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Banquet for Fools News

Patch 1.13

Fixed some issues where dialogue characters were not recognizing items in inventory and correct options were not given as a result

CYOA: Poll for Next Maps!

[h2]What's Next:[/h2]

Topa-din everyone!

Our primary focus this week with 1.1 patches is any remaining stability issues popping up for players and getting to our list of fixes. We are so grateful for everyone who's helped us these first 5 days clean the game up and already provide some wonderful suggestions. We've implemented some of them, including warm bedrolls!

We're thrilled to have such an active community and look forward to continued discussions on balance and the ruleset once we get to them. Many of your ideas are already in our to-do list and we look forward to collaborating more. We're certainly not infallible and you've already brought up great solutions for things we've missed or haven't gotten to yet.

Anyway, much like the pre-patched Yeti, we're planning to keep a brisk pace with our next updates:

Patch 1.2
will begin combining balance and updates we've been chatting about in the discussion forum

Patch 1.5
will include the Dryads in the spore forest in the Forten Lazure map. They act as a quest hub to add to Forten Lazure and the Abandoned Farm maps (and beyond once available).

Patch 2.0
will open the map up to two more grid sections for you to explore. But where to? We ask you to vote!

Feel free to comment on here, the image, or the discussion here and we'll tally it up on October 14th!

[h2]The Map Options[/h2]

As for the map options, both sets of maps will likely be implemented in succession, but what would you like to check out first? Your guards were primarily from Minorev before coming here and are new to the island, so their information would be limited:

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< n o r t h >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The lighthouse illuminates the riverway between the southwest body of land the garrison is perched on and the forested Northwest, where House Dura has contract with the Pavura for peppura farming. With the guard at low supply and Staglands mercenaries gone the roads and waterways are less defended and begun sprouting ill-minded Vollings. Robbers and bandits have begun making camps on the coasts and islands.

The lighthouse map includes your 5th companion, the pack-boro, who you can use as mobile inventory, and your guard's small craft for portaging. This navigates the same as normal controls, just on water and everyone close together on the boat, combat on the boat is the same as normal combat, except melee fighters won't be able to reach without being at arms length of an enemy vessel.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< s o u t h >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Rozafir is the first farm with successful peppura farming the Pavura established after the ill-fated farm north of the garrison. It is populated by a hierarchy of farmers, captured Dolki, a guard post, merchants, artisans and a Varuchov traditional underground cavern for rest and relaxation.

Rozafir is a more functional town than the garrison, and this comes with their own pot of problems that a guard of Lazure could help address. The guards stationed are low on supply and could use the assistance in anything from resident merchants causing issues, illicit activities, treachery, and local creatures battering on the gates and floorboards.

* Either choice includes the map east of the Abandoned Farm.

Hannah and Joseph

Patch 1.12

* Fixed confusing grammar in Pasaaren description
* Updated formatting to better fit longer names in character sheet
* Sela and Harvest god statues loop dialogue to repeat request
* Fixed some issues with picking up berries and rocks that are at head height or far from path
* Runic head wrappings cure Ghost ailments after 50 seconds, shows time correctly in item details
* Fixed discrepancy with acorn summoning spells failing even though their description says they will pass
* Fixed visual bug with hover details appearing when hovering away from barrels and berries
* Local map pins now work in Abandoned Farm and are turned off in caves and tomb where there is no local map
* Fixed misplaced exit in Abandoned Farm east edge near bakka ambush
* Fixed issue where inventory items could be in inventory but not selectable

Patch 1.1

!>!>!> Patch 1.1 Level ups * Fixed bug with key assignments not loading in main menu
* Fixed Issues where level ups were granting two levels at a time, should retroactively grant missed level ups


!>!>!> Patch 1.097

* Gold shroomer has correct texture
* Fixed incorrect vignette background in companion conversation on north road
* Fixed missing imp rat creatures in Abandoned Farms
* Fixed dialogue lock with Sela and Good Harvest shrines introduced in 1.094
* Crop Goblin Defensive Shaman have more spell variety to allow player to have an opening to break Spring Shield defense spell

Multihand fixes:

* Fixed bug with multi-hand attacks where second hand’s hit chance roll was using weapon skill instead of Multi-hand skill
* Fixed bug where multi-hand attacks were giving double skill progression


* Decreased brightness of Varuchov wing tips to reduce jittering
* Updated God of Good Harvest art


!>!>!> Patch 1.096

* Fixed visual bug with murdered NPCs sprouting ghost wings regardless of race
* Fixed issue where NPCs that have been turned into ghosts don’t attack after returning to a map
* Fixed soft lock when talking to camp apprentice in Abandoned Farm map after completing his quest
* Fixed issue where character can walk off grid when pathfinding to map door in crop goblin caves in Abandoned Farm
* Fixed bug where you can click interactable objects like a chest or lock through a wall while in a different room
* Fixed bug where exiled grave robber bodies remain in Mausoleum

!>!>!> Patch 1.094 Live

* yeti speed calmed down
* fixed an issue where a character who didn't pass a perception check but are seeing a hidden item's label anyway and not being able to click on it. Fixed so item can't be visible in the scenario

!>!>!> Patch 1.093
* Character creation text size increased

* Entangling effects improperly remain on save and load
* Fixed an error with turning in criminals
* Updated scrolling on Forfeits board to work correctly
* Yeti companion animates correctly in dialogue vignette at map edge


!>!>!> Patch 1.092

* Can stack equipped items
* Resting with blanket
* Can buy with bell-monger in Forten Lazure or the merchant in the boat in the Abandoned Farm


* Tomb key sprite now more easily visible
* Fix for black screen when re-entering map where enemies have been stunned with mushroom darts

1.09 Patch on main branch. Includes:


* fixed issue where incense push ghosts through walls

* fixed issue with equipping Whip in off hand

* fixed error caused during multi-target hitting that would stop companion’s AI

* fixed issue where characters move around or disappear within portrait


* Ground item part of inventory now has label [drop on ground] text

* Updated sick guard dialogue to give option to give wraps at beginning

* grave keeper not affected by incense

* removed wonky elyxir explosion particle on ghosts (sorry)

* Play as average speed of party outside of combat

* Hours and party names in save file for new saves

Save data added

We'd like to add the portraits to those save files as well and will look into that in a future update.


1.08 Patch on main branch. Includes:


* new video transcoding for fringe cases of players setup opening to a black screen
* fix bug where a save file won't load if weapon's durability is too low for some weapons

1.074 Patch on main branch. Includes:


* Corrected an issue that could happen when leaving and entering maps with stunned enemies in the map being entered causing an error


1.073 Patch on main branch. Includes:


* Issue corrected in leaving the tomb map after destroying the gravekeeper. This fixes any existing saves inside the tomb

Corrected ruleset display numbers in character sheet:

* Intercession Power typo with + and -
* Music Hit Chance Dexterity Divider
* Removed chance to block descriptor from Strength
* Fixed incorrect Strength divider in Damage description
* Fixed incorrect evasion chance dividers for Armor and Shield combined

Ruleset fix:

* Corrected Music Resistance roll (did not include sensory)

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1.072 Patch on main branch. Includes:

* Fixed various issues with inventory duplication after replacing a companion and saving and loading. This should resolve the mirroring inventory issues in new games, as well as prevent those issues with the black-screen showing up after the mirroring.

1.062 Patch on main branch. Includes:


* Grave Keeper Model added for tomb quest


* Fixed resources not leaving after scene goes away
* Fixed issue with forfeits kid locking out after initiating dialogue under certain circumstances
* Fixed visual issue with UI not reverting back to M&K UI after trying the controller
* Fixed an issue with the chanter quest - two guards staying in bed, chanter not giving the scrolls

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Thank you everyone so much for helping find these issues the past day! We are able to resolve them quickly with your help and are beginning to get planned content additions started again. We'll continue to prioritize fixes the remainder of the week but will begin getting some content in as well as some of your suggestions.

Implementing the suggested bedrolls in tomorrow with some others updates.
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1.061 Patch notes:

* Added resting with nelu option
* Using binding bells and hovering over creation says the class of creature they are in

* fixed instruments disappearing when clicked in HUD
* fixed fear effect that could occur after equipping mushroom darts
* fixed issue with duplicating character inventory after replacing a character
* fixed issue with loading a game multiple times in a row and getting a black screen

* Increased difficulty for some bindable creatures to utilize Aura/HP pool/Sensory correctly

misc fixes:
* Act 1 music now plays immediately after start
* Decreased delay between new tracks playing
* Possible fix for Windows 7 not playing videos
* fixed time typo with Chanter

1.05 Patch notes:

* Players now have a resolution toggle in the options menu for more resolutions should the system not detect them automatically

* Manual fullscreen toggle

* Character level up restrictions removed for characters that didn't need them

1.043 Patch notes:

* Reverted resolution additions, some users that weren't able to get one originally were getting a black screen on startup. Looking into alternatives to get those back in

* If testing a controller, you can now more easily navigate back to the Mouse and Keyboard toggle in the options menu, or press ESC at anytime to revert to it

1.041 Patch notes:

* More resolution settings available in options menu, regardless of hardware detection

* current XP required to level up displaying normally

1.03 Patch notes:

* fixed an issue with items that shouldn't be able to be seen where if you pathfind to them while indoors it would break the camera as your character left into a different interior. Items don't show up in these scenarios anymore, and you can't pathfind to them

* Fixed an issue with navigating from perspective shots to orthographic shots and the camera not updating correctly. this would have resulted in loading the game moving and loading into blackness after trying to load again.

* fixed a navigation error with click-hold pathfinding where you could run continuously and get stuck in rare scenarios with particular collider heights

1.02 Patch notes:

* Following up on the last update, fixed an issue where characters could be re-ordering and swapping save files after character creation. This caused inventory swapping between characters and some other issues

Banquet for Fools now available on Early Access!

There's a discount sale happening for the first week of Early Access! If you're interested be sure to check out the pinned discussions on what to expect from the current version and some tips! The demo will stay available indefinitely and be updated along with the game if you'd like to play it before you buy.

We're looking forward to your feedback and the journey ahead!

Hannah and Joseph