1. Cash_Out
  2. News
  3. Cash_Out has been updated to!

Cash_Out has been updated to!

Quality of life update! All levels have been ported over to co-op and a lot of bugs with co-op have been fixed. Besides, that there were no major changes except that door hacking was removed. It didn't feel worth fixing the multitude of glitches and crashes that were caused by it, especially when taking enemies hostage basically replaced what it was added for.

Here are the full patch notes.

  • All levels are now playable in coop!
  • Stores can now spawn in co-op!

  • Changed the way that overdose and overheat works. Each bar will only go down a bit until you leave the room, which will cause it to go down a bit more.
  • Also increased the rate at which both of these decrease.
  • Greatly reduced the effect that difficulty has on how fast enemies recover when knocked out.
  • Knocked out enemies will now take much longer to wake up, unless the alarm is triggered, in which they'll wake up quicker.
  • Reduced enemy sightlines so they cannot see through walls as much.
  • Reduced how loud crouching is. (Could alert enemies even if you're just crouching.)
  • Changed the way ground items spawn in coop, much less will spawn now.

Skill Balance
  • Backstab - Reduced the range of the backstab and added a better visual indicator.
  • Grappling Hook/Chain Link - Changed the way collisions work so you can use the skill near walls now.
  • Shadow Shuriken - Increased spread.
  • Railgun Turret - Increased speed.
  • Ramming Turret - Now stuns enemies as well.
  • Cryo Turret - Increased range.
  • Plague - Reduced healing.
  • Bad Medicine - Increased overdose %.
  • Stance of Boost - Reduced the rate in which stance points drop.
  • Project Voice - Increased cooldown.

Weapon Balance
  • Triple Cross - Increased bolt spread and reduced explosion damage.
  • Quick Time - Reduced the cooldown time.
  • Overkill - Greatly increased damage.
  • Tornado - Increased damage, stun is now based on charge time.
  • Greatsword/The Cleaver - Increased speed, reduced damage.
  • Baseball Bat/Slugger - Increased speed.
  • Blowgun/Sptball - Increased the amount of time enemies are knocked out.
  • Celebration - Now fires off a firework if the charge is full (and then starts the sparkler.)
  • The Face Buster - Increased speed, reduced damage.
  • Saw Spinner - No longer goes through walls.

Clothing Balance
  • Flower Headband - Now poisons enemies instead of slowing them down.
  • Mechanic's Helmet - Reduced spread of shots, increased number of shots.
  • Smuggler's Trilby - Capped overkill damage.

Bug Fixes
  • Thrown weapon damage no longer does actual weapon damage.
  • Legendary blow torches can now spawn.
  • Enemies should NOW actually not get stuck in walls.
  • Fixed a crash related to switching weapons to the rapier after using a projectile.
  • Putting on the cowboy hat once no longer gives you the bonuses forever.
  • Fixed a crash with assassin enemies.
  • Fixed an AI bug which occured if you were to track blood through to another room.
  • You can now pick up knocked out enemies again.
  • Fixed a crash with the C4.
  • The stealth operative no longer always has a scope.
  • Picking up objects like bottles from the ground in coop now picks them up across all clients.
  • Fixed swing weapons in coop.
  • Fixed a crash with plates in coop.
  • Fixed an issue where player clothing would transfer across games in coop.
  • You can no longer move around while dead in coop.
  • Fixed visual and crashing issues related to tech and unique weapons in coop.
  • Fixed a crash caused by using "damage leech" in coop when you were the only one in the room.
  • Threat is now cleared on death in coop.
  • Fixed an issue where enemies wouldn't spawn if you died in coop.
  • Fixed an issue (for real this time?) where every object in coop rooms would spawn with the same items on them.
  • Throwing bricks and china plates now works in coop.
  • Fixed turrets getting stuck on some objects.
  • Fixed enemies trying to wake up guards from other rooms.
  • Fixed medics reviving dead enemies from previous rooms.
  • Legendary unique weapons no longer cost the same as normal unique weapons in career mode (was displaying the real price, but selling for the wrong price.)

Other Changes
  • Removed a debug feature that was left in accidentally.
  • Removed door hacking.

    • This feature was very broken and very abusable.
    • It was added as a way to play the game non-lethally, before hostaging and non-lethal knockouts were added, and was obsolete.
    • The feature didn't scale well, it was the same at every difficulty level.
    • Door hacking just got in the way when picking things up.
    • This feature wasn't explained very well, if at all.
    • You'll now be revived very slowly in coop automatically.
  • Increased the amount of health you get when revived in coop, every time you die you'll be revived less.

I plan on adding the final level set (planned to be a Museum theme) next patch, which would bring cash_out even closer to full feature completion.
