1. TROUBLESHOOTER: Abandoned Children
  2. News
  3. Development status of the next work #2

Development status of the next work #2

Hello everyone. This is the Troubleshooter development team.

We hope all of our fans are well.

We are continuing our development of “Troubleshooter: Banished Children,” the sequel to “Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children.”

This is happening because of your love and support. We cannot thank you more.

For today’s announcement, we’re sending you fresh news about the current development state of “Troubleshooter: Banished Children.”

[h2]1. About 3D Model Art Style in The Sequel[/h2]

Many of our fans who enjoyed “Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children” have shown disappointment about its 3D character model quality.

We were also aware of that feedback and tried to improve its quality while we were updating the game, but it didn’t go well due to our lack of skills.

To solve this problem, we are now trying to change the style of our 3D models.

Understanding our limits in development skills, we have looked through many options to attain the best result. We’re now taking reference to “Tales of Arise” from Bandai Namco, and trying to create our style of 3D graphics.

The reason why we adopted this kind of style was that we think this kind of style can capture the feelings of our original concept art. This new style of ours still has a lot more to improve.

But we’ll do our best to show you more charming art style than “Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children.”

[h2]2. New Characters - Part 2[/h2]

In our last announcement, we presented you the concept arts of 5 main characters.
The following are the other 5 of the 10 main characters who were unannounced from the last announcement.


Please note that these can be changed when the game is released.


Claudia Ende is 28 years 28-year-old apprentice from the Coven of Kalter Mountains.

15 years ago, at the age of 13, she embarked on her journey to be acknowledged as a proper witch of the coven. But after a year, she gave up the journey and made up her mind to live with Ari.

Over the years, Claudia has taken the role of Ari’s friend, sister, and sometimes mother while living beside her. She also decided to go together with Ari this time.

Her main weapon is a staff. Her basic class is “Shaman,” and her advanced class will be “Astrologian” and “Witch.”


Gravis Rockhammer is a 45-year-old man from the Blackmountain Tribe.

10 years ago, he was one of the most famous figures in the tribe, but one of his colleagues and his close friend betrayed him and framed him for a false accusation.

He claimed himself innocent, but the leaders of the tribe didn’t listen to him and banished him from the land of the tribe for 10 years.

Losing all hope, Gravis roamed around Kalter Mountain and suffered panic disorder because of the sense of betrayal. Looking for a quiet shelter, Gravis met Ari and Claudia and became their neighbor.

Later, Gravis solved many problems for Ari as her close friend and reliable neighbor. He also decided to accompany her journey this time.

His main weapon is a two-handed axe. His basic class is Axeman, and this advanced class will be “Warrior” and “Barbarian.”


Azul Fisher is an 18-year-old man from the Starsong tribe.

As the bravest warrior and a skillful fisherman regardless of his young age, he is considered as a candidate for the next chieftain by younger tribesmen even though he has an explosive temper and lacks patience.

However, many elders of the tribe don’t think of him as reliable, since his characteristics cause many troubles.

Azul is aware of his bad reputation, but he keeps on overacting to show that he won’t submit to them.

His main weapon is a spear. His basic class is “Lancer,” and his advanced class will be “Dragoon” and “SpearMagician”.


Reed Sheppard is a 25-year-old man from Kalter Frontier, who was born in Caras Union.

When he was young, his parents moved to Kalter Frontier with him after the war.

But when Kalter Mountains fell into anarchy after the Ater Empire lost its hold on the region, the mercenary corps also committed pillage and massacre, and he lost his parents along the way.

Later, the tribes of Kalter united against the mercs and banished them from the region, and during the process, a PMC called “The Golden Sand” took care of him.

He has become a proper member of the Golden Sand, and now is working as a pathfinder or a part-timer at the Riversand trading post.

His main weapon is a dagger. His basic class is “Thief,” and his advanced class will be “Rogue” and “Trickster.”


Lumi Headlock is a 23-year-old woman from the Blackmountain tribe.

Her father, Justin, worked as public security for the tribe. Through the influence of his father, Lumi became the leader of Blackmountain public security section 1 despite her young age and short career.

One can’t deny that her father’s reputation is the reason for her fast promotion, and that fact made many of her colleagues and tribesmen jealous.

Lumi is also aware of this, and now she’s doing her best to prove her worth and value to others.

Her main weapon is a sniper rifle. Her basic class is “Gunman,” and her advanced class will be “Marksman” and “Sniper”.

With these 5 new characters shown above and those 5 characters from the last announcement, we’re now developing 10 playable characters in total.

We’ll do our best to deliver their attractive story in “Troubleshooter: Banished Children”.

[h2]3. New Enemies and Factions[/h2]

[h4]Blackmountain Committee for Future Development ( BCFD )[/h4]

Starting from the left, Enrique the chairman, and the Committee members-Sophia, Jamie, and Justin.

BCFD is a government organization located in the southeastern part of Kalter Mountain and committed to the mining industry.

5 years ago, it became obvious that the mines would be depleted in 10 years. So the Blackmountain tribe decided to abandon their traditional way of life and find a new one.

During the process, the BCFD took advantage of Kalter being a reservation zone in which the laws of superpowers cannot be applied and cooperated with the Gold Dragon Clan from East Alliance, starting a casino business on a large scale.

Through this effort, the Blackmountain tribe was able to bring in many other premier hotels and leisure facilities, thus making a lot of profit in a short period. However, unlike in the past, those profits were only for the little part of the tribe who had power.

Most of the tribesmen who don’t benefit from the casino business complained as the casino business harasses public order and makes more people addicted to gambling.

But Enrike and the other part of the committee are oppressing the people who have complaints like this by force in the name of ‘maintaining public order’.

[h4]Rose Brigade[/h4]

Starting from the left, Barron the Brigade commander, William, Theodore, Dominic, Jake, and Camille.

The remnants of The Rose Brigade, one of the most elite troops in the Ater Empire 20 years ago, who were active in the Garter region.

Every member is from the noble houses of the Ater Empire. They started their quest for the artifacts in the Kalter Mountains that the Emperors wanted so that they could be redeemed from the dishonor of losing the Garter region to enemies.

At the end of the war, their ranks were nearly one hundred, but now they are reduced to only 6. The residents of Kalter think that they are continuing their quest just because of their pride as the so-called nobles of the Empire.


We deeply feel sorry for those who are waiting for our sequel, as our development speed couldn’t meet our fan's expectations.

It will take more time to release our next work, but we will do our best to keep in touch with our loving fans all over the world.

As always, thank you for reading our devlog.