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Free Demo updated!

Noble ladies and lords,

We have successfully updated both the servers and the client, the latter should be auto-updated on Steam any minute now. Thank you for your patience!

As always, I invite you to play the early versions, join our discord to provide feedback and help to refine the game as we progress. Take advantage of our regularly updated demo as our transparent and interactive developer diary, provided for early collaboration with you to make Feudums the game you want it to be!

Please find the changelog at the bottom of this post.
If you can afford it, you can support Feudums (and unlock nice perks) on Patreon, allowing me to dedicate more time and resources to the project, but if you cannot - don't worry about it.

[h2]What else is on the horizon?[/h2]
  1. The single player community poll will close at the end of February to make room for the next roadmap community poll about the next major feature milestone. Be sure to cast your vote while you can. It just takes 20 seconds to 2 minutes to complete it!
  2. In addition to the roadmap community poll, there will be some smaller polls about fine-tuning and prioritizing player requested features and content planned for the next some updates. These polls will happen on discord - everyone is hereby invited to participate!

[h3]Notable Gameplay Changes[/h3]
  • You can now join your allies in battle if your agreement is set to "Alliance" and you do not violate another existing agreement with a player on the other side of the battle (e.g.: Peace, Alliance or Non-aggression pact). The maximum number of companies that can join a battle on one side is now set in the rulebook.
  • Execution times for most commands - claims and constructions included - have been reduced.

[h3]UX/UI Changes[/h3]
  • Changed how the rulebook defines the diplomacy violation costs and when the diplomacy violations are processed against other players with no agreements.
  • Changed how the diplomacy violations are reported. The reports now include the categories for both parties, not just the cost.
  • Total population is now reported in the footer of the Feudums list.
  • Finally added the long missing Company/Garrison list to the Companies badge, and the most important rulebook settings to the badge's tooltip. In addition, a small notification will automatically appear in the bottom right corner of the badge if there is a battle in which your companies or garrisons are involved (and fighting companies are marked in the list appropriately).
  • Garrisons and companies now show their Area of Control when selected, and feudum (or wasteground) tiles are marked when you click into one and you're in the Feudum scope (note: the visual effects for these highlights are not final)
  • Wastegrounds now have a slightly different border type for clarity.

[h3]Bugfixes / Optimizations[/h3]
  • Fixed an issue where Border trespassing violations were not registered.
  • Fixed an issue where the diplomacy violations are not reported when the cost was 0.
  • Fixed an issue where the diplomacy Sight violations were not counted.
  • Fixed an issue where the diplomacy private state command did not update the "Sight" value for fog of war.
  • Fixed an issue where the world market trades could succeed if the rulebook limits were not set.
  • Fixed an issue where game notification messages were displayed in the wrong order.
  • Fixed an issue where the feudum freshwater sources were calculated wrong in some cases.
  • Fixed various bugs on the Backend Admin layouts
  • Slightly updated the Steam integration workflow.
  • Fixed Steam and Google login integration for https://www.feudums.com.
  • Prepared the game server for several upcoming features :)
There's more coming soon, so make sure you subscribed to our newsletter, clicked Follow on Steam and joined our discord to stay in the loop! :)

Until the next update... Enjoy Feudums and say "hi!" on discord if you have a moment!