v810.3 available now
V810.3 is now available in the beta branch.
Terrain ‘pool filtering’ has been applied across all regions and MCAS Kaneohe Bay is now flat.
We’ve obtained the latest OSM data across all regions and improved the OSM parser to filter out unrequired entities such as quarries.
OSM object alignment with satellite imagery is improved.
Radar issues where targets would be lost are now fixed.
Several crash bugs that appeared in v810 have been resolved.
We’ve improved the harrier flight model. Roll inertia, pitch authority and stall handling are improved. Also excessive sideslip/yaw leads to roll hesitation/reversal and possible departure. As a result of these improvements the transition from wing-borne to jet-borne flight is more hazardous.
We’ve also rectified cannon lethality.
The F5 external view has been updated to prevent a potential transition across 100’s of kilometers and subsequent trashing of the terrain cache.
There are numerous other smaller bugfixes and updates.
Terrain ‘pool filtering’ has been applied across all regions and MCAS Kaneohe Bay is now flat.
We’ve obtained the latest OSM data across all regions and improved the OSM parser to filter out unrequired entities such as quarries.
OSM object alignment with satellite imagery is improved.
Radar issues where targets would be lost are now fixed.
Several crash bugs that appeared in v810 have been resolved.
We’ve improved the harrier flight model. Roll inertia, pitch authority and stall handling are improved. Also excessive sideslip/yaw leads to roll hesitation/reversal and possible departure. As a result of these improvements the transition from wing-borne to jet-borne flight is more hazardous.
We’ve also rectified cannon lethality.
The F5 external view has been updated to prevent a potential transition across 100’s of kilometers and subsequent trashing of the terrain cache.
There are numerous other smaller bugfixes and updates.