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Sunless Sea News

Bug Fixing Patch v2.2.11.3212

  • Save files now load correctly via the Continue button on the title screen when the steamcloud_saving.vdf file is present
  • Buy 10 options have been added to Avernus/Naples for Fuel and Supplies
  • Lots of typo and grammatical fixes

Bug Fixing Patch v2.2.11.3212

Hello, zailors!

Quick little update to fix the Steam auto cloud issue that's been bugging many of you.

Full notes:

  • Save files now load correctly via the Continue button on the title screen when the steamcloud_saving.vdf file is present
  • The steamcloud_saving.vdf file will be automatically deleted when loading the game through non-Steam clients
  • Buy 10 options have been added to Avernus/Naples for Fuel and Supplies
  • Lots of typo and grammatical fixes

Happy zailing!

WDC World Oceans Day Charity Sale

We're delighted to offer Sunless Sea, Zubmariner and Sunless Skies in the World Oceans Day sale this year.

If you're already a Sunless Sea player, this is an ideal opportunity to pick up Zubmariner at 50% off in the knowledge that any damage you do to our imagined unterzee-beasts can be metaphorically offset by our contribution to WDC. We'll be donating 30% of our net profits from the sale event to WDC to support their conservation work.*

WDC is the leading global charity dedicated to the protection and conservation of whales and dolphins. WDC defends these remarkable creatures against the many threats they face by fighting to stop whaling, end captivity, prevent accidental entanglement and deaths in nets and create healthy seas. They also advocate for the vital role that whales and dolphins play in fighting climate change and keeping our planet healthy. Their vision is a world where every whale and dolphin is safe and free.

If you want to read more about WDC, you can do so here: https://uk.whales.org/

You can find many other amazing games in the sale here: https://bit.ly/OceansDaySteamSale

Thank you for joining us and for supporting WDC!

*30% of our net developer revenue from this sale will support Whale and Dolphin Conservation. Whale and Dolphin Conservation is a UK registered charity (no. 1014705)

Mask of the Rose now has a demo!

Today it’s been exactly a year since Mask of the Rose was funded on Kickstarter, and we've just released a demo of the first act, available right now on Steam!

Offering a condensed version of Act I of Mask of the Rose, you’ll be able to explore select locations across Fallen London, introduce yourself to some key characters and encounter Mr Pages, one of the mysterious new Masters who have recently taken over London, in its office at the Bazaar.

At the opening of Mask of the Rose, Mr Pages has employed your housemate, Griz, who has in turn found a few pennies’ work for you as census taker. The census goes some way beyond the expected (Surface census forms never did ask if anyone in the residence was in love), so you’ll need to approach conversations with care to find out all you need to know.

Demo Feedback

We're really excited to know what you think about exploring Fallen London from this perspective for the first time. The very best places to talk about it will be the Steam discussion forums for Mask of the Rose, or if you want to join one of our community spaces, there's Discord, our forums, and the Fallen London subreddit.

There are a few things it’ll be useful to know before you send feedback:

  • In the final game there will be a text log, so you can scroll back through conversations
  • There will also be audio sliders under Settings
  • And of course, there will be saving in the finished game (the final version of Act I will be fleshed out from this version, so carrying choices over wouldn’t be possible).

Spotted a bug?

The demo has been through our internal testing, but if you see any bugs or typos we missed, please let us know by emailing [email protected], attaching your player log. Here are some instructions to help you find your player log.

We will probably only update the demo if something pretty bad has slipped through, but this will let us fix everything before we release the full game. Thank you!

Release Date News

We have also announced that Mask of the Rose will release in Oct/Nov this year. Hopefully this taste will keep you going until then!

As ever, your friends,
Failbetter Games

Mask of the Rose is now available to Wishlist on Steam

You may have seen that we Kickstarted a new game in the same universe as Sunless Sea in February this year. Now we're pleased to announce that it has a shiny Steam page!

Mask of the Rose is a romantic visual novel, so somewhat different to Sunless Skies and Sunless Sea. However, it's set in the same universe, and brings all of our expertise in writing deep, surprising, meaningful stories, this time on a more personal level.


Thanks to an unknown bargain, London now resides in a vast cavern under the earth. Down here, the sun doesn't shine, and Parliament has sunk into the Thames. Queen Victoria never emerges from her palace. Cats spy on their owners and whisper their secrets abroad. The fabric of strait-laced Victorian society has begun to fray.

New Masters are in charge. Why are they so… tall? And always cloaked? And why are they so interested in love stories?

Even death itself has a twist here: the first murder victim since the Fall is feeling much better, and keen to see justice done. Unfortunately, as the doctor who treated him immediately before he expired, your housemate Archie is the prime suspect...

  • (Re)invent yourself: who were you before the Fall? Who will you be now?
  • Create outfits from a selection of clothing and unusual accessories to unlock different story options
  • Fall in love with a cast of diverse Londoners, each with their own secrets
  • Matchmake among your friends, or seek love for yourself (by any definition you like)
  • Write love stories in a delightful minigame, and use them to impress the new Masters
  • Pick up odd jobs to earn money and gather resources. How are you at rat catching?
  • Solve the first murder since the Fall, with the assistance of the victim
  • Discover cosy, mysterious and magnificent locations in a dark and delicious version of Victorian London
  • Seek deeper and deeper secrets over multiple playthroughs

We hope you'll take a look at Mask of the Rose, and wishlist to find out more about romancing bats!