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  2. News
  3. Bugfixes and Big News

Bugfixes and Big News

Ahoy, you!

It's been a while (as ever) since last we spoke, but I have news aplenty.

Many of you may know that I've spent a decent chunk of the past few years working on UFO 50. Which is finished now! Hooray! You should definitely go play it if you haven't yet: It's a wonderful game and I'm very proud of the work that I and the rest of the UFO 50 Recovery Team did on it.

So, now that I'm finished with my work on UFO 50, what does the future hold for Catacomb Kids?

Well that brings me to the second and more relevant bit of news:

I started a game company!

Catacomb Kids composer Stevie and I have teamed up to form Odd Object. I'm super stoked! But more than just stoked, this move opens up a number of opportunities for me to grow and evolve as a game dev.

This has a couple implications for the future of Catacomb Kids:
  1. We're working on our studio's first game, which will result in another lull in CK updates as we put together something new. We have an ambitiously short development time for this new project though, so my attention will only be turned away for a short while. I can't talk much about it just yet but I'm excited to share more details soon.
  2. Once that project is launched I plan to return my focus to Catacomb Kids along with a wealth of new resources and an intensity of attention that I haven't had the ability to muster in many long years. The intention then will be to push the game - finally - to 1.0.

Part of the decision to start this company has been to ensure that I have a stable plan for myself and my work that allows me to properly support CK's development long-term.

In the meantime, this most recent 0.2.4 update is intended to iron out many of the most egregious outstanding bugs and crashes with the game so that you all can continue to enjoy it until I can once more give the game my full attention as it deserves.

I thank you all for your trust and time thus far, and truly appreciate your support and what you've invested in Catacomb Kids.

We shall speak again erelong!
- Tyriq (aka. FourbitFriday)