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Military Incremental Complex News

v0.04.3 Bugfix

Another small update for y'all

1 new feature: the Progressive Press sticks around once you've unlocked automated presses, so you can still click as much as you'd like even with automated bullet production.

Bugs fixed:
  • A bug that didn't allow some players to launch the game (or would crash shortly after launch) has been fixed, and old save files should work again
  • You can no longer hold down a production button, click on another button, and have that production button still held down
  • Grenades sometimes wouldn't let you press the explosive button, but that is now fixed

v0.04.2 Bugfix

Massive shout out to Real Civil Engineer and others for making videos about this game and driving a ton of new players to try it out!! And big thanks to everyone who has played the demo, shared their feedback, and reported bugs! I really appreciate all of you.

Small bugfix update to address some issues found by newer players:
  • Production progress bars have a set animation once they reach a certain speed, to hopefully stop burn-in occurring on some players screens
  • Added a new audio slider to control the production sound effects (bullet, grenade, and gun clinks mainly) separate from the other sound effects
  • Clarified you can click-and-hold the Single Stage Press and other upgrades
  • Fixed saving and loading profit and expense rates

Known issues:
  • The game rarely crashes and then won't let the player relaunch it. This can typically be resolved by deleting the save files with the following process:
  • Search %appdata% using the Search button on your taskbar. Then go to Godot -> app_userdata -> MilitaryIncrementalComplex. Then delete the one or two (there might be a backup) save_game_byte_array files there and try running the game again

v0.04.1 Bugfix

Huge thanks to everyone who has playtested, wishlisted, and reported bugs!! The demo launch has gone very well, so I'm very excited to keep working on the game! Please report anymore bugs you find in the Steam discussions here or the discord here.

New Features:
  • Added an option to switch between windowed and fullscreen

Bug fixes:
  • Automatic grenade production now works correctly after loading
  • Buy and sell amounts now load their saved values correctly
  • Fixed the game closing on boot up for some players