Dark Energy Bonus Update

Greetings, groupies of the Unlost!
Today’s update is special. A bonus, if you will. We were getting ready to wrap things up for our main Dark Energy efforts, and we decided, heck, maybe you just need a little more incentive to craft Rocket Launchers. Or maybe we had a bug or two to fix. There’s really no way to know for sure, it could be a thousand different reasons. But the end result is this update.
Please update your game and servers when you get a moment away from scientific study. If you don't receive an update, verify your game files.
EDIT: We dropped another tiny patch that fixes the trinket reward issue in this update. Science is hard. Enjoy!
Bonus Update v0.10.0.15549 Changes:
[h3]Scientist Customization:[/h3]
- NEW FABRIC: Valentine’s Day Fabric 2025. Permanently unlocked for all scientists. A new fabric to show you that you’re the repair item to our heart. Or something of that nature.
[h3]Facility & Portal Worlds:[/h3]
- Fixed furniture not properly resetting in Portal Worlds.
- If a container has items in it, it will no longer reset in a Portal World, by design. This will also prevent your items from being deleted or lost if you stored them in a container in a Portal World. If you want a Portal World original container to reset, you will need to fully empty it from now on.
- Put in additional fixes to ensure Force Fields in Shadowgate do not reset under certain specific conditions. A nullified Force Field should now remain nullified forever.
- To help with later traversal, Night Realm’s larger gates are now opened automatically after certain Nightspheres are destroyed. (This will only occur when the area is reloaded, but you can still manually open these as you reach them as well.)
- For easier return trips, the front gates of Canaan now remain unlocked if unlocked during a previous trip.
- Fixed one pool in The Encroachment not being fishable.
- Updated the fish-splash particle effect when catching fish in The Encroachment and Power Services whatever-the-heck-that-is water.
- Fixed Tram clipping through rocks on Data Farm to Power Services route.
- Fixed missing water volume in Mist Reactor control center.
- Greatly improved visibility and appearance of Mist Reactor and weather there-in, and the specific night time appearance of the location is now more properly consistent.
- Mist Reactor is now always properly hot, even at night.
- Removed some accidentally solid water collision in an unknown location, at some unknown ending area, something something spoilers.
[h3]Progression / Narrative Changes:[/h3]
- Mist Reactor interior door no longer requires a higher level keypad hacker.
- In Mist Reactor, Abe & Janet lines have increased in volume to be more audible under the music and environmental conditions.
- Improved readability on Mist Reactor objectives, including initially outlining them.
- A few of the quieter Manse holograms have been increased in volume.
- Swapped the location of two Manse holograms found within Mist Reactor.
- All Dr. Hill voice lines have been increased in volume to be more audible under the music and environmental conditions.
- Fixed timing on a Dr. Hill subtitle which was getting cut off too early.
- Fixed Kylie subtitles being seen globally.
- Various VO and subtitles fixes, Dr. Cahn no longer says Portal when he meant Waygate. He’s just very particular about this kind of stuff and insisted we change it.
- Recovered some data involving an E-Mail about “Bot Runes.” We’re sure this version is better, and whatever version you might’ve read was from some alternate anteverse, most likely.
[h3]Balance Tweaks:[/h3]
- Cluster Grenade (non-rocket version) damage reduced to 150 per grenade down from 400 per grenade.
- Dramatically reduced Accuracy XP gained from Laser Weapons.
- Laser Collector now requires construction and requires a tool in order to be packaged, to match the same style as other similar objects.
- Bee Swarm is now removed upon DBNO instead of the swarm persisting to finish the job.
- Increased Inhibitor Range from 10 meters to 25 meters and they no longer require power. (Plug socket artwork will be removed at a later time.)
[h3]Laser Katana Changes:[/h3]
- The Laser Katana has been updated to be a more effective tool beyond the Hydroplant.
- Damage increased to 60, from 40.
- Max laser increased from 60 to 100.
- Max durability increased from 40 to 50.
- Repair item is now Reservoir Growth.
- Increased swing rate to 0.4, from 0.5.
[h3]Rocket Launcher Changes:[/h3]
- Rocket Launcher damage increased to 1150, from 500. This includes the Penetrator Rocket.
- Reduced splash damage on Rockets to be a bit steeper falloff, dealing less damage near the edges.
- Reduced splash range on Rockets to 500, down from 600. (Let's be honest, this is mostly to avoid hurting YOURSELF more than others.)
- Reduced Cluster Rocket's Cluster Grenade damage. Individual rocket-fired Cluster Grenades longer do the full Rocket Launcher base damage, which is… frankly extraordinary. This means each Cluster Grenade from a Cluster Rocket now deals about 150 damage, which is still nothing to sneeze at. Gesundheit.
- Reduced Sapper PETN drop rate by about 50%, no longer drops up to 4x at once.
- Detonation Cords are now a bit pricier to craft.
- Rocket Launcher now requires 4x Detonation Cords, down from 6x.
- Cluster Grenade, Rocket Launcher, and all Rocket recipes now unlock alongside the Detonation Cord, but they will not show their items unless you have discovered them.
- Rocket Launcher now has additional items shown when Researching the recipe.
- Rocket and Rocket variant recipes no longer require Research.
[h3]Recipe & Item Changes:[/h3]
- Changed Containment Unit: 91 toggle verbs to clarify what the glass tint action actually does. It does NOT turn off the Containment, it simply toggles the glass tint.
- Jotunhelm recipe is now unlocked upon killing a Jotun for the first time, to aid in scientists discovering this recipe altogether.
- Bleach can now be found in Reactor toolboxes.
- Various Bleach bottles have been appearing around the Reactors and Power Services. Probably has nothing to do with the above issues and were simply left there by a janitor.
- Bleach recipe is now unlocked alongside the Reactor armor set helmet recipe.
- Increased Transcendium drop rates from most sources.
- Popcorn hunger fill values reduced, thirst increase reduced a bit too.
- Silver Chain is now salvageable into Silver Scrap.
- Reduced cost of all Hardlight Bridges.
- Reduced weight and recipe cost of Field Battery (again).
[h3]Weapon & Armor Changes:[/h3]
- Energy Pistol can now be refilled at Laser Collectors as well, but will still be filled with Battery in lieu of Laser. We hear Dr. Thule is working on an upgrade, though, but he’s disappeared off to Residences, or so the duo told us.
- Reactor armor set bonus no longer shows on HUD at all times. (It still shows in the Health Screen like other armor bonuses/buffs.)
- All parts of the Security armor set can be salvaged now, instead of holding firm inside your containers.
- Security armor set now requires Kevlar to repair.
[h3]Volatile Exor Changes:[/h3]
- Volatile Exors no longer check for a chance to explode every time they take damage when at low health.
- Volatile Exors now have a very steady 30% chance to explode when they reach low health.
- Volatile Exor can now drop their loot even if they explode.
- Volatile Exor explosive damage increased to 150. Stand clear!
- Volatile Exor explosion range reduced to 500, from 750.
- Volatile Exor hit points have been reduced by about 20%.
- Improved explosion when Volatile Exor self-detonates.
[h3]Other Entity Changes:[/h3]
- IS-0223 should no longer trigger the Exor armor set when morning arrives. It's fine, he's a friend!
- Exor Spirit should no longer appear right on top of the wearer.
- Enemies can now properly see through Drop Shields and will no longer try to walk through them or take cover on the wrong side of them. This should make the shield generally more useful as a combat tool.
- Fixed a major bug with enemies not properly dying in one hit if their torso health was dropped to zero by a single instance of damage. This should help with a lot of cases where something that does a lot of damage doesn't kill a weaker target when it should. This also affects big damage dealers, like the Sniper Rifles, Magbow, Rocket Launcher, and various grenades.
- IS-0128 no longer drinks other liquids - their diet has returned to only radioactive waste.
- Fixed several cases where enemies would play the wrong voice line, such as “exit combat” lines during the heat of combat, or other strange incongruities.
- Enemies will now say special lines for killing Scientists (e.g. you) vs. killing other targets.
- Characters should no longer continue holding other characters after death/DBNO, which should prevent issues where scientists might get stuck underground, or in a wall, or inside something else unsavory.
- Gatekeeper Phyters should drop broken NVGs much more frequently.
- Pests properly power a panoply of player-placed props again. (Pest Wheel Fix)
[h3]Dedicated Server Changes:[/h3]
- [color]-NoSteam[/color] is now disabled and a relevant error message will display with workarounds and proper procedure required.
- Fixed projectiles attached to corpses not being collectable by clients on a dedicated server once the corpse has been gibbed.
[h3]Other Changes / Bug Fixes:[/h3]
- Scientist saves that have been manually renamed will now fix the Steam ID identifier inside the file on load. This is still not recommended, but should result in less reports from people who can’t help but tinker with their save data. Please be careful, all data must be treated with respect!
- Fixed a bug where the Ogre Trinket recipe was disappearing on world reload.
- If you missed the Ogre Trinket the first time, and the character who gives you this recipe is no longer present, there is now an interactable object nearby which will still grant you the recipe.
- Drop Shield health increased from 700 to 1300
- Drop Shields and Healing Briefcases now properly save and should no longer go missing between world loads.
- Fixed the world size of a few items that were looking particularly small when underfoot.
- Changed a commonly used item socket to make many held items point outwards towards other scientists in third person, e.g. skulls, food, etc.
- Fixed projectile items becoming huge when hitting certain objects.
- Fix Jetpack particles potentially being left around the place even when a Jetpack is no longer present.
- Fixed an issue where headlamps would cause insane shadows when wearing hazmat suits (especially when the scene was shaking.)
- Fixed a bug where a white pillar might appear on certain rotating sprites, such as trees or tiny secret birds.
- Weather should probably no longer appear in the end area. spoilers spoilers
Thank you for enjoying Dark Energy. We look forward to treating you to more in the near future, and in all possible futures, for that matter. Keep hopping through portals, and don’t forget to leave a positive review if you’re having a blast.
And if you’re not, file some bug reports. This is all we do, really. Look at us. I mean come on.
Onward to science!
❤ The Deep Field Team