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  3. Witchfire Patch

Witchfire Patch

The first patch for Witchfire High Stakes update is out. It's a small patch, focused on bugfixing. Working on one more fix, out tomorrow, hopefully. Then we sit down to work on your feedback, suggestions and QoL updates.

Patch notes:

  • Crash fixes

These crashes were rare but of course needed being taken care of. We have fixed two and safeguarded the third.

[h3]Other updates[/h3]
  • Fixed a hole in terrain, killed floating rocks on the island
  • Fixed a significant streaming hitch inside the Wailing Tower
  • Fixed misaligned vfx on Hunger’s Mysterium I
  • Removed buggy color randomization on Assassins
  • Fixed the bugged Antimagic Rune particle effects
  • Fixed existing Mushroom spawns on the island and doubled their number
  • Striga’s Mysterium I no longer incorrectly adds fire-oriented Arcana to the pool
  • Added lightning strike sounds when Ricochet’s Mysterium III triggers
  • Tweaked the concurrency settings asset that affects all music tracks