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  3. Pixel Game Maker MV - Now on Weekly Sale

Pixel Game Maker MV - Now on Weekly Sale

Hi Playism fans!

We are happy to announce that this week, we'll be offering Pixel Game Maker MV - the latest entry in the Maker series, currently being distributed by Playism - at a 20% off discount for our Weekly Sale.


Pixel Game Maker MV allows you to create all sorts of original games without any programming ability required whatsoever. For example, you could even create your own version of La-Mulana 2!

*This image features a boss battle created using Pixel Game Maker MV.

Pixel Game Maker MV is currently in Early Access, and we're in the process of gathering feedback and requests from many of our players. Don't miss this opportunity to give the title a spin!

We hope you enjoy Pixel Game Maker MV!

Other Languages
日本語:『アクションゲームツクールMV』、ウィークリーセール開始! 简体中文:“Pixel Game Maker MV”折扣优惠

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