1. Catacomb Kids
  2. News
  3. 0.2.12!


Here, have an update; 0.2.12! (Technically, 0.2.12b now, after a haphazard bug-fixing morning)

This should address a lot of common bugs and crashes.

I've also changed the way the STR and DEF stats work for calculating melee damage, finally collapsing STR down to a single value like the rest of the stats instead of being a weird range of "x to y".

"Why did you do that?" you may ask.

"Because it always bugged me, having this one odd-stat-out that is represented in a way completely unlike any of the others," I reply.

Now that all the stats are boiled down to a single value, it's a lot more consistent. Additionally, the algorithm for calculating damage is much simpler than it used to be and should be easier to tweak if I need to in the future.

Attacks now deal between 65-100% of the attacker's STR stat, and DEF reduces that amount by (roughly) 10% per point of DEF (capping at a 95% reduction at 10 DEF, with some exceptions for crits and other similar defense-bypassing blows). There are a few extra steps in there to ensure that attackers don't deal too many 0s in a row, but that's basically the gist of it! It's much simpler than the convoluted and opaque 10-step process that damage calculation was before.

I hope I didn't change the way things feel too much, but let me know how the new formula feels!

There have also been a few balance changes to shut down some extremely cheesy builds - like High-LUC + Multicast resulting in essentially infinite spells, or using pilfer and secondhand to constantly trade the same weapon to enemies and get extremely good equipment. If you didn't know about those exploits; sorry, but you missed your chance! I'm sure there are new ones to find that I'll have to fix soon enough, though.

In future news, the Deep Dark update (aka 0.3.0) is coming along very nicely! I'd say it's looking on-track for release later this year - hopefully sometime in autumn? One of the last things left to do is a big audio pass on all the new content; making sure it sounds sufficiently wet and scary, and that all the enemies are properly aurally horrifying. Don't forget that I do weekly dev-streams where you can catch me working on the game, if you ever want to stop by and see what's new (though beware if you don't want to be spoiled!). You can also catch me on the Catacomb Kids Discord, where I'm very active.

We had some unexpected trouble building for Mac and Linux, so 0.2.12 is up on Windows only for now. The other platforms should be available next weekend.

  • Rewrote how melee attack damage is calculated
  • Consolidated STR into a single numerical value
  • Partially-filled bottles of lava now solidify into normal rocks when submerged in water
  • Amulets now identify faster under certain circumstances depending on the amulet's type
    Ex. Amulets of shadow identify faster when worn beyond the range of a lightsource, amulets of health only increment their identification each time they tick a heal, etc.
  • Resourceful now causes meal effects to last for an additional floor
  • Added more trackable objects for wanderer's vision ability; Campfires, switches, standing torches, etc.
  • Torches will try to spawn next to the entrance door on Anticropolis floors when there's space
  • LUC's effect is now capped at 10 for the purposes of ending status effects early and getting no-cost multi-casts
  • Wellwished's spell gain no longer applies on Get Luckys caused by Multi-Cast
  • INT now has a stronger effect on dipped weapon duration
  • The Poison and Might status effects now cancel out one another's recieved damage multipliers
  • Shield bash status effects proc chance now scales with INT and LUC
  • Made Whirlwind+Magic Blast multicast more useful
  • Downward Thrust sword skill now stuns based on distance from the user; creatures further away are stunned for a shorter duration
  • The duration of Slow also scales in a similar way; foes further from the center of the spell shake off the status sooner
  • Crash: When Eeol corpses cook
  • Crash: Upon gaining peppered fishanha meal
  • Crash: Upon loading a game with corn kernel/popcorn in the meal queue
  • Crash: ". [...] at gml_Script_unit_hit"
  • Crash: Missing string "_LANG_OBJ_BLOOD_CRYSTAL_UNSTABLE" When blood crystals recieve damage
  • Crash: When setting Player 1 Gamepad to disabled
  • Crash: When descending floor or pausing after getting a leg severed without retrieving footwear
  • Crash: When interacting with invisible torches (which are another bug that I've fixed)
  • Bug: Flame-Warrior grumbuls that spawn with the device also spawn with an invisible torch (see above)
  • Bug: Can kick open locked doors even without a key
  • Bug: Getting chomped by eeols causes hp to increase instead of decrease
  • Bug: It is possible for player energy maximum to drop below 2, in various situations
  • Bug: Kills with soul-weapons that bring blocked energy beyond energy maximum bug out the energy bar
  • Bug: Killing owl-men in their owl-form with reaper weapons or acid can cause the owl's humanoid form to reappear
  • Bug: Blowing gasses with tinker-bot's gust propeller causes the gas to multiply and behave strangely
  • Bug: Bottled skulls create 'skeleton soup', and bones cannot become soup - instead of them both creating broth
  • Bug: The cracked ice barriers in the anticropolis sometimes leave behind invisible collision boxes after being destroyed
  • Bug: Fire in the anticropolis transition stage sometimes melts the exit door even when it's in a completely different part of the stage
  • Bug: Savory gorhounds only fill one meal queue slot
  • Bug: Text of cracked mana batteries is different when held vs not held
  • Bug: Tinker-bot retains status effect immunity from insulated chassis even after switching to another chassis type
  • Bug: Tinkerer/Engineer's "Repair" option at the ghost doesn't have a description
  • Bug: Trance spells, tracked creatures, and amulet effects - break, blink, -of light, etc - draw their character overlay in the wrong place
  • Bug: Equipment improvement messages display with the wrong text style
  • Bug: Sometimes loading games can cause the player's armor to have weird visual glitches
  • Bug: Tunnel generation for the hidden shortcut room is frequently broken
  • Bug: Attaching and/or regenerating legs can lead to a variety strange, buggy behavior
  • Bug: Rarely, furnace tiles can spread out from the slime-switch room and take over the level
  • Bug: Level gen issues with certain premade rooms
  • Bug: Secondhand can be applied to the same weapon multiple times by planting it on enemies via pilfer
  • Bug: Acrobatic auto-dodges ~all~ airborne attacks instead of only the first recieved
  • Bug: Hack and Slash doesn't continue chaining unless you also have Weapon Master
  • Bug: Hammers ignore defense and floor damage caps
  • Bug: Changing Sound Effect volume mid-game doesn't affect the volume of humanoids' voices
  • Bug: Pressing "Esc" to access the options/quit menu in two-player mode causes several issues
  • Bug: Fixed several issues around the volume and panning of sounds in split-screen co-op
  • Bug: In versus mode, players' limbs almost always fall off when they die
  • Bug: Siphoning cold charges from frost bolt icicles does not destroy them
  • Bug: Loading games into stages with escaped enemies sometimes causes the enemies to appear as giant portraits of the player character