Update 2024-12-06
[h2]Imitation block slab[/h2]
- mitation block slab has been added.
- Imitation block slab is a block slab that imitates the surface of surrounding blocks. However, it cannot be stacked twice in a single space.
- The Imitation block slab mimics blocks in the following order: the block below, the block above, and the block on the side.
- This block can be obtained through exchange at the event vending machine. The exchange period, required materials, and quantities may change frequently.
[h2]Vertical Movement Gate (Downward)[/h2]
The Vertical Movement Gate (Downward), an electric object, has been added. The Vertical Movement Gate (Upward) moves objects upward, the Vertical Movement Gate (Downward) moves objects downward.
[h2]Plant Nutrient[/h2]
A potion that increases the HP of plants being cultivated in the kitchen garden. However, the HP of plants that can be increased using this potion is limited to a maximum of 50%.
[h2]Wolran's Time Blessing[/h2]
- Wolran's Time Blessing is a potion that allows the crops in the kitchen garden to progress in time even when the user is not present in their town. However, if the crop’s HP falls below 10% while Wolran's Time Blessing is active, the passage of time in the kitchen garden will stop. Time will resume if user enters the town.
- It can be purchased from the coin shop.
[h2]Kitchen garden[/h2]
- When the HP of crops decreases, it will be visually displayed on the Kitchen garden.

- Sulfur fertilizer can now be applied to the Kitchen garden by dragging it in. When applied, the Kitchen garden’s pH will be adjusted to the maximum level suitable for the crops being cultivated.
[h2]Stack Limit Adjustment[/h2]
The stackable limit for farming items such as heat packs, ice packs, and sulfur fertilizer has been increased to 1,000.
The translation feature has been improved.