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The Atlas Problem Playtest News

Update 4, Bug fix patch 1

Bugs squashed, performance improved, and secret things added for the future.

The Work From Home* Update

*(*your home away from home, i.e., your work)*

[h2]Greetings, Station Managers[/h2]

We're pleased to announce that Update 4 for The Atlas Problem has been deployed and is now available for all playtesters. This major update introduces the Employee Journal and Handbook, new structures, and significant quality-of-life improvements to improve your performance enhance your experience on Atlas.

[h3]What's New in Update 4:[/h3]

- Employee Journal and Handbook: Your comprehensive guide to life on Atlas, including jukebox controls, a structures database, and tutorial tips so you can revisit what you've learned
- New Introduction Scene: A proper welcome to your new home away from home
- Welding Torch: New repair tool replaces the old repair hotkey
- New Structures: Point Defense Cannon, Redirector, and Wall to enhance your base defenses
- Numerous Quality-of-Life Improvements: Updated UI, more intuitive resource collection, clearer interactions, and a lot more
- 🎂

Update 4 is available now in the beta branch, and will be available by default on Monday, March 10th.

đź“‹ [View the complete patch notes here]

As this is still a playtest beta, we're particularly interested in your feedback on the new systems, QOL elements, and structures. Please share your experiences, bug reports, and suggestions on our Discord server.

Thank you for your continued support as we develop Atlas Problem!

*—The Atlas Problem Development Team*

Update 4 Patch Notes

(*Work environment may vary. Survival not guaranteed.)

[h3]New Features[/h3]
  • Employee Journal and Handbook! Your comprehensive guide to life on Atlas

    • Jukebox music controls and some new musical tracks
    • Settings menu moved from pause menu to journal for easier access
    • Complete structures database
    • Tutorial tips and milestones database for tracking progress
  • Introduction Scene: New opening sequence to better introduce you to Atlas
  • Welding Torch: A new "weapon" used for repairing structures, replacing the old repair hotkey
  • Flexible Round Timer:
    • The round timer is now much longer, and descent is permitted during rounds
    • Timer pauses during descent, but you cannot rest until your goal is completed
  • Navigation Aids: Onscreen compass and waypoint system to help you find your way
  • Relocated Fuse Switch: Now has its own underground hangout spot, with the generator to keep it company

[h3]New Structures[/h3]
  • Point Defense Cannon: Protect your base from incoming debris
  • Redirector: Control and manipulate the flow of resources
  • Wall: Basic defensive structure to protect your installations

[h3]Quality-of-Life Improvements[/h3]
  • Improved Repair System: Repair bar now behaves more consistently
  • Enhanced Build Interface: Better interaction between selecting structures and build menu
  • Smarter Resource Collection: Adjusted loot pickup so you only collect nearby resources of the type you're highlighting
  • Clearer Interactions: Onscreen text to indicate what you're interacting with
  • Streamlined Start: The Begin Round Button has been retired(🪦) - the elevator opens on its own and round begins automatically when you exit to the surface
  • 🎂

[h3]Known Issues[/h3]
  • For some users, the first time you use the NAV it will be dark on the surface
  • In rare circumstances, PDC Turrets may start spinning aimlessly; this will resolve at the end of the wave, or the next time they encounter debris
  • Sometimes the crosshair may vanish. Don't panic! It'll be back (after resting, or at worst quitting and reloading)
  • You maybe able to complete the round with the Anomalous Debris without completing the collection goal. You're welcome.


Thank you for your continued support as we develop Atlas Problem! Report any issues or share your thoughts on our community Discord server.

—The Atlas Problem Development Team

The Refactoring (Version 0.3)

Hey everyone! We have a very big patch today, which we’ve been working hard on for the last few months.

You’ll notice a lot of UI changes (more than it’s worth listing), as well as some gameplay changes, especially to construction and collection of resources.

Behind the scenes, most of this update was about us totally rebuilding a lot of the systems driving the game to be more robust and easier to extend (into the rest of the game beyond this demo). This is going to let us start adding many new structures, research, and story beats much more easily in the next few months

Known Issues
  • When loading from a save, damaged structures will not show the correct visual effects until they are partially repaired or take more damage.
  • The wave timer briefly shows the time from the previous round when a new wave starts.
  • Some shadow glitches are visible on the ACV drones when viewed through the control room display screen.
  • If the ACV drone gets hit in the right way by debris it will get knocked on its side; Sweepy has no ability to recover from this, please put it out of its misery if this happens (recycle it). ♻️
  • Pausing while taking damage sometimes makes the pause menu buttons unclickable; in this event, the P or Esc keys will still work to unpause.
  • Very rarely, structures will load from a save i incorrectly rotated.
  • Timing on the subtitles (both on screen and on the holo table) is still being fine-tuned.
  • In some cases the visor will not be enabled correctly. You’ll be okay without it for now.

As always, join the Official Discord for discussion and to report bugs!

Minor Patch: v0.2.9.4

[h2]Patch Notes Summary[/h2]

[h3]New Features[/h3]

  • Tutorial Enhancements:

    • Added multiple tutorial pauses to explain new gameplay elements such as ruins and loot deposit systems.
    • Adjusted tutorial timing and improved clarity in certain instructional segments.

  • User Interface Improvements:

    • Updated various UI elements to enhance visibility and user experience, including build menus, grid cell displays, and on-screen hotkeys.
    • New alerts added for navigation toggles, blown fuses, and build status.
    • Enhanced UI to reflect new and existing features, such as status lights, build progress, and real-time alerts during gameplay.
    • Improved build widget that consistently shows new updates.

  • Game Mechanics:

    • Introduced new functionality for managing resources and debris, including tracking debris hitting the base rather than total spawned.
    • Adjusted mineral grants at the end of rounds, including drone building range indicators.
    • Added and refined various gameplay elements such as elevator mechanics, fuse handling, and radiation safe zones.

  • Combat and Navigation:

    • Continued updates to navigation systems for better land and aerial vehicle control.
    • Added a new drone-related voiceover that triggers when the first drone is built.

  • Building Mechanics:

    • Extensive improvements to building placement, including line-of-sight checks and grid cell adjustments.
    • Added new models, textures, and materials for structures, enhancing the visual quality of the game.
    • Improved performance and functionality for build-related processes, including hologram setup and placement feedback.

  • Drone and AI Improvements:

    • Updated and optimized drone navigation and model, including visual and collision adjustments.
    • Improved the sweeper bot's functionality, with better pathing, loot targeting, and physical interactions with objects.

[h3]Bug Fixes[/h3]

  • Performance Optimization:

    • Multiple updates and fixes to the control room, including performance optimizations, UI enhancements, and functionality improvements.
    • Extensive bug fixes across multiple game areas, including collision issues, resource tracking, and build errors.
    • Various fixes and updates for models, textures, and materials, particularly in the drone and building systems.
    • Optimized gameplay through performance optimizations and improved overall game efficiency.

  • Visual and Audio Adjustments:

    • Implemented visual tweaks, such as toned-down emissive highlights and adjusted field of view for drone cameras.
    • Improved build sounds and added button sounds for enhanced auditory feedback.