons are still defensive by default.
  • Company Move command now keeps the waypoints and records the starting position.
  • Battles now report all joining units as "reserve" before moving them to a battle roster.
  • Battle Reports / Animated Phases have received a (n almost) complete overhaul. Battle Reports have received explicit icons (and continue to be colored) to state the side they are linked to.
  • You can now subscribe to our newsletter by clicking on its button in the game menu.
  • Added color-coding and better formatting to most values in domain / feudum / company reports, also in victory conditions for additional clarity.
  • Major Needs layout has been updated on Feudum Card and received some extra tooltip content for better clarity.

[h3]Bugfixes / Optimizations[/h3]
  • Fog of war has been tweaked not to include tiles in a feudum if the player has only seen the tile before the feudum was established (ie. players won't get an updated situation about these tiles).
  • Optimized tweening for FoW clouds to avoid some unnecessary changes.
  • Optimized our process for spritesheets handling (technical debt mitigation).
  • Optimized performance for command item lookups.
  • Optimized Chat/Diplomatic Note escaping. Normalize whitespace now includes spaces and formfeed.
  • Various server-side devops optimizations.
  • Changed how server connection certificates are validated.
  • Fixed: IngameNameValidator regex.
  • Fixed a bug where tresspassing was considered a diplomatic violation while at war.
  • Fixed tooltips for "Diplomatic Standing" categories on Diplomacy Dialog.
  • Fixed: misaligned Join the Community segment after Main Menu reload.
  • Fixed: Battle log: tick display is not updated when auto-progress to latest tick.
  • Fixed a bug where a player could not submit a new worldmarket auto-trade command in some cases (thanks for reporting!)
  • Fixed: Battle animation throws NRE in some cases when players attempt to replay. (thanks for reporting!)
  • Fixed: Battle animation missing units from past battle ticks for the animation. (thanks for reporting!)
  • Fixed: Battle animation: scroll is stuck in various cases. (thanks for reporting!)
  • Fixed: missing Battle animations. (thanks for reporting!)
  • Fixed: Battle animation throws error and is not properly reset when switching between battles. (thanks for reporting!)
  • Fixed: CreateFeudumCommand: units deleted when standing on manor. (thanks for reporting!)
  • Fixed a bug where a company (wages) shortage was reported as a wasteground shortage (thanks for reporting!)
  • Fixed a bug where Change Terrain would allow the player to deselect the terrain type (thanks for reporting!)
There's more coming soon, so make sure you subscribed to our newsletter, clicked Follow on Steam and joined our discord to stay in the loop! And again, if you can afford it, please consider supporting Feudums' development (and unlock nice perks) on Patreon - thank you! :)

Until the next update... Enjoy Feudums and feel free to say "hi!" on discord if you have a moment!