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  2. News
  3. 0.2.0b Patch Notes

0.2.0b Patch Notes

A quick bugfix build plus some changes!

The new rewards are much rarer in this build than in the last build - which is intentional - but they might be a little too rare now. I'm still tweaking the balance of their spawn frequency so just keep that in mind! I want them to be not littering the first floor but also not once-every-ten runs, and I haven't hit that sweet spot yet.

Anyway here's them notes:


  • Heavenly weapons are no longer indestructible, now degrading to excellent after use
  • Very slightly reduced quality of items from soul chests
  • No longer alerted to lava by dangersense when immune to fire
  • Changed appearance of stone platforms in the Upper Dungeon
  • Reduced range of sound from killing humanoid enemies
  • Soul chests combine their total soul count when they touch one another
  • Slightly increased range of soul-gathering on soul-chests
  • Soul-chests now must be touched before they start absorbing souls
  • Made device more durable - no longer destroyed by fire or water
  • Added unstable cold burst effect
  • Can now pounce onto climbing ladders and ledges again


  • Reward type items spawn far too frequently, too numerously, and in the wrong places
  • Certain premade rooms that disallow verticality spawning break level progression
  • Disappearing blocks disallow nearby ladders even when they're behind walls
  • Shifting barriers can spawn in places that block off adjacent passages when flipped
  • Shifting barriers in premade rooms spawn in the wrong place when the room is mirrored
  • Unaligned text in death summary screen
  • Crash when selling or piping potions partially identified with square bracketed tag items in their name
  • Powered arm spams messages when carrying a full battery while still having charges left in the arm
  • Crash with obj_goo_bottle_Destroy_0
  • 1-height corridors sometimes force humanoids to crouch when climbing down from a ladder
  • Climbing down into spikes as a pathfinder or cartographer deals damage as though falling into them
  • Can use Breakthrough to jump outside of the level's bounds
  • Prosthetic arms don't draw as the correct color on the in-game sprite
  • Slimes kinda spaz out on corpses in spikes
  • Lava drips can spawn on death blades, freezing them
  • Blessings and certain amulet abilities block energy when active like trances
  • Stowing an item while a hated dagger is already stown makes the dagger stop existing
  • Crash when eating things while the statistic for number of things eaten is uninitialized
  • Gills from fishanha meal do nothing
  • Horizontal moving blocks get stuck over solid tiles
  • CPU players in vs mode spawn in weeeeird places
  • Going directly from one transition stage to another from shops still increments the floor count
  • Cold descent transition stage doesn't have its frozen door or fog of war style transition
  • Empty bottles have no name when being sold
  • Crash when blinking in versus mode