Quick fix is up for Windows - Mac and Linux soon to follow in the next few days, but it might have to wait til after Christmas, sorry!
- Tinkerbot no longer auto-returns to you when left in idle mode outside of the view
- Springs now retain the direction they were facing when picked up and dropped, unless thrown downward
- Springs thrown downward now always have a vertical orientation
- There's now a slight pause when bouncing off of springs, letting you grab them more easily
- Crash: Crash when quitting out of the tutorial
- Crash: Nonexistent surface in "food_meal"
- Crash: undefined object in "AI_path_follow"
- Crash: Crash in "draw_hud_messages"
- Bug: Walls in the tutorial are invisible
- Bug: Ice passages don't freeze humanoids that get caught in them when they regrow
- Bug: Flipping switches with the 'use' button doesn't trigger cutscenes
- Bug: Spring item highlight was working incorrectly
- Bug: Gas traps not drawing the bottom tile
- Bug: Mirror mazes sometimes not spawning properly
- Bug: Tinkerbot class skill doesn't work properly in split-screen co-op
- Bug: Being "saved" from crushing by vertical shifting blocks in the AC turns them into broken crush traps