1. Warranty Not Included
  2. News
  3. Warranty Not Included is now available on Steam!

Warranty Not Included is now available on Steam!

What is Warranty Not Included?

It’s a thrilling VR shooter that combines skill, precision, and action-packed fun. With a variety of weapons and challenging gun ranges, this game is perfect for both casual and hardcore VR enthusiasts.


[h2]3 Unique Training Grounds:[/h2]
Each training ground brings its own twist to the challenge—be it location, environment, or game mode.
  • Alpha Base: A desert-themed firing range with 24 randomised pop-up targets. Ideal for sharpening your reflexes.
  • Bravo Base: An indoor range with elevation challenges that test your vertical and horizontal tracking.
  • Charlie Base: A skeet-shooting-inspired outdoor range near an active airfield. Track and shoot moving targets across a semicircular course of 24.

[h2]7 Distinct Weapons:[/h2]
Each weapon features unique handling, animations, and audio. Which will be your favourite?
  • Pistol: M1911
  • SMG: MP9
  • Assault Rifle: AR-15
  • Light Machine Gun: M249
  • Shotgun: SPAZ-12
  • Sniper Rifle: L96A1
  • RPG: Because who doesn’t love a good explosion?

[h2]Climb the Online Leaderboards:[/h2]
Compete with players worldwide! Each recruit can battle for the top spot on the global leaderboards for each weapon and training ground. Can you become the ultimate #1 Recruit?

Warranty Not Included is available to purchase now on Steam!