1. Catacomb Kids
  2. News
  3. 0.2.0 Changelog

0.2.0 Changelog


  • 4 New Boons!

    • Weapon Master
    • Living Weapon
    • Breakthrough
    • Spider Spin

  • Completely rewrote level generator
  • Completely re-made Normal Bear fight
  • Added two new weapons, dropped by Normal Bear
  • Added collectible learning points
  • Added collectible blessing items
  • Bunch of new premade rooms
  • New type of treasure chest


  • Raised followers retain weapon skills, boons, and spellcasting abilities
  • Grumbuls no longer spawn with amulets, gorhounds, or small turrets in the Grumbul Tank fight
  • If a player with undead followers dies, the followers will reassign themselves to any player who comes near that also knows Raise Dead
  • Weapon's status effects only apply when an attack deals damage
  • Grumbuls in the Grumbul Tank arena no longer spawn with amulets of any kind
  • Completely re-made the Normal Bear boss
  • Regenerate now makes slimes multiply
  • New flame visual effect
  • New "zapped" visual effect
  • Made dipper effects last longer
  • Decapitated enemies who aren't immune to bleeding will bleed out now
  • Reduced damage frequency of acid
  • Completely re-made the Encyclopedia
  • Added the ability to specify potion, spellbook, and grenade types on custom kids
  • Can now jump up to 1 tile higher by holding up when leaping out of whater
  • Amulet of Force now slightly pulls usable items towards you when fully realized
  • Campfires can now bake nearby things, as long as the food isn't directly on the fire
  • More things cause detectable noise now - like being hit, bear-traps snapping shut, corpses falling, and weapons clashing
  • Can now roll by sprinting while crouched
  • Unstable plague now produces many fewer flies
  • Increased drop rate of fishanha corpses


  • Swarm Form is broken
  • Grapple breaks if the thrower dies mid-throw
  • The same items sometimes persistently appear across multiple floors
  • Disowned player followers remain persistent across floors in co-op
  • Crash if a corpse currently being looted is destroyed by plague blight or some other means
  • Lightning Strike (Chain Lightning + Air-Dash multi-cast) sometimes places the player in walls
  • Reaper deactivates upon leaving the view during certain attacks
  • Water isn't spawning properly
  • "fx_sound" surface crash
  • Byat eye trails never disappear sometimes
  • Typo "You knows [...]" when looking at oneself
  • Bear traps draw at the wrong depth
  • Bear traps continually re-attach to large enemies after falling off
  • Dangersense only grants a speed boost when traveling to the right
  • Orbis Malus orbs are affected by status effects
  • Crash when using Break on arrow turrets
  • Crash related to fx_sound
  • Crash related to obj_creature_handle
  • Tinkerbot weapons don't persist between floors
  • Reaper can consume keys necessary for progress
  • Fur Hoods and Coats prevent heat loss entirely instead of slowing it
  • Crab's skittering sound continues to play even when it shouldn't
  • One player's pause menu doesn't draw when both players pause in co-op
  • Raising the corpse of a dead co-op player erases their traits
  • Controller still rumbles for players using keyboard controls
  • Crash when backing out of "enchant equipment" shop menu when equipment is all enchanted already
  • Crash when tracking tunnel doorways
  • Arrows hit walls immediately when fired up or down while too near to a wall
  • Can no longer press esc to back out of starting a game, or move the selection left/right after a character has been selected
  • Spell-dealers now have the proper text for the "Slow" and "Haste" spells
  • Fixed bug with fire sound effect continuing after explosions
  • Using poet's Tome ability as a spell while also having incantation causes the tome to always cast its charged version, even as a non-wordsmith
  • Tinkerbot stops animating when heavy-lifted
  • Gamepad input doesn't work in single player character select menu if the menu was entered via keyboard
  • Boulders on pressure pads repeatedly press them instead of holding them down
  • Sometimes get stuck to ceilings with the sticky feet meal
  • Tinkerer's class ability was named different things in different places