1. Shallow Space
  2. News
  3. Proof of life

Proof of life

If you’re new around here don’t buy the game, it’s unsupported and a mess in its current form, we’re working hard to put it right.

Since thought a little more about the last post here when we mentioned that it’s too distracting to code and write blogs at the same time. I’m not happy with it that, I’m just not sure it’s true.

To stay focused this time, we’re splitting development into manageable chunks called sprints.

In the opening stages, a sprint will focus on adding a bunch of related gameplay elements - we implement only what’s planned and not a line of code or graphical detail more than needed. It’s not beyond the realms of possibility to incorporate some blogging about said elements at the end of a sprint.

It might even be useful to help clear ones head in preparation for planning the following sprint.

The truth is that writing to you is enjoyable and a major part of the journey, but is Steam the place for such posts? Especially when there’s a game client up that isn’t currently supported - we don’t want to market that, I wish there was a fat pause button on Steam but there’s not. So it might be best to leave up a ‘this is currently f**ked’ post and come back here when we have something concrete and playable.

Phoenix, flames, all the jazz.

The news everyone is waiting for here is ‘the new game client is here’ and as mentioned it’ll be a little while before we see that.

But there is plenty to talk about along the way, and when the cogs of the machine are oiled and we’re moving with gusto, it’ll be time to scour the comments and forums for your opinions (good and bad) and that can’t be done unless you have something to talk about.

Maybe the answer lie somewhere in-between, I don’t know - has anyone ever tried to resurrect a game from the dead?

Anyway, the last update was a bit lame, so I come to you with PROOF this time, proof of life if you like.

We’ve relaunched the blog, filled it with all the various short stories that John Harper, our resident scribe, has written over the years. There is hours of lore to read already and i’m hoping John will come back and help put even more together.

Like you I’ve got to build his trust too, I’ll keep you posted on that.

There’s also an entry on the progress of development so far on the server components. Along with another article musing about the parts of the game we plan to pull into the new game client, and we talk a bit about the parts that don’t quite work. We also get a sneak peak at the game client just to prove there is actually some activity happening there.

I’ll try and keep the posts shorter this time around, 500 words or under - I know I can waffle on a bit.

That’s better, this is a better way to end the year - apologies dished up, a shiny new blog and a renewed sense of focus. Next year we’re going to KICK ASS.