1. Nordhold: Origins
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  3. Hotfix


Wave 29 has been reinforced following WinWing's unbelievable triumph over what we thought was unbeatable. We didn’t believe anyone could make it through – until now! Prepare yourself for an even more intense battle in the next defense!

WinWing has been immortalized in our Hero Database, and now the top 10 players have a chance to stand beside him! Send us a screenshot of your rank on Discord, and we’ll ensure your legacy lives on in-game as a Hero name.

  • Problem solved that chests/banner events contained mismatched banners (as a result, chests can only be opened in the economy phase)
  • Wave 29 reinforced
Further Improvements:
  • Boss relic chests now contain 2 relics instead of 1
  • Oath of Bones (legendary Relic): Counter added
  • Elite monsters no longer spawn regularly in boss waves (elite chance = 0%) - elite monsters can still be spawned in the boss wave voluntarily through hero selection / oracle selection (as additive increase in opportunities)
  • Bugs in the visualization of the new elevation highlights solved