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  2. News
  3. Demo Update Today

Demo Update Today

Dear rulers and aspirants,

A small update will be uploaded to the server when the current game ends (in about 1.5 hours).
Game sessions will be down for 30-60 minutes.

I am also going to push a small update to the client.

During the downtime, demo games will be unavailable.
I will post an update and the changelog as soon as everything is back online.

Thank you for your patience!

Unlike traditional demos, ours is a continuously updated, interactive developer diary that is provided for full transparency and early cooperation with you, so Feudums can become the game you want. I invite you to play the early versions, join our discord, and help us refine the game as we progress.

If pre-early access games are not your cup of tea, that is also completely fine. Please follow the game and bear with us until we ship a more feature-complete public version.

Join our community on Discord https://discord.gg/QgERDnU

Support the development on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/feudums