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War of Rights News

Update 198: Scopes, Sights & Ballistics - Released!

[h2]Hello everyone,[/h2]

Today we’re happy to be bringing you the first alpha update of 2025 to War of Rights, titled Update 198: Scopes, Sights & Ballistics!

The primary focus of today’s update is to overhaul the ballistics of all small arms fire within the game, improve rifle zeroing handling and sight pictures, and introduce highly limited scoped variants of the Whitworth and Sharps rifles to the game.

Let’s dive into the details below!

[h2]Scoped Sharpshooting Rifles[/h2]

Although they will be exceedingly rare, rifles with mounted scopes make their debut in War of Rights with the introduction of the four-powered scoped Whitworth and six-powered Sharps rifles. These technological marvels of their day are currently limited to the NCO ranks of 1st Sergeant and Sergeant Major of the regiments deployed with either Whitworth or Sharps rifles;


1st North Carolina Sharpshooters
5th Alabama Battalion
Palmetto Sharpshooters


1st U.S. Sharpshooters
2nd U.S. Sharpshooters
42nd Pennsylvania
5th New York

The Union exclusive 6-powered long-rifle Malcolm telescope available on the Sharps rifle is a direct replacement of the iron sights of that rifle, while the Confederate exclusive 4-powered scope on the Whitworth rifle is a side-mounted scope, allowing you to not only change views between the scope and iron sights by pressing Z while aiming, but also to adjust the zeroing on the iron sights of the Whitworth.

Bayonets are not issued to either of the two scoped rifles.

[h2]Overhauled Sight Handling[/h2]

All rifle sights in-game now work as intended, mimicking their real-world counterparts. Changing your rifle zeroing is now accomplished by using the mouse wheel (up or down) while aiming your rifle. The zeroing of the sight is now visually maintained even when you do not aim and networked so that other players can see your zeroing adjustments.

[h2]Overhauled Ballistics[/h2]

In Update 198: Scopes, Sights & Ballistics, the ballistics of the rifles have received a major overhaul to ensure range zeroing is precise and functional. Furthermore; the randomized bullet spread, representative of variance in ammunition qualities, has been drastically decreased in order to more closely mimic the characteristics of the ballistics of the real-world counterparts to the in-game rifles.

Left: old random bullet spread vs right: new 60% decreased random bullet spread.

Other ballistic changes include a damage dropoff to buck and ball pellets and pistol balls at distances beyond 33 yards. In short, this means that you may be able to survive a hit at a distance of a smaller round if you are at full health.

[h2]Update 198 Patch Notes[/h2]
  • Added scoped variants of the Whitworth and Sharps rifles, available to 1st Sergeants and Sergeant Majors of the units issued with the non-scoped variants of the weapons in question.
  • Decreased the random bullet spread of the M1841 Mississippi, M1853 Enfield, M1854 Lorenz, M1855 Springfield and M1861 Springfield rifles by 60% to more closely mimic their real-world counterparts.
  • Decreased the random bullet spread of the M1859 Sharps rifle by 70% to more closely mimic its real-world counterparts.
  • Decreased the random bullet spread of the Whitworth rifle by 90% to more closely mimic its real-world counterparts.
  • Slightly reduced the muzzle velocity of the Sharps carbine.
  • Added a dropoff damage to buck and ball pellets and pistol balls related to distance travelled.
  • Overhauled zeroing the rifle sights, resulting in a cleaner gameplay experience.
  • Re-added the removal of the powderbag when loading double or triple canister.
  • Lowered the chance for the broken twig sound to play to 10%
  • Optimized and improved a number of wallpaper textures.
  • Tweaked the revolver sprint animation.
  • Increased defender starting morale by 10% on Larsen Homestead, South Woodlot & Union Camp skirmish areas, Drill Camp.
  • Added interactable flag poles to the Drill Camp game mode.
  • Changed the front sight post of the Whitworth rifle to match earliest known models in Confederate use.
  • Fixed up several snake rail fence rotations for better vaultability on Smith Field skirmish area, Drill Camp.
  • Various minor vegetation fixes, South Mountain level.
  • Added more environmental props to the game.
  • Overhauled the R. Miller farm.
  • Various detail updates to the farms of Antietam.
  • Fixed landslide materials.
  • Added unique skeletons to all weapons which will allow them to better represent their real life version.
  • Changed 12th New York Militia to 12th New York National Guard with new uniforms.
  • Fixed a number of fences on Antietam.
  • Updated all of the affected barn prefab doors to lessen the chance of players being able to exploit them to glitch onto the roofs.
  • Overhauled all NCO chevrons for the USA and CSA.
  • Added footstep sounds to artillery tool walk animations.
  • Added footstep sounds to melee mode aim walk animations.
  • Fixed the fingers and hands ceasing to play animations at a distance.
  • Increased the texture budget on low and medium graphical presets.
  • Made the low and medium graphical presents less aggressive in culling objects.

[h2]Steam Spring Sale: War of Rights 50% Off![/h2]

Starting today, War of Rights is 50% off for the next week as part of the Steam Spring Sale!

Considering joining the ranks? Now is the time to grab a copy for yourself or your friends at:


That’s all for now - we look forward to be setting our sights on you on the fields of glory!

[h2]- The Campfire Games Team[/h2]

Update 197: Drill Camp Skirmishes - Released!

[h3]Hello everyone,[/h3]

As the year draws to an end, we’re excited to be bringing you the 197th alpha update to War of Rights titled Drill Camp Skirmishes today!

The last major update of 2024 includes several new additions that are bound to shake up the game and a fair few improvements, as well. Let’s dive into the content of Update 197: Drill Camp Skirmishes below!

[h2]13 New Drill Camp Skirmishes[/h2]

Today’s update expands the ever popular Skirmish game mode by introducing 13 additional Skirmish areas situated on the Drill Camp level. Each of the 13 new Skirmish areas are roughly the same size as that of the Dunker Church Skirmish (one of the 3 very first Skirmish areas ever released). When playing the new Skirmish areas, players can expect the same attention to detail as found throughout the rest of War of Rights thanks to the diverse nature of the Drill Camp level; Farms, roads, fields, forests, army camps and much more are all part of the Civil War experience awaiting you.

Victory screens make a return to these new Skirmish areas, however instead of showing generic ranks of men and their officers at the conclusion of the round, this skirmish rotation will feature the actual players who participated on the winning side of the battle, complete with their customized appearances. This new variation is a work-in-progress and only features infantry, at this time.

Last, but certainly not least, is the return of the historical narration and flybys between each Skirmish area. Our two historians, George & Bradley, have written as well as narrated a series covering 13 different topics detailing the life of the soldier during the Civil War. We hope you’ll find them interesting while you ready yourself for the next battle!

Please note that the initial balance of the 13 new Skirmish areas is subject to change as mass testing gets going, starting today.

[h2]Snake Rail Fence Destructibility[/h2]

Update 197 expands the destructibility system of the game to also include snake rail fences. These were often used by farmers to keep livestock out of their fields at the time of the Civil War and are thus prominently featured within War of Rights. The snake rail fences can be destroyed by artillery fire as well as rifle fire and will undoubtedly shake up the flow of many battles to come!

[h2]That’s Some Yankee Wallpaper![/h2]

The development of War of Rights began more than 12 years ago, and thus a lot of graphical iterations have been required throughout the years in order to keep the game up to date visually. One of the areas that haven’t seen much if any visual improvement for the past decade is the wallpaper textures of the game. In update 197 this is remedied by an introduction of 8 era appropriate wallpaper designs for the Sherrick and Roulette farmhouses.

We’ll continue to push for visual improvements throughout the lifetime of the game, no matter how small or insignificant they might seem individually as they all add up in time.

[h2]Steam Winter Sale, Snowy Wonderland & So Long ‘24[/h2]

Starting today, War of Rights is part of Steam’s Winter Sale and 50% off for the next two weeks! Now is a perfect time to jump in and experience the new Skirmish areas, complete with historical narration and area transitions.

You can pick up the game HERE

The big Winter Sale is certainly upon us, but that is not the only wintery event that is happening in War of Rights; The Christmas event is currently active, turning the lush countryside of Maryland into a bitterly cold and snowy winter landscape until the end of Christmas.
So head in-game and experience the snowy winter weather and a chance of getting a present from Santa - if you’ve been nice this year, that is!

As 2024 draws to an end we’d like to thank everyone within the War of Rights community for making it possible for us to continue into the 13th year of developing the game in an effort to make it the best possible 19th century warfare game that it possibly can be. We’re really excited for what’s to come in 2025 and we look forward to experiencing it with all of you.

Here’s to many more years of WoR with you all!

[h2]Update 197 Patch Notes[/h2]
  • Added 13 new Skirmish areas to the Drill Camp level.
  • Snake rail fences are now destructible by both small arms and cannon fire.
  • Updated the interior of Roulette farmhouse.
  • Updated all barn prefabs.
  • Added more interior props,wallpapers and tiles to the game.
  • Added outhouses to most of Harpers Ferry.
  • General vegetation detail updates, Harpers Ferry.
  • Minor Antietam detail level updates.
  • Various character item updates.
  • Updated WA artillery uniform customization.
  • A few visual fixes for the customization level.
  • Slightly reduced tree bending.
  • Made the deep mud/snow footprints a little more distinct.
  • Removed a tire tread from one of the dirt textures.
  • Removed the invisible walls from the firing ranges on the Drill Camp level.
  • Fife and bugle spin animation fix.
  • Playing the fife while quicktiming should now look better.
  • Added hit particle effects to the wheat bundles.
  • Bullet impacts are now slightly louder.
  • Added gun and equipment rattle sounds to the game.
  • Added a breaking twig sound to the game.
  • Detail work, Drill Camp level.
  • Fixed the missing tree trunk on one of the oak tree LODs.
  • Replaced 1st USSS with the 2nd USSS on Hooker’s Push Skirmish area, Antietam.
  • Updated all distance terrains throughout the game for a more immersive and seamless transition.
  • Fixed Fence5 LODs.
  • Improved the cornfield billboard LODs and made them draw at much longer distances at an overall lower polycount than the old shorter range ones.
  • Fixed the landslide model’s material.
  • Added a new work-in-progress victory screen version to the 13 new Skirmish areas on the Drill Camp.
  • Modified Sherrick House and added new wallpapers to it.
  • Updated the texture of the national flag of 1st Delaware, with many thanks to the curators of the Delaware Historical Society for their assistance.
  • Added a new 5th Texas regimental flag.
  • Darkened and widened the text chat background for better readability.
  • Made the winter grass more snowy.
  • Added drum textures for 1st and 5th Texas as well as 1st Delaware.
  • Removed a number of unused ground textures from the game.
  • Added new quicktime movement animations for artillery soldiers when holding a sponge/rammer.
  • Fixed some bad door rotations.
  • Updated the 4th US Artillery flag.
  • Possible fix for a particle crash that sometimes occurs when changing levels.
  • Improved resource lifetime management logic on various resource types to allow for pre-caching global data once during game startup, as well as geometry, materials and textures persisting from level to level instead of requiring redundant reloading every time the level is changed.
  • Made muddy footprints leave mud behind for a few footsteps after exiting a muddy surface.
  • Fixed headbobbing mostly disappearing when having about 30% health and fixing it going crazy at 1% health.
  • Fixed a bayonet-related reload exploit.
  • Enabled the voice chat volume in the sound settings to go to 0.
  • Geometry level of detail and texture mipmap streaming priority update is now executed asynchronously, resulting in an up to 5% performance improvement in CPU bound scenarios.

That’s all for today. We hope you’re enjoying the holidays as well as the new Drill Camp skirmishes and wintery visuals of the game. We look forward to be seeing both green and veteran players alike take on the latest additions to the game!

[h3]- The Campfire Games Team[/h3]

Autumn Sale! War of Rights is now 50% off

[h3]Hello Everyone,[/h3]

For the next week, War of Rights is 50% off as part of Steam's Autumn Sale. Now is a great time to pick up the game and join the ranks, partaking in massive 350 player first person 19th century warfare!


We look forward to be welcoming all of the new recruits on the fields of glory!

[h3]- The Campfire Games Team[/h3]

Update 196: Decaying Autumn - Released!

[h3]Hello everyone,[/h3]

We’re excited to be bringing you the 196th alpha update titled Decaying Autumn to War of Rights today!

Today’s update includes several major visual overhauls to the game, a completion of the infantry unit customization, additional musician tunes, the return of autumn as well as a few spooky treats just in time for Halloween.. Let’s dive into the content of Update 196: Decaying Autumn below!

[h2]ATTENTION: Harpers Ferry To Be Quarantined![/h2]
Attention! A mysterious sickness has been reported to have been spreading throughout the town of Harpers Ferry in recent weeks and as such we expect the governor to issue a two-week long town-wide quarantine beginning on Thursday, 31st of October in order to evacuate the area. We hear reports of an unparalleled emergency requiring the aid of blue, brown and butternut clad soldiers alike!

Due to popular demand, the undead return to War of Rights in a revamped zombie mode. This update introduces multiple new types of undead, a shop for character and weapon upgrades, and an exciting new defense-based game mode “Onslaught” set in Harpers Ferry.

The core objective in this mode is to hold successive key points strategically, fending off the approaching zombie onslaught. Every point you lose pushes you back to the next, until you will be forced to make a final stand against the oncoming horde.

Teamwork is more crucial than ever with the introduction of a new undead type that can only be damaged after being stunned by a well-coordinated volley. This new horror will challenge even the most disciplined regiments and strike fear into the most stalwart of soldiers.

Returning for this event is the 'Torch Bearer' class. In lieu of the flag bearer class, the ‘Torch Bearer’ is armed with a signal torch. In addition to serving as a remote spawn point, the 'Torch Bearer' is the literal guiding light of the team, crucial for spotting the incoming risen dead and preventing them from overwhelming your position.

Additionally, a shop (accessible via the F key) is now available between waves, allowing players to purchase stronger, upgradable equipment. Earn money by defeating zombies and use it to unlock upgrades such as faster reload speed, reduced weapon sway, increased melee speed, and more. But be careful, you will lose all your equipment and upgrades should you perish!

Get ready for all the new spooky fun when it goes live tomorrow!

[h2]Global Illumination Overhaul[/h2]
A big feature of Update 196 is a major overhaul of the lighting system (SVOTI) of the game. Expect much more realistic light bounces and less lighting and shadow artifacts as we continue to work on ensuring that War of Rights features cutting-edge tech and immersion.

The new Global Illumination has no fixed ambient color term and thus preserves the color of the bounced lighting much better, without washing it all out.

The new Global Illumination provides much more vivid bounce lighting due to the better color preservation of the particular surface the light bounces off of. It also allows small objects to occlude around them much more easily, where the bounce light can't reach, such as underneath the bed and around wooden furniture.

[h2]Grass & Terrain Improvements[/h2]
For the first time since releasing on Steam, update 196 includes a major vegetation overhaul in the form of new grass, weeds, flowers, wheatfields and more. The bending of the grass has also been updated to simulate waves of wind blowing through the grass. The view distance of most vegetation assets (including trees) has been vastly increased for a more immersive battlefield experience (especially when spectating):

The new grass of War of Rights has a much longer draw distance than the old grass. Each individual blade of grass is also uniquely 3D modeled for a much better parallax effect when walking through the fields. All weeds and flowers have also been replaced by highly detailed models. The bending of the grass has been updated to show the various waves of wind blowing through the grass.

The dirt fields have been updated to display the plowing tracks at much longer distances and the dirt color has been changed to more closely match reference photos.

The sun rays that reach the forest floor now more easily bounce onto nearby objects in the forests as can be seen on the nearby trunk on the right that's colored somewhat orange, compared to the trunks further back in the more shaded part of the forest having a more neutral dark blue/gray color. Small objects in the forest now also more easily occlude the light underneath them, as can be seen on the nearby pile of rotten wood.

Cornstalks and other high density small to medium sized vegetation objects are now able to both occlude and bounce back the light on a need by need basis resulting in much more naturally looking cornfields at certain lighting conditions.

New max view distance of trees.

Overhauled all distance terrain textures for a much more realistic blend and look in the game.

[h2]Autumn Returns to War of Rights[/h2]
The countryside of Maryland is once again clad in vibrant colors as autumn once more falls in War of Rights. Enjoy the golden spectacle in this time limited event starting tomorrow and lasting throughout the month of November!

[h2]Update 196 Patch Notes[/h2]
  • Added the following new fife and drum tunes (available in the drill camp mode) to the musician class:
    • Campbells Are Coming
    • Dixie
    • Downfall
    • Fishers Hornpipe
    • Larry OGaff
    • Minstrel Boy
    • Old 1812
    • Oyster River
    • Pease Upon A Trencher
    • Yellow Rose
  • Added the last of the remaining infantry units featured in the game to the character customizer:
    • 22nd Virginia Battalion
    • 39th New York
    • 42nd Pennsylvania
    • 51st New York
    • 51st Pennsylvania
    • 52nd New York
    • 126th New York
    • 65th Illinois
    • 87th Ohio
    • 89th New York
  • Added new trouser boot variants to the customizer and removed sashes from corporals, sergeants and flag bearers.
  • Added 13th Virginia national flag.
  • Changed the 1st Virginia Cavalry national flag to a guidon type flag.
  • Added 30th Virginia missing trouser rank stripes for officers.
  • Added unique snare drum textures for:
    • 13th New York
    • 23rd New York
    • 42nd New York
  • Replaced the old and incorrect Nicodemus farm model with an accurate representation of a log house as per the historical records.
  • Added a wagon shed to the nicodemus farm scene as per the historical records.
  • Implemented corporal and officer trouser rank stripe variants for all uniforms/regiments.
  • Added an open variant of the shell jacket of the columbus depot type.
  • Added new flour sack models to the game.
  • Removed animation sliding issues tied to Order Arms, Parade Rest, In Place Rest and Present Arms.
  • Tweaked the distance shadow biases for better distance shadows.
  • Added specific vaulting and climbing animations for when using the rifle as a club in melee mode.
  • Added the 18th Georgia national flag to the game. No known details of this flag exist. It is therefore a generic estimation.
  • Removed the US plate on the baldric belt for the US sergeant Major rank.
  • Fixed up a bad river wall collision mesh at Harpers Ferry.
  • Overhauled the foot/leg alignment code of the game resulting in more realistic poses on slopes:
The new foot alignment blends the feet to nearby objects and terrain, both while moving, standing still and also during various action animations such as stabbing with a bayoneted rifle.
  • Added a chicken coop to Nicodemus farm scene as per the historical records.
  • Several minor visual fixes to the stonewalls of the game.
  • Fixed the Sibley tent collision mesh.
  • Various smaller uniform corrections.
  • Overhauled the campfire models.
  • Fixed the collision mesh of Roulette farmhouse.
  • Updated barrel models.
  • 10 new ceramic bottle models were added.
  • Tweaked several ground texture materials.
  • Updates to the gloss values on hair materials and added gradients to hair normals in order to fix the plastic sheen at a distance.
  • Removed a number of unused vegetation assets and terrain materials.
  • Replaced an outdated barn on the drill camp level with an up to date one.
  • Added 6 new outhouse models to the game.
  • Fixed the LOD of the fence_11 mesh.
  • Fixed Roulette farmhouse model and uv.
  • Several time of day updates and tweaks.
  • Various minor level fixes and updates.
  • Updated the embankment model textures to match the new terrain textures.
  • Added a number of new prop models, including crates and pots.
  • Modified and improved a number of prop placements in building interiors:
    • Log cabin
    • Rohrback farmhouse
    • Sherrick summer kitchen
    • Piper farm
    • Nicodemus house
    • Otto barn
    • Sherrick barn
    • Piper barn
    • Otto farm
    • Pry barn
    • Rohrback barn
    • R. Miller barn
    • Nicodemus House
    • Roulette barn
  • Musicians now stop playing their instruments when knocked down.
  • In an effort to make error reporting easier, crash dumps now save to the diagnostics root rather than version numbered directories.
  • Experience gained throughout a match cut short by leaving the server is now saved and rewarded to you if you reconnect to the server before the match has ended.

That’s all for today. We hope you will enjoy the overhauled visuals as we continue to work on keeping the game up to date and increasing its immersive aspect as best as we can. We look forward to be seeing you all on the golden fields of glory in Maryland.. As long as you have steered well clear of Harpers Ferry - something’s wrong with that place…

[h3]- The Campfire Games Team[/h3]

Update 195: 350 Player Support - Released!

[h3]Hello everyone,[/h3]

Today, we’re pleased to be bringing you the 195th alpha update to War of Rights!

After more than 2 years of testing player counts at 400 on the Official War of Rights Test Server and countless of optimization focused updates brought to you, we are now - at long last - at a point where we feel confident about raising the officially supported max player count on a server from 300 to 350. We opted to go with an incremental increase of an additional 50 players for this update because, as it stands, client performance for the last 50 players from 350 to 400 takes too big a toll, especially when not using the latest and greatest of hardware. However, fear not if you long for additional increases in the future: Our march towards a bigger and better performing digital battle will continue on throughout the lifetime of the game.

The new 350 player cap is now live and accessible via your server settings page at the G-portal site.

Update 195 contains a host of updates and tweaks to character models, buildings and animations, as well as several quality of life additions. Let’s dive into the details!

[h2]Update 195 Patch Notes[/h2]
  • Increased the player cap from 300 to 350 for even bigger and more immersive Civil War battles.
  • Added Nicodemus barn to the game, replacing the placeholder Pry barn model used up until now. No photographs or drawings of the Nicodemus barn exist, and we have only the vaguest description of the structure, that it had a thatched-roof. Fortunately, journalists photographed and sketched both the exterior and interior of the nearby Smith barn while it served as a field hospital following the Battle of Antietam. Our model is inspired by these photographs and sketches of Smith barn, which also featured a thatched-roof.
  • Updates to Sherrick Farm.
  • Overhauled the Sherrick Summer Kitchen model and interior.
  • Added some new glassware filler props to the game.
  • Fixed LD Moore House Proxy: You should no longer become stuck in the stairwell.
  • Fixed the cellar doors of R. Miller Farm missing their collision.
  • Removed the legacy collision setup still present in some of the bushes at Harpers Ferry.
  • Tightened up the auto kick feature whenever a player is AFK for a set period on time while on a server in order to lessen the amount of server slots wasted by inactive players and to reduce the admin workload in clearing them out manually.
  • After more than a month of continual use with no downtime, it is now time for the backend server to replace the steam server browser in the game.
  • Fixed up a few potentially exploitable console commands that would give the user an unfair advantage.
  • Artillery canister team damage punishment effects now behave identically to artillery case and shell team damage as intended.
  • Joining a server mid-game will no longer result in bayonets not getting correctly updated, and thus appearing as if everyone in bayonet melee mode was in fact in rifle club melee mode for the joinee.
  • Fixed up the bullseye steam achievement not working reliably.
  • Artillery is no longer pushed when getting hit by small arms projectiles.
  • Artillery elevation screw inputs are now only applied when the player is fully seated and not during the enter/exit transition.
  • Exit melee mode animation fixes for when using the artillery sponge/rammer.
  • Animation corrections for fixing bayonets when standing and kneeling as well as when using shorter rifles.
  • Added artillery sponge/rammer melee idle exit animations.
  • Added sword and revolver specific fall and stand up animations, instead of just using the rifle ones.
  • Added a fall animation when you are kneeled and too close to an artillery blast.
  • Animations updates and tweaks for selecting/deselecting binoculars, pistols & swords.
  • Tweaks and fixes to the following animations: In Place Rest, Melee Mode Bayonet, Melee Mode Rifle, Order Arms Rifle, Parade Rest Rifle, At the Ready Rifle.
  • Animations updates to changing into Melee Mode using the rifle as a club while in sprint and back out of it again.
  • Animation fixes when standing up/kneeling down while wielding a pistol, binoculars, sword, sponge/rammer and colors.
  • Adjusted several movement animations while using a fife, bugle and drum.
  • Overhauled the 4th Alabama National “Bread flag” following a research trip to the Alabamian State Archives and personally inspecting the real world artifact.
  • Added the 20th Georgia and 20th North Carolina to the customizable units roster.
  • Several animation issue fixes related to canceling a reload mid-reload, resulting in spinning rifles (some issues are still present).
  • Added vault specific animations for vaulting while wielding a pistol, binocular, sword and flag.
  • Updated hair textures and materials (darkened the texture, sharpened the normals, increased the gloss, adjusted mipmap and alpha coverage). Also darkened the eyebrow materials.
  • Improved the McDowell cap model, matching its real world counterpart to a greater degree. Embroidery for officer’s McDowell caps will be added at a later time.
  • Updated the uniforms and kepi textures of the 8th Florida.
  • Various CSA rank insignia clipping issue fixes.
  • Changed the rank insignia shoulder board color of the 20th New York from sky blue to green.
  • Fixed artillery rounds being rotated 90 degrees in mid-flight.
  • Players now ragdollize and become corpses rather than disappear when they disconnect.
Bradley’s Bread Flag Recipe/State Archives Research Trip[/h2]

Many folks will shrug at an updated texture, but a good deal of work and history can sometimes go into these ostensibly minor changes. Today, I want to bring you along on a recent research trip to the state archives in Montgomery, Alabama. From February to May 1861, Alabama's capitol served as the first capitol of the Confederacy before it was moved to Richmond. The Department of Archives & History and the Museum of Alabama are located across the street from the capitol.
Alabama’s state capitol in Montgomery

The museum spans all of Alabama history, with artifacts associated with the earliest Native Americans of Alabama, the War of 1812, World War One and Two, Hank Williams, and so on. A very large portion of the museum covers the American Civil War, and visitors will encounter several uniforms and accouterments, muskets and revolvers, shells, and flags on display.
The Museum of Alabama

I spent most of the day not in the museum, but in the archives and specifically in the state’s massive collection of Confederate battle flags. It was surreal to see the scars of combat on many of these flags. Bullet holes, shrapnel tears, powder burns, and even blood stains testify to the horrors of war. Men died horrible, violent deaths carrying these flags. Again, an updated texture may seem superfluous until one considers what these artifacts witnessed.
A detailed look at a Confederate battleflag.

My primary objective was to inspect the Marion Light Infantry, carried by the 4th Alabama Infantry at First Manassas and as late as Summer 1862, and update the existing texture many in our community (lovingly or mockingly) refer to as the “bread flag.”
The old “bread flag” of the 4th Alabama.

The 4th Alabama Infantry’s “Stars and Bars” was one of the first flags that I produced for War of Rights and because of the unavailability of high-resolution reference photographs, it was one that we had always planned on improving upon whenever a research trip to view the flag in person became possible.

The reverse of the flag features three lines of text and each line is a unique, highly decorative font style. In the updated texture, this text is no longer a placeholder font style but is now entirely hand-painted, ‌like the artifact. We also knew it would be necessary to consult with the archivists about what they knew of the general features of the cotton bale painted on the front of the flag, as the image has completely faded from the artifact. Much of the detailed work in the cotton bale is educated guesswork on my part, but the proportion and general outline are exact to the artifact. Lastly, I had questions about the construction of the flag itself, and was able to see just how this banner is assembled. Curiously, I discovered the canton was sewn onto the flag after the text and the cotton bale had already been completed.
The decorative text on the artifact, compared with the updated texture.

We’re very pleased with the updated texture and hope you enjoyed this behind-the-scenes look.
The updated flag of the 4th Alabama.

[h2]Celebrate the +50 with 50% off![/h2]

War of Rights is part of the Steam summer sale so there is no time better to join the ranks on the battlefields than now!

You can grab the game for yourself or your friends at a major 50% discount for the next two weeks. We look forward to be greeting the many new faces within the community and we hope that you will have a great time here.


That's all for this time.

See you on the fields of glory!

[h3]- The Campfire Games Team[/h3]