1. The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria™
  2. News
  3. Dedicated Servers 1.0 - What to Expect

Dedicated Servers 1.0 - What to Expect

Hello Moria Community! As January comes to a close, the dev team has been busy prepping our next update: the full release of dedicated servers.

The dedicated server alpha was a big success. We originally planned on giving out 100 keys but there was so much energy we ended up giving out almost a thousand. And the Discord channel #ds-chat became one of the busiest on the server. Thank you to everyone who tested it and sent feedback, crashes and bugs.

Keep an eye out in February for this update to go live. In the meantime, here is a preview of the biggest changes from the alpha:

[h3]Advanced Join Methods: [/h3]
  • Join servers directly through IP and domain name!
  • Server history for quicker re-joins of your favorite servers!

[h3]Cleaned up Kicking & Blocking[/h3]
  • Remove your AFK friend so you can sleep (but not block them!)
  • Better username management!

[h3]First Version of Player Permissions[/h3]
  • Manage who is allowed to build or use materials!
  • Recent player history!

[h3]Performance Improvements[/h3]
  • Better CPU performance!
  • Much smarter flying creatures!

For the full rundown please click here https://www.returntomoria.com/news-updates/ds-1-0-what-to-expect. Or to jump into the details with your fellow players come join us on Discord, and don't forget to check out our guides and helpful info in all the DS- channels!