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Coloring Game 5 News

Update 0.2.0

[h3]Added mode selection when reducing the color palette.[/h3]
The new mode works for images that have an original palette of 512 colors or less.

Previously, only one mode - absorption mode - worked when reducing colors. The color with the smallest number of pixel occurrences was removed from a pair of colors (close in the palette), and its pixels were recolored in the remaining color.
Now a new mode - color mixing - has been added. In a pair of colors, taking into account their weight (the number of pixels of a given color) is mixed and a new color appears, which is used to paint all the pixels of this pair of colors.

On the example of this picture, you can see how it works when you reduce the palette by two colors.

Original picture, 10 colors.

Absorption mode, 8 colors.

Mixing mode, 8 colors.

Comparison of modes.

If you suddenly missed the release of Coloring Game: Girls 2, hurry up.


Release Coloring Game 5.3

Coloring Game 5.3 release (a day earlier than the original release date).


Don't forget that the release of Coloring Game: Girls 2 is coming soon.


CG 5.2 release and CG 5.3 announcement

The release of the second addition to Coloring Game 5.


Adding CG 5.3 to the wishlist.


CG 5.2 Add-on Announcement

On December 12, the second addition to Coloring Game 5 will be released.


The exact release date for CG: Girls 2 has been revealed.


Small update 0.1.1

Detected cases when the game having a connection to the steam client saves all progress, but does not activate achievements.

The problem is most likely either in the work of the steam client, or in the third-party library used to interact with it.
I can not influence their work. It has been experimentally determined that when restarting the game activation of achievements works normally.

To solve this problem, and to avoid replaying previously completed pictures, we have added a forced activation of the achievement when selecting a level, if the picture is completed.

If you encounter this problem, restart the game and select the desired levels.