[color]Greetings, esteemed colleagues![/color][/h5]
Take your iodine, because Dark Energy has arrived. The second major update for Abiotic Factor is here, and right on schedule, expanding again on the main story and adding a whole new sector - nay, a new
region to explore!
Beneath is the fuel for a future unheralded. Darkness blending with light. An energy awakened, a path unveiling.
As is standard, in a less serious tone - we’ve also got a dev vlog from Criss & Zag, which is sort of like a podcast but less entertaining, much shorter, and
just a little bit of the good kind of cringe. If you prefer, you can skip over that and get to readin’! If you’d prefer no spoilers at all, feel free to also just launch into the game and take the update for a spin.
[h3]The Maw of the Depths Opens Wide[/h3]

As you venture downwards and prepare yourselves for the battlefields below, linger a spell in beautiful Power Services. We won’t say much more about the areas you’ll be entering, or how you’ll come to do so -- the Reactors is a large and unusual place, and we do like to let the Facility speak for itself. You will hear its voice soon enough.
[h3]New Faction: The Gatekeepers[/h3]

If you’re the brains of GATE, we would like to introduce you to the brawn, and their agenda leaves little room for negotiation. Some questions will be answered. Some questions will be asked. Why have they gathered in the Reactors? What are they looking for? Who is holding the reins, if reins exist at all? Will we see [DATA REDACTED] again? And who are
you in all of this? Well, you’re just a scientist from Office Sector, and you don’t belong down here.
Good luck navigating this landscape, egghead.
[h3]Traveling Trader:
To start off, one of our favorite friends has found his way to the GATE Cascade Research Facility and offers a few odds and ends. All traveling traders will be lure-able by placing a unique object in your base, and they’ll come and go on various days of the week.

The other traders throughout the Facility will utilize this new UI as well, so say goodbye to dropping items into a bin – at least in these instances.
[h3]Remembering the Places We’ve Been[/h3]
As you venture through the Reactors, new technology will find its way to you. Some call it inspiration, others call it luck, but either way, Teleporter Pads are a boon indeed. Placing down a teleporter allows it to link to another, creating an instant gateway between two points. It’s a bit expensive, but that is the price you pay for instant transportation.

Until then, take the trams. It’s always a nice time with friends.
[h3]Hardlight Technology[/h3]
Who thought light could be
hard? Someone at GATE, it seems. And by jove, they figured it out! Now it’s your turn to figure it out too. Hardlight technology can create bridges, bounce bullets (and maybe more?), and even provide a bit of protection the likes of which you’ve not yet seen. Enjoy this newfound tech in whatever way suits you best.

[h3]From Enemies to Allies[/h3]
While we’re not quite ready to talk about our future wants for
Pets 2.0, a few more creatures are making their way into your arsenal - and hearts. As with most things, we won’t be telling you when or where to find these fellas, but we want you to know they exist nonetheless. The rest, as usual, is up to you.
Friend? Foe? Froe? Either way, IS-0128 loves pets and is looking for his forever home. Keep it well fed, and maybe it’ll return the favor. It’s full o’ goo and ready to spew.

A vengeful spirit stalks you, but… The Anteverses are a complex place.

[h3]Corn Control Facility[/h3]
Flathill has seen a couple small additions. Take a visit back there sometime, won’t you? For old times’ sake. … And maybe bring your unsavory corn while you’re at it.

You need no longer fear the lack of plantability. But your enemies will fear the output of this new plant. This sounded cooler in our heads - anyway, enjoy.

[h3]Fish & Foods[/h3]
Yes, yes, there are several new places (and new types of places) in which to fish, which means more fish, which means more dish…es. Dishes. Fishes and dishes. Enjoy these delicious… foods. This all sort of rhymes and that’s good enough for us, just like most of the strange dishes we cook up.

[h3]That Green Armor You Keep Seeing in Videos and Screenshots[/h3]
There's a handful of new armor you can get your hands on, but this one is definitely here now. For real this time. We mean it. Here's a picture of the armor standing in the woods. There could even be a scientist inside it. That scientist could be you.

[h3]Harpoon Spear[/h3]
Abe told us about a crazy idea he had, so we went and built it. It kinda works, actually. You can snag this around the time you enter Hydroplant, which makes sense, because, well, you know.

[h3]”Exor” Weaponry[/h3]
There are several new weapons (and some say there could even be some armor) that stem from the more savage corners of the Anteverses. Sometimes we must arm ourselves with the tools of the enemy, sometimes we must become the enemy to defend ourselves. Sometimes, we just like spikes on things because it looks kind of cool.

[h3]High Explosives[/h3]
The Order has brought military-grade explosives to the Facility, and you would be a moron to not wield them for yourself. You’re not a moron, are you? … Be careful with that stuff, ya big genius.

[h3]Laser Improvements[/h3]
Many improvements have been made to lasers. More reliability, a little less annoying, diminishing beams as the power decays (previously not visible), and easier recipes.
But is that all we’re doing with Lasers? Oh, please. Have you ever heard of a Laser
Grenade? And was it a rechargeable throwable? It was not. But this is.
Another small quality o’ life update: for the most part, any recipe involving Lenses AND another thing that requires lenses no longer requires the Lenses. There were just too many lenses already in the lens-based recipe.
[h3][REDACTION] Grenade[/h3]
‘Nuff said.

[h3]Spawn Inhibitors[/h3]
Tired of that one little Pest in the corner of your base
just out of reach of the Crafting Bench who keeps coming back for
MORE BEATDOWNS? Well, tire no longer. Put up the right kind of inhibitor (if it’s available) and keep it powered. That should keep the pesky enemies at bay. There will be a few inhibitors at first, with plans for more later. Let us know how those work out. Dr. Ross worked very hard on getting the frequency
juuuuust right.
[h3]Treasures for the Taking[/h3]
If you can locate the key…

[h3]Long Jump Pack[/h3]
There’s a fine line between backpack and jetpack, and this thing not only straddles that line, it can leap over the gap in a single bound, line be damned! Forwards, backwards, sideways, Careful, though. It’s as useful as it is dangerous.

[h3]Pocket Dimension Pack[/h3]
Looking for the biggest backpack you’ve ever seen? Maybe something less jetpack and more backpack? Bigger, backpackier, betterer? This oughta do it. Dr. Thule found a whole dimension you can just stuff your things into and they probably won’t go missing.

[h3]Construction Gauntlet[/h3]
Improve those tinkering fingers with the power of scientific engineering. It’s a glorified screwdriver, really. Some scientists even theorize we’ll get better animations someday. Nice try, Thule. We’ll see about that.

[h3]Even More Trinkets[/h3]
Even more trinkets have been added - some found earlier, some only found in the depths of the Reactors. Can you find them all? And don’t forget about
Kylie. You made her a promise, after all.

[h3]The Encroachment - Another Anteverse Invades![/h3]
As you may have inferred from our
pitchfork pickaxe announcement last week, something new can be found squirming its way into the Old Mines. If you are well beyond Mines, venture back. If you are just getting into Manufacturing, venture onwards! Here’s a few hints on how to uncover this location; a peek from Anteverse 299, and one that, we are told, some of you may be familiar with…