1. Catacomb Kids
  2. News
  3. Update 0.2.3!

Update 0.2.3!

Hey, remember me? Have an update!

I'm hard at work on the Deep Dark, and it's coming along quite nicely but isn't quite ready for public consumption yet, so I wanted to push out some bugfixes and tweaks that I think will make the game a bit smoother and more fun.

In this update are mirror-and-laser puzzles that now spawn in the Anticropolis, acting as the AC's version of switch barriers. There are also frozen passages that must be broken through in order to traverse, and which slowly close up behind you, as well as a number of fixes for major crashes and long-standing bugs.

Also by popular request an option has been added for splitscreen-only mode in Co-op, which you can enable in Options > Gameplay.

  • Laser-and-Mirror locks in the Anticropolis
  • Frozen passages in the Anticropolis
  • Option to force constant splitscreen in co-op under Options > Gameplay

  • Changed the way Amulet of Force works a bit
  • Redesigned class select menu
  • Last played class is now remembered and selected by default even after closing the game
  • Plague flies are now reflected by armor of reflection and mirrored shields
  • Cracked shields now only let damage through with frequency based on the defender's DEF
  • Successfully blocking an attack with a cracked shield can no longer kill the defender
  • Shield-bashing enemies now reduces shield durability
  • Swinging blade traps should no longer spawn where they will instantly kill grumbuls
  • Significantly boosted use of Wanderer's farsight

  • Crash: Crash when trying to leave to shopkeeper "sell" menu without any sellable items
  • Crash: Wielding a bear arm with a missing joint
  • Crash: Related to byat thralls
  • Crash: When bear-trapping a shopkeeper
  • Crash: When loading saved custom kid templates
  • Crash: "draw_hud_messages"
  • Crash: When dumping out corpses from bottles
  • Bug: Rolling/bashing weapon attacks (rolling blade, uppersmash) can be initiated in mid-air
  • Bug: Stove traps still tick and gas clouds still expand xduring gate cutscenes
  • Bug: Can still drown during gate cutscenes
  • Bug: Fixed behavior of byat thralls
  • Bug: Amulets of Force would still affect objects when the world should be paused
  • Bug: Can get stuck in solid lava blocks that have covered up shifting lava bridges
  • Bug: Amulet of Force changes the alliance of plague flies
  • Bug: Pipes in the background of the Grumbul Tank fight are scaled weirdly
  • Bug: Beam Trap sound effect sometimes plays for way too long
  • Bug: Slopes/stairs are sometimes drawn oddly/incorrectly
  • Bug: Potatoes can become hot by fires even when carried in hand or pocket
  • Bug: Creatures wielding bows can't be hurt by arrows
  • Bug: Can't dump out balls of goo from bottles; can only fail to drink them
  • Bug: You can lose both arms simultaneously using bear traps
  • Bug: Sprinting up stairs with footwear of the glacier freezes the sprinter
  • Performance: Optimized death review, so it should no longer affect performance much when enabled
  • Typo: "Lighting" instead of "Lightning" in the chain lightning description

Happy Holidays and Merry New Year, y'all! As always, I appreciate your patience.

If you ever have any questions about how the game is coming along feel free to pop in to one of my dev-streams over on my Twitch channel every Monday and Friday!