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  3. The Best Builds in Moria... so far!

The Best Builds in Moria... so far!

Dâmat zil-asnag nâmaru Khazad-dûm‍
Time to rebuild Khazad-dûm to splendor!

-image courtesy of Firemanedavy

When The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria lands on Steam, players will get access to a full suite of building mechanics and building parts. Early in the game players have to focus on building to survive and advance through the long dark. But eventually the elder players begin to truly rebuild Khazad-dum however they like! So we wanted to let everyone show off their work, and give you a peek into the kind of community you're joining on August 27!

In Discord our PS5 and Epic players entered a recent community challenge to show off their favorite builds. Check out the dev team’s favorites in this video where we hold our very first "Awards Show" !!

[h3]Build Awards 2024 Winners;[/h3]

[previewyoutube]Best Overall Build: Sleeper_Agent[/previewyoutube]

And if you haven't yet, hop on over to join our Discord and keep an eye on the #rtm-announcements and #dev-updates channels for more info!