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Witchfire News

Witchfire: Understanding Difficulty and Progression

Clearing Up Misconceptions

I think there are a few interesting things to say about Witchfire's difficulty, but let's get this out of the way first:
  • The player's level does not affect the difficulty. You can Ascend (level up) and grow in power as many times as you want, and the difficulty will stay the same.

  • Only the player's Gnosis level affects the difficulty. Each time you increase the Gnosis level, the game becomes more difficult. New enemies, new traps, and other dangers are added to the pool.

[h2]Are you sure?[/h2]

Yes, we are sure. There is one very tiny exception to this, which is that the Drowned Captain mini-boss (a Faithful) appears after reaching level 10 instead of reaching a certain Gnosis level, but this will be changed in the next patch. Other than this, only Gnosis affects difficulty.

[h2]So why do I feel like the game got more difficult after a simple level up?[/h2]

Because each time you level up, the witch reorganizes her defenses. It basically means that we re-roll each map. So the new layout (enemy placement, trap placement, the Warden route, etc.) might be a bigger challenge, even if simply by the fact that it's new and you need to adapt to it.

Also, the presence of some enemies or traps is not guaranteed. So you might have played without ever seeing enemy X or trap Y, but the level-up re-roll finally put them on the map.

[h2]But wait, why would anyone want to increase Gnosis then?![/h2]

It is impossible to finish the game without increasing Gnosis. For example, some areas are locked by the witch with a spell so advanced that it requires you to have a deeper knowledge of all things occult and esoteric. Meaning: higher Gnosis level.

Another example: each level-up costs more and more, and you might want to increase Gnosis because with each increase you get more witchfire off enemies.

So yeah, sooner or later, you will have to increase Gnosis. But -- it's 100% up to you when you want to do it. There are players who do it as soon as possible, and there are players who spend dozens of hours leveling up before they increase Gnosis. So you have to do it, but it is 100% your choice when.

Diving Deeper into Witchfire's Difficulty

Now that we've cleared up those misconceptions, let's talk more about how difficulty works in Witchfire.

[h2]Static Enemy HP[/h2]

Here's a fun fact about the game: the HP of our enemies is static and unrelated to the player level.

The vast majority of RPGs, action or not, increase the HP of enemies with the player level. This is why some Skyrim players first visit all the caves to trigger setting their difficulty level at their current level, and only then level up.

From Soft games do it too, in a way. A late-game skeleton looking slightly different than the early-game skeleton will have way more HP. Because the game knows you have made significant progress and compensates for your ever-growing powers with the ever-growing HP of enemies.

Witchfire's enemies have the exact same HP -- each their own, of course -- throughout the entire game.

[h2]Balancing Act: Player Growth vs. Game Difficulty[/h2]

And yet, the player grows in power through leveling up. Your health increases, you have more stamina, and you can cast spells more often...

So... the game should get easier with each level up, right? Enemy HP stays the same, the player grows in power; it's simple math.

The thing is, HP is just one of many factors that can increase the difficulty. Here are a few more:

  • Indirect/hidden HP increase: Elite versions of Witchfire enemies have a witchfire shield that absorbs some of the damage. This effectively increases their HP.

  • More enemies: Increasing the number of enemies directly impacts difficulty. Imagine fighting a challenging enemy—a sweaty but fair fight. Now imagine fighting five of them simultaneously. The mental load and complexity escalate significantly.

  • New enemies: These are difficult because you need to figure them out and understand their patterns. As Thomas Fuller said, "All things are difficult before they are easy."

  • New, harder enemies: They move faster, their attacks are harder to avoid, or they have more HP than average. This way or another, they require more effort from the player.

  • Limited resources: Imagine we do all of the above... but we don't give you more ammo.

We have even more tools at our disposal, but this shows how we achieve the increase in difficulty without scaling the enemy HP to the player level.

[h2]The Tug of War[/h2]

New and more challenging enemies appear, sometimes in larger groups; old enemies get enhanced, and resources stay limited. This is what you are fighting against, but you have your own tricks. You grow your powers, find or research and enhance your gear, gain allies, and use [redacted] to affect your combat style.

In the end, Witchfire's difficulty system creates a dynamic tug of war between you and the witch. As you grow stronger, so do the challenges you face, creating a constantly evolving and (hopefully) engaging gameplay experience.

Witchfire Patch The One About Hermitorium and Whisper

The highlights include the community's suggestion to reset Stamina when interacting with stations or sections of the Hermitorium — thanks for that!

What's next? Unless there's an emergency, this will be the last patch for the next two weeks. We're now focusing on the "Fast Response" patch, as outlined in the roadmap (see the last news). This update will include a slight redesign of the game's first hour, general improvements to the Island, and some UI updates and quality-of-life enhancements.

Next week, we'll recap the Steam launch, but it's already been incredible for us. Despite very limited marketing (and that’s putting it mildly...), your word of mouth has helped the game reach a much wider audience. Those big streamers playing Witchfire? That’s organic — they’re playing it because they like it, and they heard about the game from you. Thank you!

Here are the detailed patch notes:


QoL Hermitory Upgrade:
  • All stations regenerate your stamina when interacted with (Community Suggestion)
Cursed Treasures:
  • Fixed inaccessible Treasure locations
  • Tweaked Treasure spawnpoints that were particularly hard to spot
  • Tweaked Treasures’ look so they fit better with the environment
  • Slightly lowered the chance that multiple treasures will spawn right next to each other
  • Whisper no longer stuns Familiars / Faithfuls, knocks them back instead. Please note that technically this is not a nerf but a bugfix. The weapon always had “capable to stunning almost any enemy” in the description.
  • Both open and locked supply chest now drop more White Raven Feathers
  • Changed the order of early Light Spell research order, so the player gets access to more elemental variety earlier. (Note: This will not impact any in-progress player research)

  • Fixed rare crashes caused by async saving requests
  • Returned hit fx to mushrooms to make it clearer which ones deal damage
  • Fixed a couple of typos
  • Fixed a minor shader bugs on sights of both Sniper Rifles that was causing the sight of Basilisk to show a big red X while jumping with lowered crosshair
  • Fixed enemies being able to see the player through a wall in a few obscure scenarios
  • Submitted a potential fix to the audio stuttering problems present at the entrance to the Tower
  • Re-established the priority settings for some audio cues
  • Some general sound rebalancing

Witchfire Early Access Roadmap 2024-2025

The witch hunt rages on! Dive into the Witchfire Early Access Roadmap and see what awaits:

Detailed description and the 4K version of the image can be found here on our website.

Thank you for you feedback here on Steam as well as on our Discord. We do take it seriously, that is how we understand the point of Early Access. The Fast Response patch that is coming in October is a direct result of his feedback, and we will talk about it more soon.

Witchfire Patch

The first patch for Witchfire High Stakes update is out. It's a small patch, focused on bugfixing. Working on one more fix, out tomorrow, hopefully. Then we sit down to work on your feedback, suggestions and QoL updates.

Patch notes:

  • Crash fixes

These crashes were rare but of course needed being taken care of. We have fixed two and safeguarded the third.

[h3]Other updates[/h3]
  • Fixed a hole in terrain, killed floating rocks on the island
  • Fixed a significant streaming hitch inside the Wailing Tower
  • Fixed misaligned vfx on Hunger’s Mysterium I
  • Removed buggy color randomization on Assassins
  • Fixed the bugged Antimagic Rune particle effects
  • Fixed existing Mushroom spawns on the island and doubled their number
  • Striga’s Mysterium I no longer incorrectly adds fire-oriented Arcana to the pool
  • Added lightning strike sounds when Ricochet’s Mysterium III triggers
  • Tweaked the concurrency settings asset that affects all music tracks

Witchfire Early Access is Out Now!

Witchfire Early Access is out now on Steam—grab it with 10% off and join the witch hunt!

The promo price is valid for two weeks from now. The game now features three big updates that we've made since the Early Access started: The Ghost Galleon, The Wailing Tower, and High Stakes. You can find more details about the game, as well as the roadmap and the FAQ on our website.