Warrior Architects updated to version on January 29, 2025.
Update Contents:
.Fixed an issue where towers and castles experienced delays when searching for enemies.
.Fixed errors in unit coordinate positioning and location when gathering animal meat.
.Corrected some logic in unit work behaviors and the process of returning to buildings when resources are full.
.Added an auto-deployment UI scroll bar (limited to auto-command mode) to set the number of troops deployed, with the maximum number determined by the player's level.
.Fixed an issue where towers and castles experienced delays when searching for enemies.
.Fixed errors in unit coordinate positioning and location when gathering animal meat.
.Corrected some logic in unit work behaviors and the process of returning to buildings when resources are full.
.Added an auto-deployment UI scroll bar (limited to auto-command mode) to set the number of troops deployed, with the maximum number determined by the player's level.