Crossout: Dronapocalypse

The Dronapocalypse is already knocking on the doors of your garages! This time, we’ll not only be fighting as tiny drones against big leviathans, but we’ll also get a new look at battles in the “At gunpoint” brawl! We can also expect to see the start of another event with a reward scale, a rework of ram damage and many other improvements and fixes.

[h2]April 1 brawls[/h2]
This year you can expect two game modes at once, which will be replacing each other.
[h3]New brawl “At gunpoint”[/h3]
Attention! The mode will be available from March 21 to March 27 inclusive, and from April 4 to April 10 inclusive!
- “At gunpoint” is a team PvP brawl with pre-determined armoured cars.
- Look at the battles from a fresh perspective! The brawl’s main feature is its unusual viewing angle, which simulates a first-person view.
- In this mode you can select an armoured car from several offered and enter the battle with it. A total of 15 different armoured vehicles are available in the mode.
- The blueprints for display are randomly selected. If you don’t manage to choose a car in the allotted time, you will automatically be given one of the offered ones.
- The mode has respawns. Before respawning, you again need to choose the armoured car you want to continue the battle on.
- The team that scores more points in the allotted time wins. The points are rewarded for shooting off parts and destroying opponents.
- Battles take place on the following locations:
- East quarter;
- Ravagers foothold;
- Chemical plant;
- Sand harbour.
- East quarter;
[h3]Special challenges[/h3]
For the duration of the “At gunpoint” brawl, you will have a chain of tasks available to you every day:
- Destroy 2 players in the brawl. Reward: 80 Engineer badges.
- Win 3 battles in the brawl. Reward: container “Spotter’s container”. When you open the container, a random reward is issued from the list.
Attention! The mode will be available from March 28 to April 3 inclusive, and from April 11 to April 17 inclusive!
- Dronapocalypse is a team PvP brawl.
- The team that inflicted more damage to an enemy leviathan or destroyed it wins the battle. If at the end of the battle, both leviathans have the same amount of durability, then the battle ends in a draw.
- Battles are fought on pre-built drone vehicles.
- This year, we have added new leviathans and drones with new weapons.
- At the start of each battle, you are automatically given a drone with random weapons.
- The mode has respawns. Before respawning, you again need to choose the drone you want to continue the battle on. The blueprints for display are randomly selected. If you don’t manage to choose a drone in the allotted time, you will automatically be given one of the offered ones.
- Choose a drone wisely and take the current situation on the battlefield into account. The right choice will help you not only destroy the enemy leviathan faster, but also buy time by controlling your opponents and defending your leviathan.
- From battle to battle, the leviathans of your or enemy team, as well as locations, may change. A total of 24 different Leviathans are prepared for the mode.
- This year, the battles will take place at the following locations:
- El Diablo Gorge;
- City pond;
- Defence line;
- Power center;
- Oasis.
- El Diablo Gorge;
[h3]Special challenges[/h3]
For the duration of the “Dronapocalypse” brawl, you will have a chain of tasks available to you every day:
- Deal 2000 damage in the brawl. Reward: 80 Engineer badges.
- Win 3 battles in the brawl. Reward: container “Reward for the joke”. When you open the container, a random reward is issued from the list.

[h2]New event “Hidden threat”[/h2]
Attention! The event will be available from March 21 to April 24 inclusive!
- The levels and corresponding rewards are unlocked as you complete special challenges and earn event experience points.
- Event experience points are required to unlock levels and receive rewards.
- As part of this event, you will be receiving new challenges: 1 main and 1 additional challenge.
- New challenges appear every day. All uncompleted daily challenges are accumulated.
- The base event rewards are available to all players without exception. They include:
- Coupons for factional workbenches;
- 50 in-game coins;
- Structural parts of the “Syndicate” faction (please note that such parts are not issued in excess of the established limit. If you have previously received these parts during the “Syndicate” season or unlocked them with Engineer badges, then these parts will not be issued again);
- A number of stickers;
- “Hermit’s stash” container with a CK of your choice;
- “Scout’s container” container with a random legendary, epic, or special part;
- Containers with resources;
- Engineer badges.
- Coupons for factional workbenches;
- All additional rewards (marked with a lock icon on a blue background) are only available to those who have purchased the “Hidden threat” pack (standard or deluxe version). Purchasing the deluxe version immediately unlocks the following 10 levels and all the rewards of the unlocked levels.
- Purchasing the pack gives you access to:
- Certain already produced parts;
- Recipes for the production of certain upgraded parts on the event workbench;
- Additional in-game coins;
- 3 paints, a number of stickers, “Sakura” decoration, “Titanic” car horn, and the “Fukigayeshi” decor;
- Storage expansion;
- For each subsequent level starting from 51, you will receive 120 in-game coins as reward.
- Certain already produced parts;

- A number of locations have been optimized for battles with armoured aircraft and added to the rotation:
- Founders Canyon;
- Desert valley;
- Ravagers foothold;
- Broken arrow;
- Fortress.
- Founders Canyon;
- For the locations listed above, the maps with their image have been updated.

[h2]New ram damage mechanics[/h2]
You can read more about the changes in our announcement here.
[h3]Why were the previous mechanics changed?[/h3]
The implementation of the previous ram damage mechanics had a number of problems that caused it to be unstable in combat conditions. We won’t go into technical details, but here are a few examples:
- when colliding at certain angles, enemy parts may not be recognized and the damage will “go nowhere”;
- ramming at high speed may result in the colliding part not taking damage, while the parts behind it will take damage;
- the calculation of damage value has an overly strong dependence on speed, which can cause damage to be massive when using boosters.
Therefore, ramming is too often unpredictable for players and can either critically damage the enemy or not damage them at all (especially at high speeds).
We would like to present you with an alternative mechanic, which should work much more consistently in terms of damage implementation (locating the parts) as well as having a narrower range of damage values.
[h3]The essence of the new mechanics[/h3]
The new mechanics are very similar to how the “big” projectiles deal damage. Now we will simplistically describe how it works and what it depends on.
Now, after ramming, an invisible “cylinder” is formed at the point of contact. Enemy parts within this cylinder are sorted as they get farther away from the point of contact, then damage is applied to them sequentially until it is spent or the parts in the queue run out. It works the same way on the enemy’s side as well. This search algorithm eliminates the first 2 problems described in the previous section.
The diameter of the cylinder is individual for both players and depends on the masses of their armoured vehicles. The higher the mass, the larger the “area” of damage will be.
The height of the cylinder and its direction are identical for both players and depend on the difference of their speed vectors (the values of the speeds and their directions relative to each other are taken into account).
Here are a few examples. Let’s say the speed of the first player is 100 km/h and the speed of the second player is 50 km/h:
- Players move towards each other in the same line. During collision, the “cylinders” will be directed along the same line, a speed value of 150 km/h (100+50) will go into the calculation of the heights.
- Player 1 catches up with player 2. As in the first case, they move along the same line. The cylinders will again be directed along this line, but the height will be less, because the speed of 50 km/h (100-50) will go into its calculation.
- The speeds of the players are directed at an angle relative to each other. Depending on the angle, the height calculation will range from 50 (the minimum possible when one player catches up with the other) to 150 (a “head-on” collision). The direction of the “cylinder” will also depend on the direction of both speeds.
The final damage value is calculated depending on the mass of the vehicle and how much the speeds of the armoured cars have changed after the collision. For example, if the collision occurred tangentially and the speeds hardly changed, then the total damage will be minor. If the speed of at least one of the players has changed significantly after the collision, the damage will also increase significantly.
Therefore, dealing and taking retaliatory damage will be unique for different vehicles and game situations. Due to the fact that when two players collide, both damage and possible depth of damage calculations the same resulting speed and mass of both players will be taken into account, slower and heavier vehicles will deal more damage, often dealing it in the outer area, while lighter and faster ones will deal less damage, but mostly “along the line” into the interior.
[h2]Changes to parts[/h2]
Due to the changes described above, the parameters of the parts related to the new mechanics have been revised (as the parts with resistance to ram damage now block damage more effectively, and the bonuses to ram damage are more consistently implemented).
Prior to the update, ramming and melee damage resistance used to be a single parameter. We have split them into 2 separate ones to allow for more flexible configuration.
The parameters in brackets are the parameters that existed before and the parameters outside the brackets are the current ones.
Resistance to ram damage
Resistance to melee damage
Letting damage through
Bonus to ram damage
Air splitter
35 (28)
70 (72)
113 (110)
85 (80)
70 (80)
30 (0)
25 (10)
“Bully” bumper
40 (35)
59 (68)
74 (72)
80 (80)
65 (80)
50 (10)
Bumper “Catch”
21 (21)
45 (53)
67 (72)
85 (80)
70 (80)
25 (10)
APC bumper (left and right)
52 (49)
148 (155)
314 (336)
90 (80)
75 (80)
10 (10)
Offroader bumper
34 (56)
67 (139)
101 (192)
85 (80)
70 (80)
10 (0)
25 (20)
Buggy bumper
69 (42)
91 (81)
114 (86)
80 (80)
65 (80)
15 (0)
50 (50)
Pioneer's bumper
27 (28)
54 (70)
81 (96)
85 (80)
70 (80)
10 (0)
25 (20)
Bumper Spike
44 (35)
65 (68)
81 (72)
80 (80)
65 (80)
50 (100)
118 (53)
287 (155)
538 (288)
90 (80)
75 (80)
10 (50)
48 (32)
131 (97)
262 (194)
90 (80)
75 (80)
10 (10)
169 (126)
363 (347)
612 (562)
85 (80)
70 (80)
25 (40)
Shock absorber
44 (77)
94 (132)
165 (202)
85 (80)
70 (80)
25 (25)
25 (10)
48 (42)
84 (95)
116 (115)
80 (80)
65 (80)
50 (50)
29 (32)
52 (71)
72 (86)
80 (80)
65 (80)
50 (40)
Terribull bar
59 (102)
131 (161)
262 (324)
90 (80)
75 (80)
35 (0)
10 (20)
74 (49)
90 (95)
113 (101)
80 (80)
65 (80)
30 (0)
50 (50)
288 (471)
639 (698)
1159 (1242)
90 (80)
75 (80)
10 (40)
29 (28)
63 (75)
103 (115)
85 (80)
70 (80)
15 (0)
25 (10)
40 (35)
72 (79)
99 (96)
80 (80)
65 (80)
50 (50)
68 (68)
155 (183)
262 (296)
85 (80)
70 (80)
25 (40)
40 (37)
76 (92)
114 (126)
85 (80)
70 (80)
15 (0)
25 (15)
Defensive perimeter
40 (42)
116 (133)
246 (288)
90 (80)
75 (80)
10 (10)
Small plow
76 (155)
166 (216)
269 (492)
85 (80)
70 (80)
25 (10)
Train plow
161 (300)
403 (416)
806 (952)
90 (80)
75 (80)
10 (10)
Freight train plow
337 (546)
807 (857)
1613 (1728)
90 (80)
75 (80)
10 (50)
Pole position
44 (46)
65 (89)
81 (94)
80 (80)
65 (80)
50 (10)
The Omen
29 (32)
52 (71)
72 (86)
80 (80)
65 (80)
50 (20)
Frontal Protection System
20 (25)
26 (47)
33 (50)
80 (80)
65 (80)
30 (0)
50 (100)
50 (83)
107 (141)
188 (216)
85 (80)
70 (80)
25 (25)
25 (10)
Snow plow
186 (328)
426 (429)
773 (864)
90 (80)
75 (80)
10 (10)
Snow cutter left/right
76 (137)
185 (203)
336 (360)
90 (80)
75 (80)
10 (40)
Sentry line
44 (39)
127 (122)
269 (264)
90 (80)
75 (80)
10 (10)
101 (84)
140 (163)
175 (173)
80 (80)
65 (80)
50 (50)
Impact bumper
40 (66)
91 (119)
160 (202)
80 (70)
65 (70)
15 (25)
50 (120)
Defence line
29 (28)
84 (89)
179 (192)
90 (80)
75 (80)
10 (10)
131 (98)
273 (262)
444 (403)
85 (80)
70 (80)
25 (50)
101 (77)
225 (212)
379 (343)
85 (80)
70 (80)
25 (40)
32 (28)
69 (55)
121 (58)
85 (80)
70 (80)
30 (0)
25 (10)
[h3]Passive melee weapons[/h3]
Resistance to ram damage
Resistance to melee damage
Letting damage through
Bonus to ram damage
Twin BladeWing
38 (34)
76 (56)
106 (86)
80 (90)
55 (90)
25 (25)
100 (200)
Large thorn
32 (56)
51 (80)
60 (96)
75 (90)
50 (90)
25 (25)
150 (200)
Small thorn
7 (14)
13 (20)
15 (24)
75 (90)
50 (90)
25 (25)
150 (200)
Medium thorn
15 (28)
25 (40)
30 (48)
75 (90)
50 (90)
25 (25)
150 (200)
18 (17)
38 (28)
53 (43)
80 (90)
55 (90)
25 (25)
100 (200)
10 (22)
20 (40)
35 (67)
75 (80)
50 (80)
25 (25)
150 (300)
24 (28)
53 (50)
79 (84)
80 (90)
55 (90)
25 (25)
100 (200)
22 (12)
46 (31)
59 (42)
80 (90)
55 (90)
100 (200)
Left/right flail
42 (24)
120 (76)
218 (165)
85 (90)
60 (90)
50 (200)
21 (19)
34 (44)
40 (53)
75 (90)
50 (90)
25 (0)
150 (200)
King of birds
67 (84)
131 (209)
168 (288)
80 (90)
55 (90)
100 (200)
[h3]Changes in part parameters[/h3]
Cerberus, Bastion, Tracks, ML 200, Bigram, Shiv and Shiv (ST), Meat grinder:
- Added 50% resistance to melee damage.
- Added 25% resistance to melee damage.
- bonus to ram damage reduced from 200 to 100%.
- changed the collision of the front part of the cabin for more stable realization of the ram.
- bonus from one charge of the perk reduced from 60 to 40%.
- the distance for one perk charge reduced from 100 to 80 m.
- resistance to ram damage increased from 25% to 35%.
- Added 25% resistance to melee damage.
- added 60% resistance to melee damage.
- bonus to ram damage reduced from 200 to 150%.
- added 60% resistance to melee damage.
- bonus to ram damage reduced from 250 to 150%.
- added 60% resistance to melee damage.
- bonus to ram damage reduced from 200 to 150%.
- Added 50% resistance to melee damage.

- Added a special banner with a brief description of future planned events.
- Added the ability to find a part in the storage by searching its type name (“revolver”, “nailgun”, etc.). The same feature is planned to be added for the in-game market in the future.
- Added the ability to disable pop-up notifications about part production (“Settings” - “Interface” - “Notification center settings” - “Enable notifications about production operations”).
- Reduced the confirmation key holding time when selling or disassembling a part from 1 sec. to 0.5 sec.
- Now you can close pop-up notifications using the “Esc” key or the special button on the notification itself. The next notifications in the queue will also not be shown.
- The unviewed notifications indicator now disappears when you open the notification center window.
- Improved the switching between banners of current events in the garage.
- Updated the covers for a number of armoured car packs.
- Finalized the appearance of the window with the result of upgrading a part.

- Added a new music track for the garage:

- Now, destroying a car horn mounted on a car doesn’t result in the loss of its unique sound signal.
- Updated the appearance of the “ST-M23 Defender” machine gun.
- Updated the visual appearance of the “RD-1 Listener” radar.
- Improved the animations of the “Narwhal” cryo cannon, “Skadi” frost cannon and “Jotun” howitzer.
- Added effects of hits from flamethrowers and “Skadi” on a number of surfaces.
- Improved the firing effect of the “AA Gun-4 Starfall” autocannon.
- Added new raider vehicles for battles at 14000+ PS levels.

- Fixed a bug that allowed players to participate in the “Bedlam” mode on a leviathan.
- Fixed a bug that caused damage dealt in the “Bedlam” mode to be counted as clan activity.
- Fixed a number of bugs with incorrect display of graphical characteristics of some parts.
- Fixed the physics model of the “Thyrsus I” weapon, improving its aiming angles.
- Fixed a number of bugs with incorrectly placed environmental objects on maps.
- Fixed the firing animation of the “Punisher” machine gun.
- Fixed the brightness of the lighting on the “Wolf outpost” location.
- Fixed a bug that caused the “Isolated systems” skill of the co-driver Yuki to incorrectly reduce the force of slowing effects.
- Fixed a number of bugs related to environmental objects in the “Copperhead stadium” garage.
- Fixed the bugs that allowed players to look through a number of objects at a certain camera position on the “East quarter” location.
- Fixed a bug that caused the “Whaler” cabin’s perk accumulation to be reset by the “ST-M23 Defender” and “M-25 Guardian” machine guns.
- Fixed a bug with excessive lighting in a number of places in the Syndicate garage.
- Fixed a bug that caused the belts of the “Retcher” grenade launcher with the “Ragnarok” CK applied to not move when firing.
- Fixed a bug that caused the “Total games” counter in the “Clan wars” window to always show “0”.
- Fixed a bug where entering a “Game center” battle on an armoured aircraft might not be available due to an empty armoured car slot.
- Fixed a bug with incorrectly positioned physical barrels of the “ZS-52 Mastodon” cannon, as well as a problem that could cause the cannon to fail to fire despite no visible obstacles.
- Fixed a bug with an incorrectly working gamepad hotkey for navigating to the current season’s rewards from the event banner.
- Fixed a bug with a stone in the driveway on the “Orbital station” map, hitting which could cause the car to slow down or flip over.
- Fixed a bug with the non-tradable version of the “Bat” cabin in the lite edition of the “Dragonfly” pack.
- Fixed a bug with a translucent building base on the “East quarter” map.
- Improved a number of in-game texts, descriptions and icons.
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