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Stormbridge News

v0.81 - Production Metrics, Chef buffs

v0.81 is released!

Production Metrics have been added!

The chef bonuses now apply to Burger Stands and electric cookhouses.

Windhouse epic building has also been buffed, and had its cost decreased.

These changes were made possible thanks to your feedback!
If you have suggestions and ideas, feel free to leave them here, chat with me on Discord directly!


  • Cookhouse duration: 30 -> 25s
  • Chef bonuses apply to Burger Stand
  • Chef bonuses apply to Electric Cookhouse
  • Windhouse cost decreased
  • Windhouse population boost increased: 50 -> 80
  • Fix broken discord link


v0.80.1 - Rebalancing, improvements

Several improvements, rebalancing and settings have been added.

  • Cats' happiness boost reduced to 0.1x
  • Trader now shows orange warning when trading for free
  • Add eat teriyaki toggle in hunger bar hover panel
  • Add screen shake toggle
  • Add 'consumes charcoal' to cookhouse and smelter description
  • Fix situations where certain tutorial rings on build menu do not show
  • Fix first saved file on web not showing in menu till a refresh

Teriyaki is needed for construction. But settlers sometimes eat it, preventing you from building what you want freely. A new toggle has been added. Now, you can starve control the diet of your settlers if they eat too much Teriyaki!

It was not very clear that you had to select the coins to buy them, so a red message now shows when you don't do so.

Cats had to be nerfed as they trivialized happiness. Though, you can still get the same effect of the old level 1 cat in the full version by equipping three cats at max level. So hmm.

I would like to thank all of you who've played and given me feedback, and especially thank Radian, Lavan and Jesus Cat for sharing incredibly useful feedback for me! This update was made possible thanks to them. I update this game every week so if you have feedback - you can leave them here on the Steam discussion forums, on our Stormbridge discord channel or to me directly @YYZ on Discord.

These are not the full list of changes I intend to make - I am progressively going to address the points raised - such as displaying better production counters to more accurately determine which resources you're producing/in need of. I haven't forgotten those, I just need some time to work on it.

Thank you for your support. :)



v0.80.0 - Night bridge, Mac/Linux

v0.80 is released!

  • Add night version of main menu
  • Experimental Mac and Linux builds
  • Update localization and localization fixes
  • Fix research panel item count not updating after claiming milestone rewards
  • Fix tutorial screen pointers un-aligned

[h2]Night bridge[/h2]

I love making beautiful scenery and as I was listening to some melancholic music while raining, I designed this scene!

I thought it was too pretty to leave out of the game, so I decided to integrate it into the main menu, which will now show this randomly.

I love making pretty environments so this was pretty relaxing and fun.

[h2]Mac and Linux experimental support[/h2]

Experimental Mac and Linux versions of the game have been added! Mac may not support advanced 3D graphics - therefore if you notice black squares on the water, go to settings > Disable water reflections.

These are experimental so they're not listed on the storepage for now. I'll do my best to support them. To help me help you, let me know what issues there may be if you try them so I know how stable they are.

[h2]Localization fixes[/h2]
Several text have been updated and I would like to thank all community translators for helping with the game's translation texts! If you'd like to help, you can join the discord to get in touch! And as usual, if you have feedback, leave them here or send them to me @YYZ on Discord if you want to share your ideas or chat! :)

I will continue to make improvements and updates to the game~



v0.79.0 - New trader blueprints!

v0.79.0 is released!

  • Trader now sells Pharmacy blueprint
  • Trader now sells Clinic blueprint
  • Trader now sells Small Battery blueprint
  • Small battery is now guaranteed from mid-tier cards after 290m
  • Change top right UI buttons
  • Add community translators to home island credits
  • In Tundra, chick pets award miso instead of teriyaki
  • Fix fastest time show 4.03 in level select screen
  • Fix Small battery card not appearing after 290m

To reduce reliance on RNG, the battery card will now have a very high chance to appear after 290m if it is not already unlocked.

Additionally, the trader now sells 3 new blueprints so you may purchase them to unlock essential buildings that you have not yet obtained.

I would also like to thank the community translators for helping out with the in-game translations. I've added your names to the home island and will continue to add more as the game goes - if you wish to help out, you can join the discord and go to the #translations channel!

Upcoming content

In terms of content, I am working on a few new buildings as well. The medium battery and Epic battery will store more electricity than the small battery.

A new resource will soon be added - Lithium, which are required to upgrade these batteries. Along with it, a new epic building, the Lithium Extractor, a plant that harvests Lithium from Iron ore.

Thank you for playing Stormbridge and for your support! I will continue to push weekly updates to make improvements for you all. If you have any suggestions, drop them here, on Steam discussions or to me on Discord.




v0.78.1 is released
  • Add wheat description
  • Fix pet reward screen stuck showing 0 pets if maxed pets