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  3. Quest of the Magical Mystery Toilet (Part 4)

Quest of the Magical Mystery Toilet (Part 4)

[h3]Thanks for your patience![/h3]

Here is a very long update post ...
QMMT Part 4 is packed with a bunch of new stuff and marks the begining of our last push to leave Early Access ! and enter a new beginning for Amazing Frog? - I'll share a glimpse into our "plan" at the end. but first - Amazing Frog? Quest for the Magical Mystery Toilet Part 4...
[h2]... Whats new?[/h2]
  • Zombie Apocolyse...
  • The Railway
  • The Army Base
  • The Farm
  • Tanks ... Jeeps!
  • Party mode beta (with new worlds and spawners)
  • A whole bunch of Sh*t to collect
  • More costumes (obviously)
  • ...and more

[h2]Bring out the Dead[/h2]

Strange things are happening at the church. Head of Swindonshire Parish, Father Frog, may need to call in Pope Frog for help. They have concluded the safest course of action is to not ring the church bell under any circumstances! If a zombie apocalypse does start bring in the help of a higher power! Kill zombies and collect their zombie bits to deposit at the font inside the church.

[h3]Try holding the drop button to deposit items all at once. [/h3]

Seriously though, you will need weapons! and ammo. So prepare first or run.
[h3]Those zombies will kill ya![/h3]

TIP: Remember - when a Frog becomes a zombie the only sure way to take them down is with a head shot. Melee weapons in general now deal more damage and more more reliable.
maybe, take a baseball bat as a backup weapon incase they knock your ballistic weapon out of your hand.
or Travel in teams...

[h2] Holy Frog![/h2]
Unlock new frogs with the religious prowess required to protect the Swindonshire community.

Get Holy and bring death to Swindon in... [h3]The Hearse**[/h3]

**we will be adding another feature to the hearse very soon.

[h2]Ride the train![/h2]
Its a Steam Engine...

A brand new trainline has been added into the landscape! You'll find a train station outside both Frogopolis and Swindon. You'll find 4 steam trains on the tracks. Do not derail them!

In doing so we have also modified the road systems and the landscape to account for this and all the new loacations

We also started making Videos again - this is me and Hal messing about with the train.

[h2]Invade the Military?[/h2]

An army base has been spotted in Swindonshire near the Frogopolis building site. Sources say the base is heavily guarded at all times and unauthorised frogs will be shot on site... Typical!

Lets hope the Army Frogs are too stoopid to use their machine guns and RPGs on you ...
[h3]Tanks incoming![/h3]
You'll find tanks in the army base. Any frog brave enough to steal one will be able to can control both the vehicle and gun for explosive damage.

Steal some Tanks! and blow stuff up

This is us infiltrating the army base and then forgetting what we infiltrated the army base for in the first place... To steal Tanks.

The army has brought in their military grade jeeps. Take them for a spin. They are great all terrain vehicles.

[h2]Frog Farmers?[/h2]
Fancy a more chill vibe, then see whats happening on Old MacDonalds Pig and Veg Farm...

Swindon Agriculture team have built a farm to prepare for the population of Frogopolis. Take a trip down to meet the farmers! They are friendly ...??
There are tractors have been allocated for use on the farm. Do not steal them under any circumstances, they are very EXPENSIVE.

[h2]Get Collecting![/h2]

As we previously discussed and as a reminder - Take Zombies out with a Headshot.
It is also important to know that when any frog is eliminated, they will now drop different items that can be collected. Those items that can eb pocketed (as though you were holstering a gun) will add to that specific frog's inventory. Try killing different kinds of frogs and seeing what comes out!

If You like money some types of frogs will have more than others...

[h2]Party Mode is Growing[/h2]

Its in Beta - and locked to "FREE PLAY" MODE but we are evolving it. We have added a whole ton of new environments.

You can explore many on your own.

Or Locally (with up to 4 players) as usual and also via Remote Play with your Friends.

We will add other modes to party mode as we progress.

We have been having a lot of fun using Steam Remote Play for Amazing Frog? in Party Mode and Swindonshire - just bring up Steams Menu and ask a friend to join Remotely. We will start Supporting Remote play as we progress.

[h3]Next Steps and Leaving Early Access[/h3]

So That was a massive Long Blog post about QMMT Part 4, so if you are still reading this firstly "Hello" secondly, I would like to end this post by sharing a little more information about what our plan is.
Its been a long road and its no secret that we have been prepping console versions of Amazing Frog? But we will not be ready for console until we leave Early Access on Steam. Leaving Early access is not the end of Amazing Frog? its another beginning for the game.
This is how we will leave Early access and we are close now.

  • [h3]Cops and Robbers[/h3] An update that will not only bring cops and robbers and the prison back which would lead to bat frog, joke frog etc, but this will also bring cop frogs that will attempt to enforce Frog Law. This actually extends to all kind of behaviour that I will talk about later .
  • [h3]UFO and tractor Beam[/h3] - This will be inevitable Alien Invasion. its mostly done but not quite ready for launch yet, but the UFO will have pretty cool abilities.
  • [h3]All the Outfits[/h3] - We know how important the OG Frog outfits are to you and we will not leave early access without them unlockable in the game! ( and the new ones)
  • [h3]Party Mode[/h3] - We need to do a few more passes on Party Mode, but I do not think we need to fully complete all the modes etc before we leave Early Access.
  • [h3]The Magical Mystery Toilet[/h3] - Where is it ? Its important to get all the stuff in the game before I finish and release the Magical Mystery toilet mechanics. I ghave my reasons, because trust me things are going to get wierd... whats the point of a UFO if you cannot dump it in the toilet? what does that do??? etc
  • [h3]That Statue on the island....[/h3] well more on that later.