1. Half-Life: A Place in the West
  2. News
  3. Rise and Shine

Rise and Shine

...although we have rather been sleeping on the job, haven't we? It's been a while. Our deepest apologies on that front: both myself and Ross have been dealing with some incredibly challenging obstacles in our lives, and it has unfortunately meant that we had to place the comic on a temporary hiatus. We realise we should’ve signaled this earlier, but events unfolded quickly. Still, it’s no excuse for having kept you in the dark.

I suppose the most pertinent question is: are we back? Barring catastrophe, we will be returning to production on Chapter 9 this autumn. A Place in the West—to the horror of some, we’re sure—won’t ever die. It’s just a question of when we’ll reach the end. We've published 8 chapters so far, and there's going to be 15 in total. We have every intention of concluding the story.

Thank you so much for sticking with us. It means the world. Every chapter has been discounted for the Summer Sale, so now might be a great time to jump in.

We have a surprise coming in October, but more on that later …

In the meantime, thank you. We’ll see you up ahead.