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The Isle News

DevBlog #55

[h2]Filipe - Lead Programmer[/h2]
Hope you all had a great holiday season with your loved ones. After spending time with family and friends it’s time to get back to work.

The main ability of the allosaurus has received more attention this month. While the main code is the same as some existing mechanics, visually the allosaurus looks very different when performing the action, so some adjustments are specifically made to accommodate this. We are in the phase of getting all the animations playing as they should and then we can move into QA testing and balancing.

The tyrannosaurus also required some additional work. There was some experimentation with mechanics to better balance its movement and hunting capabilities during its different life stages. Keep in mind these are additional mechanics focused on balancing; the pre-existing ones you already know about are unchanged.

Migration and Patrol Zones now support custom shapes, whereas previously they could only be made with generic ones such as Box or Sphere. Now those areas can be customized to just about any shape. This is very useful since most biomes and areas of the map will never be accurate using sphere or box shapes. This will help in making the areas more accurate to the map landscape overall while interacting with the migrations, but also allows all plants to spawn more accurately, avoiding edge cases with plants and trees spawning in areas of no traffic or even unreachable locations.

Lastly, the “Friend Spawn Code” is under testing with QA. I believe the system is close to fully functional, but we are also working on resolving a few possible exploits before it goes out.

See you guys next time!

[h2]Bryan - Animator[/h2]
I’ve been spending pretty much all of January going through the upcoming roster to make sure everyone has their bone meshes and rib meat. And then horribly mutilating them to do the gore morphs.

It’s an Allosaurus so he’ll walk it off and be just fine.

I’ve also started doing the Elder morphs, which have been a long time coming now so you can all reenact the closing scene of Saving Private Ryan together.

Lastly, with animation well under way for Kentrosaurus among the animation team, I’ve started rigging up the Baryonyx.

[h2]VisualTech48 - Environmental Artist[/h2]
This month I’ve been focused on making the final assets for the GUTS, and have been working on making smaller kits that fill out some coastal locations.

The GUTS received further additions this month with additional entry types. It features a sally port, a small control center for operating the doors and the security system.

In addition, some love was shown to our older parts of the kit and the new enclosure fence received some much needed 45 inward and outward fencing to make it feel more natural and assist in building.

And finally to top it all off, I’ve been working on the holding pen for sauropods and strains. I’ll hold off on showing until I’m happy with it, but when it’s ready I’ll have it passed through Phase Three. It’s a hulking structure that feels like the interior area could be its own level. And it’s almost, if not, twice the size of the DTA.

[h2]hypno - QA Lead[/h2]
It’s good to be back! I took some time over the holiday to get into some playtesting on the official servers to identify many of the current major issues in the game. While this is far from a complete list, here’s a quick rundown of the issues I will be looking to have addressed over the next few patches:

  • Plants causing input lockups sometimes when eating them.
  • Plants disappearing but still being scentable.
  • Persistent rain sounds, despite it being clear weather.
  • General audio choppiness.
  • Omniraptors being kicked when dismounting from a pounce. (Fixed as of the latest patch!)
  • Grappled characters being able to break out from the pounce, even when pinned.
  • Cannibal mutation not appearing despite conditions being met.
  • Fish AI not spawning in certain rivers/lakes.
  • Various replay issues. Timer not going down, replay not being visible, etc.
  • DLSS screen tearing.
  • Dilophosaurus hallucinations sometimes being invisible.

Be sure to send in a bug report if you believe I’m missing anything substantial, but the above is what stood out to me the most.

QA has hit the ground running upon returning from the holidays, focused primarily on all of the community bug reports that we amassed during the break; we had over 600 reports to sift through! So, thanks to those of you that took the extra time to submit a bug report, they’ve been a great help as always.

As well as looking at the community reports, we’ve been busy running into our own issues, such as the beipiaosaurus becoming a little too enthusiastic when dolphin diving:

We experienced some difficulty testing a corpse related bug recently due to a certain AI animal. It should be known that while the psittacosaurus is meant to carry small corpses of comparable size, we hadn’t intended it to take ceratosaurus’ corpse bully niche:

Hopefully it doesn’t start chuffing!

Then there’s whatever is happening with this poor soul:

As Filipe mentioned, we’ve just been given access to the new Spawn Code system which is making great progress with each testing session. Being able to spawn in with your friends will be a huge benefit to players that want to group up, while still not disrupting the randomness of spawning that we want to retain. It’s a very simple system that works as follows:

  1. The player joins a server, selects their species, and navigates to their group menu upon spawning.
  2. On the group menu, the player will find a “Spawn Code” which lasts for 5 minutes. They can copy it and send it to their friends.
  3. A friend can navigate to the “Eggs and Spawn Codes” menu and input the code. Upon being accepted by the code owner, the friend will then be able to customize their own character’s skin, before spawning in near the player that sent the code.

The following was taken from the latest QA build, which is still heavily WIP:

[h2]KissenKitten - Producer[/h2]
Hope you all have had a decent start to the new year. While this month and last month were pretty short, the amount of stuff we’ve been up to is anything but minimal. I spent most of January getting back on the saddle checking in with each department to reassess their needs and having a bunch of meetings on what our first quarter will look like. Some topics of conversation range from rounding out Elder mechanics, spawn codes and more.

We’ve been doing a fair bit of QoL changes and at last returning to work on some of our shelved features for some of the existing dinosaurs, varying in degree. The hypsi and its ability to move about the treetops is a good example. The herrera’s climbing being a bit more dynamic, troodon getting some assistance performing its role etc. I had a bit of time on my hands so I was able to scrounge up some clips. Everything is subject to change of course.

The rex, trike, allo, austro and kentro are all looking pretty good and patiently awaiting their individual debuts. We’re pushing towards a hordetest fairly soon to get some much needed changes in your hands and if luck be on our side, maybe a bit more. The rex and trike need a handful of animations related to sparring before they will be fully ready for testing, the allosaurus needs some setting up and mechanic refinement while the austro and kentro await setup.

If all that weren’t enough, the baryonyx is next. Animation work never ceases.

We also have some minor features that we plan to implement to help the entire roster navigate precarious terrain with more ease as well as a new feature that should allow certain non jumping carnivores the ability to be proficient under more circumstances.

That’s all for now. See you in the hordetest!

Patch 0.18.111 now live!

Hey Islanders, while there will not be a DevBlog this holiday season, we do have patch notes!

Thank you to everyone that participated in our recent Hordetest. It’s been an action-packed year and we’re all excited for what 2025 has in store for The Isle. A new patch is now available on the EVRIMA Public Branch. Happy Holidays everyone!

- The Isle Dev Team

[h3]Patch 0.18.111[/h3]
  • Added maiasaura as a playable species
  • Gastroliths can now be foraged on gravel
  • Added officers to groups and the ability to promote/demote and transfer leader
  • Added alternative high/low grab animations for herbivores
  • Animals can now be staggered while flying
  • Adjusted building shader material to better handle vertex painting
  • Corrected sound attenuation during ceratosaurus’s charge attack
  • Adjusted attenuation curves for medium size animals vocals
  • Updated leg fracture animations for diabloceratops, tenontosaurus, gallimimus and stegosaurus
  • Any connected food items to a tree automatically fall when the tree is consumed
  • Timers for various environmental skin effects have been updated
  • Reduced the amount of food required to unlock the cannibal mutation
  • Increased weight threshold for being grappled from 65% to 101%
  • Improved system for fractured animations
  • Bucking now forces a dismount instead of dropping the player straight to the ground
  • Adjusted dilophosaurus hallucination in water
  • Broadcast no longer tries to show an extra name tag if the broadcasting player’s name tag is already visible
  • Reduced volume of crab movement sounds
  • Improved weather sounds volume balance
  • Adjusted AI spawn zones with more configurable options
  • Improved replay scrub time and fixed crash when scrubbing
  • Adjusted large footstep sounds volume and attenuation
  • Schooling fish now have a weight cap of 10kg
  • Added sounds to the stegosaurus digging animations
  • Fixed ini file being deleted on restart
  • Fixed issue with loading saves
  • Fixed vocal type sounds being unnecessarily muffled by nearby sources
  • Fixed deinosuchus jaw snap base sound not occluding in water
  • Fixed sounds when a troodon opens a body
  • Fixed volume issue with juvenile dilophosaurus dirt sprint footsteps
  • Fixed footsteps not scaling properly
  • Fixed some plants taking too long to despawn once consumed
  • Fixed blend from montage for juvenile morphs in certain species
  • Fixed latched pouncer being hit by their target
  • Fixed troodon taking longer to recover from a knockdown than it should
  • Fixed deinosuchus lunge forcing upward movement
  • Fixed not pairing up correctly after rejoining the server
  • Fixed courtship being lost on relog
  • Fixed being able to place a nest when in the same group but not courted/paired
  • Fixed hatchlings not being added to groups properly
  • Fixed courting not putting players into groups
  • Fixed organs not disappearing if using wipe corpse command (RCON)
  • Fixed dirt effects showing up on improper surfaces
  • Fixed gallimimus missing its gore mask
  • Fixed input lock after swallowing a ragdoll
  • Fixed hint message for closed coconuts
  • Fixed buck animation not triggering immediately while holding input
  • Fixed rotation mismatch during latch pounce
  • Fixed crouching deceleration not being used
  • Fixed hallucination pawn behavior if the target is flying, latched or swimming
  • Interacting with plant chunks now displays the correct hints
  • Fixed diabloceratops being able to trap pouncers in collision
  • Fixed being able to use ram while grappled as a pachycephalosaurus
  • Fixed carnotaurus’s sliding rotation rate
  • Fixed carnotaurus’s rotation rate while holding RMB
  • Fixed juvenile pachycephalosaurus being unable to knockdown fruit with headbutt
  • Fixed being able to turn too quickly while moving in mud
  • Fixed weather sounds in skin creator
  • Fixed swallow ability not always ending properly
  • Fixes to some miscellaneous issues related to underwater post process effects
  • Fixed juvenile deinosuchus ragdoll
  • Fixed males inheriting the "Advanced Gestation" mutation
  • Fixed an issue where ragdoll sleep was not functioning correctly
  • Fixed thunderstorm event not firing
  • Fixed an issue preventing certain species from swapping the pounce latch slot during a grapple
  • Fixed omnivores being unable to eat schooling fish on the ground
  • Fixed rabbit animation speed
  • Fixed elite fish not resetting after being damaged
  • Fixed an issue where psittacosaurus burrows would grow inverted infinitely
  • Fixed deer buck montage

DevBlog #54

[h2]Filipe - Lead Programmer[/h2]
At the beginning of this month, I focused on fixing crashes and various bugs for the latest public patch while simultaneously working on the Allosaurus and its unique mechanics. Most of its basic systems are already functional, though some key animations, particularly those tied to its special ability, are still in production.

We also made notable progress on the Tyrannosaurus, mostly visual fixes and enhancements. This includes smoother animation blending and better integration with its mechanics to help translate visuals due to its size.

Additionally, fruit trees themselves will now be edible, not just their individual fruits. This provides a more practical food source for larger creatures at the cost. Consuming the tree significantly reduces future food availability, as a tree is necessary for fruit to grow back.

Finally, I added the gastrolith system. All playables can now consume gastroliths, which decrease the food contents of your stomach at a faster rate so that you can better manage your nutrition and diet combinations.

[h2]Ariel - Programmer[/h2]
This month my main focus was the maiasaura. The animal is getting close to completion and it’s in full QA testing now, so new issues kept popping up for me to fix. Luckily nothing major was broken and we were also able to set up its stats now that everything is in place. Overall I feel satisfied with how the dinosaur turned out. Originally I was a bit wary of how we were going to support the two different stances, but it worked out quite well.

When not working on the maiasaura or bug fixes I had some time to start looking at my next task, which involves the pteranodon. I always enjoy working on the more agile animals, so I was quite excited about it. This won’t be part of the upcoming update as it’s in early stages, but you can expect some nice little additions.

[h2]Wedge - Sound Designer [/h2]
This month I’ve been making my way through a large majority of adult Maia’s supplementary vocal sounds with only its pounced, pinned, blind and female court vocal sounds remaining. After these are complete, I will be altering these vocals for its juvenile stage. I’ve also done another pass on the adult animations adding short vocal sounds where necessary as well as more breath and foley sounds.

I’ve overhauled and simplified the way we handle reverb for calls at a distance, providing more accurate control on the amount of reverb the sound is sent to over distance. Within this overhaul I made changes to the reverb effect, adjusting decay rates, dampening etc. affecting how it sounds for each size category to be more appropriate and more importantly prominent. I also added an additional send to a multitap delay effect to simulate echo as it gets further away. The combination of all these changes should have a significant effect on making vocals more accurate and help the player identify the distance from a sound source.

I’ve also replaced the distant stomp layer of large footstep sounds and made some adjustments to attenuation and volume balance for the large footsteps.

[h2]VisualTech48 - Environmental Artist[/h2]
This month has been all about the guts. Well not those guts, but the G.U.T.S. Most of my month has been focusing on the new shader Ikarop did and putting it to its true test with a big variation of materials, and applying them all to our new G.U.T.S, ranging from the already seen HUB#1 and a big variation of tunnel types that will be used with it.

I’ve started from the entrance towards the inner pieces, which are semi modular due to the PLA system. You’ll see variants as you go through them so it's not bland or repetitive.

I tried to keep it clean so Jace, or anyone that wants to build on top of the system, can do so with ease. Creators can not only change what is in said tunnels, but can easily make their own path and storylines within by just changing a kit’s piece from dead-ends to further tunnels and room connections. Overall the direction grants us a really nice structure for expanding the tunnels, (literally) in every way.

To top it off here are some development images for you to look at. Till next month. Cheers.

[h2]Tapwing - 2D Artist[/h2]

We wanted to give two of the most famous dinosaurs their own spotlight piece of a 1-on-1 encounter. They were designed to mirror each-other and reflect the opposite outcome of a brutal fight where neither escapes unscathed.

Posing both animals was an interesting challenge with the Trike victory painting, because in early versions, the trike looked as if it were guarding the Tyrannosaurus body as opposed to standing on top of its attacker after finally bringing it down. Changing the arm position to be less possessive looking, sprawled out overtone the rex and adding a little more fear to the triceratops face helped bring the tone back to where it should be.

The Rex victory version of the painting had its own hurdle to work through. With the overlapping nature of the pose, lighting was going to need extra attention to make sure the outline of the Rex head didn’t disappear into the shadows.

For fellow illustrators: Plan out your lighting thoroughly in advance, you’ll save yourself a lot of headache and course corrections down the line!

[h2]hypno - QA Lead[/h2]
This month QA has been focused almost entirely on Maiasaura, ensuring that it works with all of our existing systems. As we add more species to the game, as does the number of possible issues between them, so it was important for us this month to check it against absolutely everything. I can say with confidence now that we’ve checked it against all abilities in the game and they all work as intended. Deinosuchus can lunge and drown it, Ceratosaurus bite applies bacteria correctly, Dilophosaurus hallucinations can spawn and attack the Maiasaura, etc.

As you can see, the number of tests quickly stack up as we add new species; so, we’ve been working on streamlining this process within QA to make it much more efficient in the future.

To give you a video example of an interaction that was bugged with the Maiasaura, here’s what happened when an Omniraptor was bucked off of one:

In case it wasn’t obvious from the video, the Omniraptor would shrink dramatically in size each time they were bucked off! This wasn’t as straightforward as that though, as this issue only showed on the Omniraptor’s client, causing them to “jitter” for all other players.

As well as interactions with other species, the Maiasaura also of course came with a plethora of its own problems. Here’s how it looked if it grazed while turning:

We have also been testing the other new additions to the game. For example, Gastroliths are being introduced in the next update, allowing users to reduce their hunger faster.

I’d like to give a big thank you to all of those that have been continuing to report issues to our community bug report form (https://forms.gle/ufXDnxNfhRhZ7CCi8). Without them, we wouldn’t catch a lot of the problems that exist in the game. One report that we did come across from a report a while back was the aptly named “fish prison” issue – players that were swallowed by an elite fish would sometimes never be allowed to respawn, becoming stuck following the fish until forced to relog:

Lastly, QA has been playtesting the Maiasaura to make sure it feels fun to play as. We’re aiming for it to be a fairly tanky, swift animal that deals moderate damage in favour of better crowd control capabilities. The growth is set up in a way so that it quickly grows to its subadult stage, then slows down as it progresses towards a full adult. It is also able to quickly switch stances between being quadruped and biped, allowing it to adapt to various circumstances. My favourite ability is the “Shove”, which can be used while sprinting, allowing you to send smaller characters flying. I’m very much looking forward to getting this character into your hands very soon with a horde test, which we are aiming to push out within the next week.

DevBlog #53

[h2]Filipe - Lead Programmer[/h2]
This month I worked mainly on finishing the diet system. The stomach grows with the dinosaur and food no longer scales with the stomach. This doesn’t have much impact on smaller animals, but large ones that have quick moments of growth are forced to eat far more often. The combinations for diets were simplified but now they are not dependent on having active slots. The value of a nutrient increases the bonuses proportionally with them to a cap. Salt licks were adjusted to better help with vomit sickness but they also drain a nutrient while using them. Don’t forget to set your active nutrient in the Dinosaur Profile if you want to control which one it is.

The diet and nutrition changes also allowed us to include the eggs in the diet system. Now players can grab eggs from female corpses that had gestated them before dying or steal eggs from the nests. Changes will be made to this in the future to account to specific “Egg Thief” dinosaurs but for now every carnivore can benefit from stealing those nutrient rich eggs from nests

To conclude, some fun things for server owners. A lot more server configs were added to help modify gameplay experiences and admin commands were updated to be faster and more responsive. Mass Migration was also added as a config and more is coming soon with the introduction of “Nesting Patrol Zones” but otherwise the system is done.

See you next time.

[h2]Ariel - Programmer[/h2]
I’ve been working on some features you may have already seen for yourself in the horde test. Egg gestation has been added along with some adjustments to the nesting system. This required several changes, as previously you only laid a given number of eggs depending on your diet, but now you can choose how many you want and even lay them at different times. I also added scent support for them since they can now be picked up and eaten.

I also continued my work on the maiasaura. Most abilities were actually quite simple to update to support the bipedal and quadrupedal states but out of all things grazing happened to cause the most problems. I ended up reworking the animation setup for that, but that’s something that had been planned anyway. Maiasaura now moves quite smoothly.

[h2]amarok - Programmer[/h2]
I have been busy working on a new navigation system for fish which can translate for use with swimmers and eventually flyers. I’ve added the fish's capability to try to chase down and eat smaller players which you may have seen in the hordetest.

With a lot of the back-end systems now completed my focus is AI. The base logic for most animals is completed with some big improvements to navigation and performance. The Pterodactylus and Compsognathus AI has been made using a new system which will allow larger hordes to spawn and interact with the world. Though these are WIP you will still see them showing up around the island. Each animal will get some improvements to their behavior now the foundation for base logic has been tested for performance and reliability.

To close, some new RCON commands have been added for server owners that you can find in provided documentation.

[h2]Bryan - Animator[/h2]
It’s been rigging time, getting ready for the next round of animals to get back on their feet. Kentrosaurus is the first to use our new rig system that we’ll be using from here on out.

As far as animation goes, I’ve been on Maiasaura and Allosaurus lately. Maia never really was a pushover in the old days but it’s got a new trick up its sleeve for Evrima. Best not to make mommy angry.

The Allosaurus is getting new locomotion which is just about done for the adult and I’ll be working on the juvenile locomotion in November.

[h2]Wedge - Sound Designer[/h2]
This month has just been more work on the Maiasaura. Along with polishing the adult calls I’ve also designed a set for its juvenile stage, maintaining the cute burbles and pops consistent from legacy. Additionally, I’ve completed the implementation for the calls, ensuring that the pitch and volume modulation as well as the dynamic mixing of vocal call layers over growth and other variables (such as when it loses its voice) all sound appropriate at every incremental stage.

I’ve also gone through all the adult animations adding in footstep and foley sounds. Taking into account both its bipedal and quadrupedal locomotion meant double the number of places to sync.
I’ve now started working on the vocal sounds for the rest of its animations, starting with its attacks. With varying directional attack animations based on the angle of attack, a few different attack vocals of different lengths are needed, providing a coherent yet natural variability to compliment the variety in the animations.

[h2]hypno - QA Lead[/h2]
Hey all! It’ll just be a short one for me on this devblog as QA have been working solely on bug testing both recent additions and some upcoming mechanics. Here are a few of the more interesting issues we encountered over the past month:

As you are all probably aware by now, one of our recent additions was the inclusion of our first ever seasonal content. Of course this came with some interesting bugs, such as being able to court and nest with dead dinosaurs:

Additionally, dead dinosaurs would leave behind some of their belongings if they entered spectator mode:


We’ve been testing out some new Scavenger AI that have proven to be much more performance friendly and reliably spawning on corpses, though have had a plethora of issues in their development. Thankfully, you can expect these issues to be fixed for their release:




Tenontosaurus had a fun gravity defying kick that set people up for combo damage instead of sending them away from a player:


We also found the omniraptor decided it would also be a ghost for a build and disappear whenever it would latch on to a player:


[h2]KissenKitten - Producer[/h2]
Happy Halloween! October was an interesting month. A lot going on. There’s so many irons in the fire right now. And since I’m tired, I’d prefer to do more showing than telling.

Creature side there’s Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Maiasaura, Allosaurus, Austroraptor and soon Kentrosaurus all being worked on in some capacity across varying departments. Their animations are either complete or nearing completion for all but kentrosaurus who is next in line, followed by baryonyx.

The animation team has been doing an excellent job and stood up to the task I placed before them, which was to get the austroraptor animations complete in record time. The animal has land based movement, aquatic movement both above and below the surface of the water, and all that feather work. I am very proud of what we managed to accomplish with such a frankly annoying creature and I’m sure the entire animation team is as relieved to be bringing it to a close as I am.

There are new AI additions coming too. Destined for a life of being fodder for hatchlings and juvenile carnivores, these small animals will be showing up in specific locations and be yet another element we’re incorporating to bring the whole island to life. Grasshoppers, rats, dragonflies, and lizards to name a few.

Elders are looking pretty good. I’ve attached some images of adults and elder comparisons, some of which are already being moved into the game for current playables.

I hope you all enjoyed the Halloween event and continue to have some fun with it. That’s all for this month. The next two months are gonna be here and gone before we know it so we haven’t a moment to spare. Catch you next time.

[h2]Director’s Commentary[/h2]
The Migration Zone testing went well and I'm happy to say the game works with or without the settings enabled, as well as Diets/Buffs, Patrol Zones, and Mutations. Additional configurations were added for server owners to further customize the experience they wish to give players and rebalance settings.

The User-Interface changes are rapidly coming to a close. It took a bit of time to figure out how to properly transition from an old retro style console interface to a sleek design in-game without it becoming jarring but I feel we've figured it out. I've attached a few previews of the layout approvals of the upcoming UI but the transition sequence is still too rough to display. The VFX of the menus can be toggled off and there will be a small color selection for menu color.


VisualTech48 made some fantastic progress in everyone's favorite general underground transportation system. Many of you by now have seen the proto-entrances that exist on the island and I've attached some images of their upcoming replacement. Someone somewhere is asking about the vending machines and yes, they are temporary stand-ins because you know AE has only the finest liquid provisions to provide to their workers.

Much like the Hubs, there will be a degree of variation among these that can allow various sections to branch off into other rooms, halls, or tunnels, including the elevator shaft. Coming shortly after these major connections are complete will be the destroyed tunnel variants that spill out into caverns and other internal environments.

Certain lighting is temporary as we work on the power system and as always, be nice to the tyrannosaur. They're just visiting.

Lastly, I’ll just fire off some things going into the next HordeTest with varying degrees of context.

Thermal vents and wind currents! These can affect flying creatures by providing speed boosts and lift and no stamina cost to a player and slowing them if they fly against it. These airways are also customizable and can be set to be active during a specific time of day, if they are immune to or affected by weather states, or if they’re just permanently active. You can expect all those natural thermal vents that are active during the day will go away during heavy rain or storms, as well as varying wind currents that become active at night to help move our flight-capable population around.

I know everyone is excited for the next animal and the Maiasaura will be stomping over that line for testing very soon. It will also be in one of if not the first HordeTest for the next patch.

I don’t have additional information context for these but they’ll be there:
Spawn Codes.
Nesting Zones.
Replay Updates and Effects.

Godspeed and see you on The Isle.

- Don

Patch 0.17.54 is now available!

Hey Islanders,

A new patch has spread to the Evrima Public Branch and thank you to everyone that survived our recent Hordetest! While we hope that you enjoy the update, a friendly warning to any server admins that may click the new button: There is no cure.

[h3]Version 0.17.54[/h3]

[h3]Updated Game.Ini for Server Owners[/h3]

AdminsSteamIDs=Admin steam ID here
WhitelistIDs=White list steam ID here
EnabledMutations=(MutationName="Enlarged meniscus",EffectValue=1

ServerName="Server name here" //Server name.
MaxPlayerCount=100 //100+ player servers is not recommended.
bEnableHumans=false //
bQueueEnabled=false //Enable queue if server slots are all filled.
QueuePort=10000 //Queue port.
bServerPassword=false //Set to true if you want a server password.
ServerPassword="password here" //Your server password if enabled.
bRconEnabled=true //Enable RCON.
RconPassword="password here" //RCON password if enabled
RconPort=8888 //Default port used in game, can´t change
bRandomWeatherEnabled //Enable/Disable Weather variation
MinWeatherVariationInterval=600 //Set in seconds how often to switch weather
MaxWeatherVariationInterval=900 //Set in seconds how often to switch weather
ServerDayLengthMinutes=45 //Set in minutes.
ServerNightLengthMinutes=20 //Set in minutes.
bServerWhitelist=false //Set the server whitelist.
bEnableGlobalChat=false //Enabling the Global Chat panel.
bSpawnPlants=true //Enable plant food spawns.
PlantSpawnMultiplier=1 //Multiplies how many plants to spawn, rise this value to increase plant spawn amount
bSpawnAI=true //Enable AI spawns.
AISpawnInterval=40 //Set how frequently AI can spawn in seconds.
bEnableMigration=true //Disable/Enable Migrations, include Patrols and Mass
SpeciesMigrationTime=10800 //Max time a species MZ stays active
bEnableMassMigration=true //Enable/Disable Mass migration
MassMigrationTime=43200 //Value is in seconds 12h - How often new mass migration is set
MassMigrationDisableTime=7200 // Value is in seconds 2h - How long a mass migration last once set
bEnablePatrolZones=true //Enable/Disable PatrolZone system
bEnableDiets=true //Enable/Disable diets, no more buffs
GrowthMultiplier=1 //Recommendation is no higher than 20.
bEnableMutations=true //Enable mutations.
bAllowRecordingReplay=true //Enable replays.
bUseRegionSpawning=false //Enable region spawn
bUseRegionSpawnCooldown=true //Enable region cooldown
RegionSpawnCooldownTimeSeconds=600 //Region cooldown max time.
CorpseDecayMultiplier=1 //Multiplies how fast corpses decay to despawn - Reduce value to be faster[/expand]

Setup new gestation system. Players now need to gestate eggs before laying them (Contained in nest screen)
Gestated eggs will now show in corpses if they are not laid in a nest
Added the ability to pickup/eat/swallow/steal eggs from nests
Added Elite Fish AI charge attack
Added new nutrient math to take effect as soon as they are consumed
Added new diet math
Added new diet combinations
Adjusted Growth Bonus to reach a maximum of 300%
Added Mass Migration
Added new Mutations for Halloween Event and admin command for infecting a player (Infections persist through logout. Dead dinosaurs do not)
Updated VFX to Niagara
Added a way to set an active nutrient from Status Screen for use in salt licks and other nutrient modifiers
Added Egg icons to scent
Added vocal curve to pterodactylus call sound
Added new plant food types
Added "bEnableDiets" as a server config. Disabling this will remove diets and buffs from the game configuration.
Added "bEnableMassMigration" as a server config. Disabling this will remove mass migrations from the game configuration.
Added "MassMigrationTime" as a server config. This manipulates how often mass migration should update with a new one
Added "MassMigrationDisableTime" as a server config. This manipulates how long mass migration stays active after being set (in seconds). Keep in mind that during this time no Species Migrations or Patrol Zones will trigger.
Added "bEnablePatrolZones" as a server config. Disabling this will remove patrol zones from the game configuration.
Added "CorpseDecayMultiplier" as a server config. Lowering this speeds up corpse decay time. 0.1 is 10x faster decay. Edit at your own risk.
Added "PlantSpawnMultiplier" as a server config. Value of 2 is 200% increased spawn rate. Edit at your own risk.
Gateway - Docks area expansion
Gateway - Added additional salt lick locations

Prevented psittacosaurus from being able to be hit or killed while inside its burrow or while it's burrowing by pachycephalosaurus ram attack
Fixed drink hint sometimes appearing slowly
Stegosaurus impale attacks have been moved to directional attacks
Stegosaurus power swing cooldown has been removed
Improved organs ragdoll performance
Made RCON accept EOS or Steam ID in any instance to avoid confusion
Adjusted the pounce point behind diabloceratops' head
Reduced juvenile pachycephalosaurus attract call volume
Stopped deinosuchus danger call occluding in water
Adjusted ceratosaurus trot footstep synchronized effects
Changed math for ceratosaurus vomit to skip fresh time for that corpse and immediately begin decomposing it
Adjusted admin pawn NV to see itself on spectator mode
Updated DLSS
Slightly reduced herrerasaurus pounce attack sound volume
Improved troodon venom pounce loop sounds
Improved random venom vocal sounds immersion
Made "Enlarged Meniscus" work proportionally
Reduced diabloceratops movement speed in spar mode when moving diagonally backwards
Reduced ceratosaurus' applied bacteria by half
Made admin commands more responsive
Increased grace period for bucking to knockdown pouncers to 2s
Adjusted ceratosaurus' damage negation while eating to not take its defense buff into account before ignoring damage
Added boar attack vocal sounds to animations
Patrol zones now disable themselves if empty of food
Fixed the escape menu sometimes not working
Fixed camera lock rotation sometimes resetting itself
Fixed players disappearing when sitting over rocks or mesh collisions at too far of a distance
Fixed pounce latch attack damage not scaling properly with growth
Fixed pterodactylus corpse event animation jitter when eating
Fixed some fractured animations not playing properly
Fixed gallimimus fractured animations sliding
Fixed brightness commands not working in admin panel
Fixed chat remaining on screen forever after sending or receiving messages
Fixed drink hint sometimes showing up on mud pits
Fixed gallimimus ragdoll not working properly
Fixed not being able to open a corpse if hallucinating
Fixed migration zone logic to avoid species being sent to multiple zones
Fixed wrong name of group member displaying when broadcasting from far away
Fixed not being able to remove EOS ID bans from the admin panel
Fixed ban times showing as UTC on clients
Fixed corpses not floating properly if dropped while being carried in water
Fixed ragdolls not working with certain physics collisions
Fixed hatchling deinosuchus call sounds
Fixed hatchling deinosuchus broadcast sounds
Fixed mudpools occluding other footstep sounds
Fixed decals appearing on russula mushrooms
Fixed "Hydrodynamic Mutation" affecting flight speed
Fixed carnotaurus being able to instantly CC with charge
Fixed dilophosaurus hallucination sliding while moving and using vocals
Fixed jackfruits so that they now bounce off of trees to prevent them getting stuck
Fixed juvenile stegosaurus walk, trot and sprint animation being too fast
Fixed meat chunks, schooling fish, and organs not rotting
Fixed the "Go To" admin command not working while an admin is in spectator mode
Fixed weather variation toggle server config not working and added min and max intervals for server configs
Fixed the hypsilophodon carrying animation
Fixed diabloceratops being able to use directional attacks during the engage attack
Fixed diabloceratops being able to activate blocking while sprinting
Fixed diabloceratops diagonal forward spar sprint animations
Fixed pounce ending due to killing pinned target not replicating animation properly
Fixed river PP not updating fast enough when player jumps in water
Fixed droplets not working during rain
Fixed inconsistencies with carnotaurus hit conditions
Fixed hallucination fog remaining if healed during spectator mode
Fixed schooling fish not showing as a diet type
Fixed an issue where you would vomit again if eating immediately after vomiting
Fixed stomach warning UI not showing when close to vomit
Fixed rabbit sprint animation not playing properly
Fixed "Social Behaviour" mutation not allowing max group size changes
Fixed Mass Migration Zone not showing in compass
Fixed 'Hematophagy' and 'Xerocole Adaptation" amount not scaling properly with growth
Fixed some Animal AI sounds not playing
Fixed Patrol zones not swapping if there is only one player online