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  3. In The Caverns Below...

In The Caverns Below...

[h5][color]Greetings, esteemed colleagues![/color][/h5]

Today we’re taking a look at some strange happenings in the old mines… You thought the chaos and madness of Dark Energy was contained merely to the Reactors? Prepare yourselves, for some rumblings have been heard deep in the rock… Let’s start with this email from Dr. Sukov.

from: [email protected]

Lionel, if you get this, PLEASE send me any information you can.

Something extraordinary is happening, but I can't get to Manufacturing right now to investigate.

The Dark Lens is offline and the perforation system is going haywire, but the readings I'm getting from somewhere in the Mines are just - well, they're hard to believe. I've never seen anything of this magnitude.

What do you see down there?

[h3]Somewhere In The Dark and Dirt[/h3]

Something intrudes from Anteverse 299… The distant clank of a pitchaxe is heard, followed by a rumble from something bigger. And… a strange hum?

Something has breached the depths of the mines. Don't ask me what it is. These passages are riddled with horrors, but whatever this is, it's completely different.

~ A. Kovac

A soothing refuge for some, a final resting place for others, and a menacing, relentless encroachment. There are a handful of new resources to be utilized here, for those with a penchant for adventure - and science.

The mines can be a dangerous place. Perhaps a pickaxe was not sufficient to fend on the creatures lurking here.

[color]See you February 4th, Explorers...[/color]

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