1. God of Word
  2. News
  3. Shank n' Bake is Released!

Shank n' Bake is Released!

We made a game, much different than God of Word, but with an equal amount of love poured into it and a similar desire to pump it with way too much content. And to celebrate, God of Word is also going on sale for one week! Yay!


Shank n' Bake is about a masochistic, drug-fueled muffin rampaging across the land killing healthy foods to save his kind. An infinite runner with unlockable cosmetics, boss fights, story cutscenes and over an hour of violent screaming deaths, Shank n' Bake is our twisted take on the genre.

Check it out! It may or may not be up your alley; either way, it's a-okay!

Have a good one,
- The Mega Dwarfs