0.2.5 Fixes
Just some bugfixes for now! Still hard at work on the Deep Dark.
- Luck has a higher impact on values of sold items, and items sell for slightly more generally
- Rewrote the code handling severed and unnatural limbs to make it more consistent and less buggy
- A new hidden tinkerbot function
- Crash: Breaking crush trap chains while standing on top of them
- Crash: Data structure with index does not exist. "gen_map_make_reachable_path"
- Crash: When trying to fix tinkerbots as a non-tinkerer
- Bug: Gas grenades still draw the old style of gas
- Bug: Gas grenades look huge until they finish expelling their gas
- Bug: Used/burning magical maps and spellbooks sometimes destroy other objects in the player's inventory
- Bug: Realized Amulet of Hunger doesn't grant immunity to negative statuses from balls of slime/goo/mucus or mushrooms
- Bug: Enchanters don't properly enchant headgear when using their second option
- Bug: Crush traps can get stuck in solidifying lava
- Bug: "Back" buttons don't work in the main menu
- Bug: Break doesn't cast instantly with incantation
- Bug: Whirlwind sound doesn't obey volume controls
- Bug: The name of a mushroom becomes ridiculous when spiced
- Bug: Spices do nothing when added to mushrooms outside of soup
- Bug: "Look" doesn't work properly in co-op
- Bug: Sometimes hidden ceiling spikes show through - and deal damage damage - on the tile above
- Bug: Unfinished "text resolution" setting is sometimes enabled, causing text to look weird
- Bug: Characters riding on top of boulders on top of elevators will be pushed through the ceiling
- Bug: Extra Tough and Amulet of Life-Saving don't negate being crushed by the moving blocks in the anticropolis
- Bug: Peppered fish meal grants byat meal effect
- Bug: Orbs of Leveling sometimes don't spawn
- Typo: "sough save!" instead of "tough save!"