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  3. Update 2025-03-07

Update 2025-03-07


[h2]Book System[/h2]
[h3]GM 흙먹어헌터's Counseling #1[/h3]
The book system has been added. The first book, GM 흙먹어헌터's Counseling #1, can now be created and used. Various other books will be published in the future.

  • GM 흙먹어헌터's Counseling #1
  • Fortune Cookie Notes

How to Create GM 흙먹어헌터's Counseling #1

  1. Craft GM 흙먹어헌터's Counseling #1 at the Simple Paper Machine
  2. Open GM 흙먹어헌터's Counseling #1 and insert Fortune Cookie Notes.
  3. Each page requires 10 specific Fortune Cookie Notes, which must be registered all at once.
  4. If even one note is missing, the registration will not proceed.
  5. Incomplete pages will display a pencil icon.
  6. Selecting this icon will show the required notes for that page.
  7. If all required notes are available, the Write button will become active.
  8. Pressing the Write button will register the page.
  9. Completed pages will display a book icon.
  10. Selecting this icon will show the page's content.
  11. The character who completed the last page will be credited as the publisher when the book is opened.

How to Use GM 흙먹어헌터's Counseling #1

  1. Select the item from Inventory or Storage.
  2. Press the Read button in the tooltip.
  3. Choose a Counseling session.
  4. At least one page must be completed for counseling to be available.
  5. Follow the instructions to use the counseling feature.


[h2]Brick Mastery[/h2]
The number of bricks that can be placed per level has been increased.
At level 60, the brick placement limit has increased from 237 to 355.
[h2]Personal Town[/h2]
Town owners can now move furniture placed by other players.
[h2]Splitting Ingot-Type Items[/h2]
When ingot-type items are stacked, selecting the stack will now display a Split button in the tooltip.
However, if the inventory is full, the Split button will not appear.
[h2]Faster Fortune Cookie Processing[/h2]
The processing speed for checking Fortune Cookies has been increased.