1. Death Squared
  2. News
  3. Moving Out is moving out April 28!

Moving Out is moving out April 28!

We're in the exciting and nerve-racking month lead up to Moving Out's release.

The game is pretty much done. We've had a few months of polish and it's looking and feeling great. It's a different game than Death Squared in many ways but also similar in that it's a game you can play with your friends and family, even if they arent usually gamers.

You can download the free demo, wish-list and hey even pre-order to get 4 extra mover characters for free!

Here's all the trailers to help get you up to speed.
You might recognize the voice from the trailers ;)




Fun Fact: Moving Out is part of the SMG Extended Game Universe (SMGEGU)

Ominicorp started as Smooth Moves LLC in Packmore in 1982. Through aggressive M&A become Ominicorp some 100 years later. The bot testing lead to military contracts, that lead to them eventually starting private military arm which was Herocorp, a subsidiary of Omnicorp, and the plot of OTTTD.