1. The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut
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  3. Steam Scream Fest

Steam Scream Fest


Otherwordly whispers, rattling bones, seeping darkness... what's this? Deadly emanations of the Ink? The cursed mists of twisted Avalon?

[h3]Better: it's Steam! [/h3]

More precisely, the annual spooky seasonal sale at Valve's cabinet of curiosities, this time called Steam Scream Fest: The Revenge. The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing fits the theme nicely, so this year we are offering it on a deep 90% discount for the dark harvest.

Explore the land of Borgovia with young Van Helsing and his lovely ghost companion Katarina in The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut that includes the full trilogy of acclaimed ARPGs.