Operation Frostbite in WoT Blitz
You see that too? A city lost amidst the Cold Front—an endless ice plain! The frost bites to the bone, yet this place radiates with life. All thanks to the engineers who tamed the harsh nature. If you spot a blue glow, don’t be alarmed—it’s cryogenic energy powering the city. Step inside and marvel at the beauty and might of engineering! You'll find resources, war paints, avatars, and the Wujiang Legendary camo for the BZ-166.

[h2]How Can I Get the Rewards?[/h2]
You need a Tier III or higher vehicle to participate.
The Operation includes two reward progression paths, each comprising 60 levels. The first progression path is available to all players as regular Pass holders. The second progression path offers more rewards and is only available to Premium Pass holders. To receive rewards, increase your Pass Level by completing the Operation's missions.
While the Pass Level increases automatically, you'll need to collect your rewards manually.
[h2]What Are the Rewards?[/h2]
Tons of resources, a Collector tank, themed warpaints and avatars, a profile background, certificates that provide XP bonuses for victories, and a Legendary camo for a researchable Tier VIII vehicle!

[h2]How Can I Get the Rewards?[/h2]
You need a Tier III or higher vehicle to participate.
The Operation includes two reward progression paths, each comprising 60 levels. The first progression path is available to all players as regular Pass holders. The second progression path offers more rewards and is only available to Premium Pass holders. To receive rewards, increase your Pass Level by completing the Operation's missions.
While the Pass Level increases automatically, you'll need to collect your rewards manually.
[h2]What Are the Rewards?[/h2]
Tons of resources, a Collector tank, themed warpaints and avatars, a profile background, certificates that provide XP bonuses for victories, and a Legendary camo for a researchable Tier VIII vehicle!