1. PictoRobot
  2. News
  3. Minor update (v.1.2.0)

Minor update (v.1.2.0)

An update for PictoRobot is available. It brings a new feature, a change, a fix and an optimization.

[h2]New feature[/h2]
  • [h3]Level editor: a history feature has been added[/h3]You can now undo or redo your last actions in the level editor. Just use the commands displayed on the screen.

    NOTE: If you have changed some of the game controls in the options menu, you may need to reassign the default controls for the history commands to avoid conflicting actions in the level editor.

  • [h3]Simplification of level BA1[/h3]A passage of level BA1 involving moving platforms has been modified in order to be easier to cross for new players who have not yet fully mastered the jumping techniques learned during the tutorial.

  • [h3]Some checks were not performed when changing game controls[/h3]The options menu for changing game controls did not prevent the same control from being assigned to some actions. This caused a conflict in the level editor controls.

    NOTE: If you have changed some of the game controls in the options menu before this fix and notice that the same control is doing two commands at once in the level editor, you can simply change the control of one of those two commands.

  • [h3]Level editor: color edit menu optimization[/h3]The code that is executed when closing the color edit menu in the level editor has been improved to avoid unnecessary operations if no settings have been changed. This was causing slowdowns, especially on levels with a lot of items.

If you have any problems, you can revert to the previous version of the game.
Right-click on the game from the library page and select "Properties". Among the available tabs will be the "Betas" tab. In "Select the beta you would like to opt into:", choose "previous_version".